So Heartless - Comments

  • This is super good! If you still go on Mibba, you NEED to update!
    August 2nd, 2014 at 08:48am
  • *Siigh*
    <3 In love. So much. Oh god, this is great.
    Though I'm really tired, the genius of this beamed through my tired haze. You have a great, simple writing style I wish we saw more of. <3
    September 25th, 2010 at 04:34am
  • I think I stared the picture for a few minutes before actually reading the story. It is just beautiful, and it goes great with the layout. The summery is what really captivated me. Everything about the first chapter just flowed perfectly. You added enough description to, as cliche as this sounds, paint a picture in my head.

    While the coffee was brewing, she hopped onto the kitchen counter, swinging her legs back and forth as she quietly hummed to herself.
    I love this line. It makes her seem childish for a little bit, but it really describes a sense of happiness.

    This really is a wonderful story!
    September 21st, 2010 at 03:43am
  • What I think?
    I think it's absolutely great.
    September 18th, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • I swear I commented on this before D:
    Anyways, this seems cute.
    I like the layout and the banner, they fit well with the story.
    Noah seems so...mean. Aha. The end of the second chapter he seems sweet but then he cancelled on her Grr
    But yeah. Very cute story.
    Good job (:
    September 18th, 2010 at 02:04am
  • Aw, another chapter. :D This makes me happy.
    I can see how frustrated they make each other. They seem like such a stiff couple, you know? Like they love, but they don't love each other as much as you'd think they should.

    He shouldn't have canceled on her. What an ass. -.-
    September 18th, 2010 at 12:19am
  • After their little wrestling match on the table, they were, yet again, freshening up before heading out to one of the parks for a picnic.

    . . . .eww. xD or it may not be what I'm thinking. I may just be a perv, but I think it's what I think I'm thinking. . . .YOU KNOW. Hahahaha.

    She wrinkled her nose once she realized he had hugged her from behind when he was still wet.

    Gasp! Was he in the. . the nuuude? Hahahaha.

    She tried to seem optimistic, she really did, but it felt force, like always. She lifted her eyebrows and made a smile to make it appear like everything was hunky dory, like it was no big deal that he was going and ditching their plans. "Pinky promise?" She gave him a look, holding out her pinky.

    Aww, this made me seem kind of sad, because I can feel her emotions because I know excatly what that's like. Being let down isn't fun at all. :(

    Anyway, this chapter was cute. As have all of the other chapters been. :) I really enjoyed this, because I just cannot get over how adorable their relationship is. But I have an awful feeling that it's going to be torn to shreds before it's all over with. Something is fishy about Noah. -_- haha.

    You're a fantastic writer. It's simple, yet it's very powerful at the same time. If that even makes sense. xD

    Fantastic update, love. <3
    September 17th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • <3 I agree with the person above me. The layout does, in fact, kick ass.


    The quote in the summary is actually one of my favorite quotes. I'm already into this.

    "I just need you to need me back." I say that all the time. It broke my heart, and I'm not even on chapter one, yet.

    Eeey, I wake up like she does!

    "Morning Sophia love." Comma after Sophia, I believe.

    Black hair, blue eyes. <3 Love that, on a guy.


    :D AMAZING! I remember that someone recced this to me, and I now see why. C: Fabulous job.
    September 17th, 2010 at 05:27am
  • I must admit, the layout made me squeal. It's just so pretty and ajsdhd. :)

    Secondly, I really like what little bit of this story you've written so far. It seems to flow well, and it's interesting. I'll be keeping an eye on it, for sure.
    September 15th, 2010 at 05:50am
  • I like how your characters are not rich, it just give a re-freshing sort of feel.

    I also like how your words flow, you description is nice as well. I'm looking forward to more of this (:
    September 15th, 2010 at 04:05am
  • This seems like a very interesting story so far. I was a bit confused by the boyfriend. At times he seemed almost abusive and controlling, but then he pulled a complete one-eighty.

    Other than that, I love your writing style, and I'm curious to see where this is going. I think I'll be subscribing.

    Great start!
    September 15th, 2010 at 01:19am
  • This is very, very adorable. Like, you don't even know. :) anyway, I really enjoyed this chapter, I did. I can feel that Noah isn't the most bomb-diggity boyfriend, though. :/ but I really can't wait to see what is in store for the future of this story! Please, update soon!
    September 13th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • I don't know what to say about this, to be honest. I love the way its written, and its adorable, but I want to know what the plot is. I have an idea, but I'm not too sure. I guess, both chapters leave me wanting more, which is a good thing. :D I'm looking forward to whats to come, like Brooke said above, I have the idea that their relationship isn't going to be the most amazing.
    September 13th, 2010 at 01:37am
  • This is so incredibly cute. I read both chapters because I honestly want to know where it goes. It's so light and sweet, but from the summary, I can tell their relationship is going to go downhill. You're doing a great job so far, I really do love it!
    September 13th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • I love the layout and quotes! I'm not too sure what abusing power is supposed to getting at though, maybe he's abusing the fact that he has her wrapped around her finger?

    You've got really pretty and flowery descriptions but not enough to get me lost, I like that.

    I'm a little iffy about what to think about the story, to be honest. Like, I can't decide whether or not how the father-daughter type relationship is cute or going to turn for the worst. He's a giant douche and then he's such a sweetie.

    God I can't decide! Which means I'll keep my eye on this.
    September 12th, 2010 at 11:53pm
  • The beginning of this chapter portrayed him as a jerkface but as I got to the end, he seemed very sweet. I like how Sophia seems some what stubborn on her opinions and such, but I don't really like how she's swayed by him, aha. She's a good character. :) Not that you need me telling you how amazing she is. ;) <3

    I really love this update. :)
    Other than a few sticky spots, it's really nice.

    Amazing Job. :)
    September 12th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • She awoke with a start that morning, her eyes snapping open to welcome the morning sun. Blinded momentarily, the woman shields her eyes with her hands, slowly running them down her face.

    It should be "she awakes". It's present-tense you're trying to convey, I assume.

    Okay, and then you switched back to past-tense with the next paragraphs...I'm sort of confused which tense we're in, exactly?

    This reminds me very oddly of Lamb to the Slaughter. Haha. :D

    I love it. <33


    September 12th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • I'm loving this!
    September 12th, 2010 at 05:04pm
  • I'm subscribed to this, as of now.
    I must agree, the details you use in this, is beautiful
    I love what you do with the words.
    The layout is stunning.
    I can't wait till you update!
    Great job<3
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • Just saying; You could probably get rid of that tiny blue wording in your picture by changing whichever one it is (it's either the story title or the chap title) to a more picture matching color. Like since it's mainly on the window side of the picture, a brown perhaps? (:

    The layout's really pretty by the way. :) Almost calming and super lovely. The banner is cute.<3 (:

    Look at you woman. :D You're all amazing and captivating with your detail. (: It's all flow-ie like a river and I can just picture myself floating in that river of awesomness, and grabbing line after line of beautiful detail to stay afloat until the end of the river. :) Hopefully you take that burst from my awkward imagination positively and not negatively. xD It's meant positively, I promise.<3

    I really like the name Sophi(e/a) haha. (: It just screams cute to me.<3 :) So it's like "YES!" To read a story with a character named that. :)

    I'm def. eager to see where this goes. :)
    September 12th, 2010 at 12:17am