Watch Me Burn - Comments

  • such.a.softer.sin

    such.a.softer.sin (110)

    United States
    This story scared the living piss out of me. I've been dying and trying to find a good story that has to do with demons and I finally found it here. I did not expect to find something THIS good. it completely blew my mind, well done. :)
    February 10th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • XSecret_SuicideX

    XSecret_SuicideX (100)

    United States
    OMG! This is beyond words. I loved it.

    Your descriptions, and…I don’t know… its just mind blowing. I didn't think anyone could write this good. Hell, I can read horror stories without even blinking at the descriptions they put in, but you have me shaking, and believe it or not I almost threw up! I mean DAMN! It was really good, so powerful, it was like I was there watching everything play out and not being able to do anything, you had me feeling useless, like Frank kind of felt by watching Gerard, when he was withering around on the ground in pain. Anyway, I don't know if you meant for readers to get that feeling, but I kind of felt like I had to do something. Yes, I completely forgot this was a STORY till I reached the end. I don't even remember hitting the button for the next chapter...that's how into it I was. My whole body was tense when Frankie ran from Gerard, because I thought he was going to get killed, and I felt like I had just ran a whole freaking marathon at the end of the story, because I had unknowingly held my breath for the whole third chapter. It’s a good thing I’m a fast reader, and even better that even though I read fast I can still process/understand what I’m reading. Also I still feel sort of sick too. You are amazing. You (as I am sure you’ve heard before, if not then no one can see how truly (although unfairly) talented you are) have amazing talent at putting your readers into an almost everlasting mind-fuck. Great job, really, I’m just utterly blown away.



    I went back through the all three chapters, and was amazed that I only found one thing wrong. Third chapter, fourth “paragraph” second word…

    "As he organ groaned to life inside the church"

    Should be…

    “As “the” organ groaned to life inside the church”

    Simple typo, most likely a slip of the finger. Can’t really fault you on that since it happens to me all the time, though no one is nice enough to point it out…anyway I might have missed something but I’m pretty sure I didn’t, could be wrong. Just fix it when you have the time. I had to go through it after reading it the first time, to see if you had any mistakes, because I was so into it that I didn’t notice anything wrong, also doesn’t help that I’m dyslectic and miss the simplest of spelling mistakes. I was really hoping you didn’t have anything wrong, because it was such an amazing piece of work, that I really didn’t want to have to say anything agents it. Still a tiny mistake like that can be (and has been) over looked the first time. Really, I don’t think many will notice it the first time they read it. The only reason I’m pointing it out to you is because I love the story, and even though it doesn’t hurt it, fixing it would make it so no one (who’s completely rude about it) will point it out and say that it ruined the whole thing (seriously there are people like that).

    Please don’t get mad, and I hope I didn’t sound mean when showing you the typo, really it wasn’t my intention, since one I never met you and two I really enjoyed this story.


    P.S- Sorry for the really long comment, I tend to get carried away, it was shorter but I didn’t want to double post so I just edited it, hence the bracketed edit about half way through.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 08:16am
  • stay weird

    stay weird (100)

    United States
    I read this on ficwad not too long ago but I just reread it again and I have to tell you it was just as brilliant as the first time. Definitely one of my favorites. Great, great, great job. :)
    December 3rd, 2010 at 08:06am
  • Beast In Repose

    Beast In Repose (150)

    Excuse me while I go die for a minute, my mind cannot comprehend just how amazing this was. This story gives a whole knew meaning to the term "mindfucked". You, my fellow, have just slipped up into a tied position for first on my list of greatest things I have ever read, betting tens of thousands of other works. Feel privelidged? So you fucking should. My mind still cannot embrace how amazing this was, and I'm about to go to bed and sit up staring at the ceiling with the image of Gerard huddled between the dresser and the wall or whatever he was between, and the amazing battle of love that Frank and in turn Gerard just faced and how you, along with the My Chem boys, have just completely anihalated any hope of me ever being happy and finding a man that meets certain expectations.

    Just a quick question, have you been through this? Have you ever suffered a possessed boyfriend? Because the way it was written, it either sounded like a movie or a fucking memory, and I don't give a fuck which one it is. You know what, it's that fucking awesome that it should be a movie. If I ever end up a director (unlikely but eh) I'm totally coming to you and we shall turn this into a movie. Now, I know that alot of this is pointless, but as stated before, my mind cannot possible even begin to comprehend every fiber of pure bliss that is this story, but this is my sad attempts at. And I thought that you deserved this, because you deserve to know how this has affected me.

    And for future reference, I will read this again. And I don't read book again a second time, no matter how short or awesome. So that is saying something. I couldn't even push myself through Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire a second time, nor James Herbert's '48. Now that should give you some retrospect as the the sheer mindfuck I am suffering.

    And believe me, I will comment again!
    December 2nd, 2010 at 03:26pm
  • boblovesme

    boblovesme (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've read this through twice now, I love it. I'm gonna go check out your other stories now =)
    September 27th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • Straight Up Creepy.

    Straight Up Creepy. (100)

    United States
    Complete luff. Everyone should be forced to read this. *nods*
    September 27th, 2010 at 12:40am
  • Lithium Lullabies

    Lithium Lullabies (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry if this comment isnt meaningful for you, i'm practically falling asleep at the computer- but your story had me fucking wide awake, but now that i'm done reading it, and it's like 3 am, i dont think i have it in me to write just how spectacular this is.

    I mean, i agree with the comment above. I love how weaved comedy, horror and romance all into one story. I mean, it's pretty crazy if you ask me.

    This will forever be one of my favorite stories of all time. Through the entire thing, not one time was i bored. It constantly kept my curious and hooked- so well done.

    You truly are an amazing writer- and if you choose to make a career out of it then I, like Mary Jane up there ^^, will absolutely buy your books :D

    September 26th, 2010 at 09:46am
  • Sweet Mary Jane

    Sweet Mary Jane (100)

    United States
    Jesus H Christ....

    I am completely and utterly, 100%, head over heals, in love with this story. I love how you've created the perfect blend of comedy, romance and horror- and it's so beautifully written it's sickening.

    I just want to read it again, it was so fucking good- but i wont, because it's crazy long. Well, not tonight anyways. I may come back and read it some other time because it's just that awesome.

    The first chapter was my favorite- not going to lie. It was wonderful. I cant believe you dont have more comments on this- it kind of pisses me off, and i'm not even the one who wrote it. lol

    So, thanks for entertaining me with the glory that is your writing. When you're a famous you better make this into a long novel or something because i'll be wanting to buy it :3
    September 26th, 2010 at 09:39am
  • Lithium Lullabies

    Lithium Lullabies (100)

    United States
    Oh my god.
    I posted this on my facebook hoping to get you some more readers. It's absolutely amazing, and i cant begin to explain how in love i am.

    The first chapter affected me in a way that really surprised me- and i have a feeling that this could actually change my life O.o which sounds gay, but yeah, its true.

    Your writing style is absolutely hypnotic and beautiful.

    Please continue? :3
    September 12th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • Annalia

    Annalia (100)

    This is well written and really carries me along. I have to keep reading lol.
    September 11th, 2010 at 11:45pm
  • Frank_Iero

    Frank_Iero (100)

    United States
    yay! this is so awesome!
    i really enjoyed reading it all and i cant wait for part two :D
    September 8th, 2010 at 07:41am