Little Nymph - Comments

  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    All these comments above me suffice apart of what I was thinking. This was purely beautiful. It’s funny how the other day on mibba, I was talking about how I would love to read a Greek Mythology story and what do you know: tehe:

    Your descriptions were beyond beautiful. My favorite line:

    I turn down an alley, the kind of place that inspires morbid thoughts and tell-tale hearts.
    October 8th, 2010 at 05:15pm
  • jane elliot .

    jane elliot . (100)

    United States
    This really was a beautiful piece of writing. You're so far above the level most of the writers around here are at. I'm super impressed.

    "I can feel the damp ink smudging under my soles, and for one insane moment I want to know which headline is bleeding on me."
    This, for instance, I just love. Your descriptions are unique an taunting--your imagery is so intriguing, I want to be there myself so view your scenes in person.

    And I'm so surprised that I found this piece relatable, given its subject matter. I totally owe this to your obviously honed writing style. And your title, which most people would have misplaced onto their story, is perfect here. Because even though this story seems to be set in the modern era, I actually had fleeting images of your girl as a little tree nymph and the chaser as a hairy satyr running through a forest or something.

    Your writing is an experience, which is so rare around here. Really great job. :)
    October 2nd, 2010 at 02:11am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    I agree wholeheartedly with all my fellow commentors. I've read some amazing drabbles on this site since I've been here, but this one has everything. It was descriptive, gorgeous, the narration had a - like The Way said - very sick pacing.
    I, however, would love to know what happened to that poor girl. That satyr was so freakin' creepy :| I'm in love with Greek mythology, but I never knew that they were sort of... creepy. Perverts, yes. Creepy, noooo. xD Anyways, did she end up escaping? Did she get wings? I happen to think that it would make a lovely story to continue.
    Amazing job, overall :D <3
    October 1st, 2010 at 07:21am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    That was GORGEOUS. I can't even. One of my absolute favorite drabbles on the site. The description was imaginative, but not overdone, and the narration had a very /sick/ pacing. It was just overall fantastic. It really paints a picture and forces you to juxtapose the Greek setting (as reinforced by the layout) and what the story itself tells you.

    skewing my bones past dead ends and boulevards
    I'm an alley cat's shadow, cowering behind a dumpster.
    I close my eyes and wish for wings.

    Just so, so brilliant. I am a fan <3
    September 27th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    First of all, lovely layout. And I'm in love with Greek Mythology, so I loved reading this.
    The characters seemed very real. I felt sorry for the girl. She just wanted to get away but he wouldn't let her D:
    I also want to know what happened. Did she get away? Or get wings? So great cliffhanger, but man. xD
    Very nice job (:
    September 26th, 2010 at 07:37pm
  • Socially!!!Awkward

    Socially!!!Awkward (100)

    United States
    This was chilling xD It was very dramatic, and scary for just a short story-ish contest thing-y :3 I usually don't like reading contest stories, but I really did love this one :D How it felt like you clawed your way up to her eyes, seeing things from her point of veiw, the fear clutching her insides..... Hahaha, now I'm being dramatic o.O lol.

    September 25th, 2010 at 07:09am