Tears Don't Fall - Comments

  • fireplaguemartini

    fireplaguemartini (100)

    United States
    that was amazing. it was so cool to have the story coming together from three different views or scenes. you did that wonderfully and it wasn't very confusing at all. it tied together so perfectly; couldn't have possibly done better myshelf! :) great job!!
    February 22nd, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Contest Judging.

    The Layout isn't my favorite I won't be honest. And I really can't stand A7X stories normally they always end up in the entire band raping somebody and then the one being raped just loves it so much and it grosses me out. But any who. I am so glad that you didn't take that route. The layout hides the very awesomeness that this story is. Normally when one has a pretty layout it just enhances the story and everyone wants to read it, you know? Nonetheless, I enjoyed this very much. XD
    November 2nd, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • TragicallyBeautiful

    TragicallyBeautiful (100)

    United States
    This was F***KING amazing, Just had to let you know. I loved the way you did the POV change with the alter ego, and i fucking loved the ending, i kinda didn't see that coming but in a way i did, if you know what i mean, ok i'm done babbling now....LOVED IT!!!! sorry had too XD
    October 5th, 2010 at 05:49am
  • Beauty.of.Failure

    Beauty.of.Failure (100)

    United States
    This was fantastic. Very different. And that is always good when it comes to stories. Great job!
    September 26th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • thedarksnowqueen

    thedarksnowqueen (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness, I read this because I was checking out the competition for CharmedLuna's contest, and I've gotta say, I've got no chance at winning!
    I loved this and it really tugged on my heartstrings! I wanted to cry because Matt killed himself :'(
    September 26th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • ignite this angel.

    ignite this angel. (100)

    Hi! *waves excitedly* Is Iggy! Finally here to comment on this!

    (... O.o Is so long... Hopefully I won't get tired and shiznit before finishing it)

    Okay, Iggy shall do this in parts. (You know, the stuff separated by the little page dividers and the lyircs. Okay? Okay :)

    Part One: Okay, damn you. I already know exactly what's going on here, and you've still got me in suspense. Seriously, how can you even do that?
    STOP WITH ALL THE AH-MAZE-ZING-NESS, GRAMPAA. JUST STOP. (But don't really; no matter what I say, I actually enjoy it.)

    (And why is everything a 'gelid breeze'? Like, I feel smart for knowing what gelid means when all my friends don't, but still. Eh, whatever. Iggy enjoys the puny victory she gets (Even though no one even knows about said 'victory'...))

    Part Two: Wow. That was beautifully written. (And not like that drabble that I told you about. The one where the writer put the status as 'Beautifully written :)' when it wasn't even all that great. Yeah, not like that.)

    Curse you for being so mcuh better than me. (Well, actually, not really. Iggy doesn't mind all that much.)

    In all seriousness though, that was so... I don't even know what to say. 'Twas good :)

    Part Three: Oh, god, that was intense. ...Iggy does not want to imagine Matty (Gah! You have me doing it too!) doing such things.That's just...

    Anyways, again, it was written well. A little too well, maybe...
    Do you have some professional writer on call for you or something? If you do, ship them over here. I could use me some of that talent.

    And the thirst for blood bit... Zomg, is he part vampire? (...Iggy's afraid to go to Uproar, now... (Hahaha, no I'm not. I want some merch.))

    Part Four: Zomg, no way. Iggy thinks she figured it out.

    Screeching of tires set him off, her almost being taken away, lots of blood... There was some sort of car accident, wasn't there? And after that, every time some damn driver was being a douche, he just turns into some psycho who needs to murder people.

    Ah, well whatever. I'm just going to continue to think that throughout the rest of the story, until I'm either proven right or wrong.

    Part Five: So sad! Grampaa, your stories are getting to deep for Iggy. Iggy does not want to start crying at the computer again. (But thanks to you, she's a lot more tolerant of emotional things, and can handle more than she could just a year ago :)

    That part was just way to amazing. Now I'm sure you have some writer on call. (Seriously, get them to do stuff for Iggy. It'd be nice :)

    Part Six: Aww, poor Matty. Again, too emtional for Iggy's liking. You're not allowed to be this good at writing. You're sixteen, you should be writing those damn stories about Princes in an arranged marriage to average emo girls.

    But all in all, it was amazing. Don't let anyone tell you any different. (Iggy will go after them next time around. (Oh yes, fear the almighty Iggy Piggy.))
    September 25th, 2010 at 11:02pm
  • HailMisery

    HailMisery (100)

    I LOVED IT......made me choke..... it was sad but very well written ^_^
    September 22nd, 2010 at 05:21am
  • crazie_biatch

    crazie_biatch (100)

    wow! this was amazing! i really felt for Matt. He was just protecting her and she didn't know it! sad that he killed himself and it goes to show what a person feels when they do have some sort of disorder. This story is very powerful and it made me cry! Good luck to you in the contest!
    September 20th, 2010 at 08:13am
  • CharmedLuna

    CharmedLuna (100)

    United States
    This is really, really good! First of all, I like your banner because it shows the good and bad Matt. I love what your story is about because I'm taking pyschology this semester and we were talking about 'personality disorders' and it just helped me understand what the story is about. Your description tugged my heart; Matt's feelings were so real, and I felt bad for the dude, lol. I liked how you put the lyrics of the song in the story, it's really good. I really enjoyed this :)
    September 19th, 2010 at 08:20pm