Children - Comments

  • I've always been fascinated by drabbles. I have no skill in this at all, as it's hard for me
    to write only 100 or so words. I really liked this, drabble, and I thought it was well executed.
    Like everyone else has said, this is so real. I've thought about it before, but reading this made
    me realize this. I really like how you wrote that children are being pushed and pulled into the
    future that their parents, that society wants. Whether it's to fit in, or the future their parents
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:10am
  • Love that photo. I have it haha.
    How true is this?! God, I loved it, along with everything else you've written.
    I think a lot of people should read this, especially parents.
    It would really make them realize a lot of things.
    Great job, once again <3
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:07am
  • I know I've already commented but I really like this drabble. It's so... passionate.
    Anyway, I'm linking it up.
    If you'd like to see the blog, pm me!

    September 11th, 2010 at 07:19am
  • wow..... wow.

    I think this was well written, the perfect length, and I'm kind of speachless. How are you this good at writing? I need your skills, you're kind of amazing.
    September 11th, 2010 at 05:51am
  • This is great :)
    You stayed away from the feelgood stuff, and stuck with what the reality normally is.
    Well done :)
    September 10th, 2010 at 07:35am
  • I really like how you used that specific picture for your drabble. I’ve seen it around the internet a lot and I think it matched your drabble in a good way.

    The best thing about this piece is how true it is. Society really is driving us along with humans instinct to want to fit in. Some may argue that they don’t, but you always want to belong to a group of people whether their jocks or the metal heads/outsiders.

    I really can’t get over how well this was written and how well it flowed. This piece is very unique, I’ve never read anything like this. It was fabulous and you touched on a good point.
    September 10th, 2010 at 04:06am
  • I'm not really a Drabble reader but this was really good.
    I loved your ending by the way.
    This was actually scary to think about.
    And if course I'm quite fond of the banner (:
    September 9th, 2010 at 07:55am
  • The best part about this drabble, I think, is because you've managed to write about reality, about the real painful kind of real so poetically.

    And in a way, I sort of disagree with Chan and Bernadotte regarding it to be directed only at parents. To me, it represented children's eagerness to be accepted by society as a whole. In a way, I understand completely the emotion in this.

    Parents may mean the absolute best for their child, it's society's pull on them that leads to a lot of crap going down.

    Once again, I adore your simplicity and use of words. And your banner had me going o.O when I first saw it. Haha.
    September 9th, 2010 at 07:34am
  • I totally thought this story was going to be about the joy of kids, but like Among the living. said, there's a sense of reality in this. I happen to think that it's more like a drabble about parents raising us kids to who we are today? I don't think that it makes much sense, but meh, I tried xD
    I love the way you put your words together; it's like poetry, it's beautiful.
    Amazing job, once again! <3
    September 9th, 2010 at 07:05am
  • I like this one. It pretty tells you about today's generation. I wish people would get with the program! I don't l;ike parents who try to lives their lives through their children. They are the kind of parents who look for perfection. Talk about closed minded.
    September 9th, 2010 at 07:03am
  • There's a sense of reality in this that's undeniable and maybe a little frightening at the same time. I like it. It's short and to the point, but you managed to convey a certain point across quite well in such few words.
    September 9th, 2010 at 07:01am