Mr. Boy - Comments

  • First off, I want to say that the layout is so lovely! :D I love those colors, and that banner is adorable. :3 The summary was short, but it was to the point and it caught my interest. I really love all the detail you use; the description of her bedhead and her zombie-like appearance. I should mention that you should watch out for your tenses – you switched from present to past in one sentence one time. As I went through, I noticed it a few times in a few other places. There’s also one misspelling – casuel should be casual in this sentence: The question seems to casuel, like it is a cinch to talk to a stranger he barely knows. Also, there are a few subject-verb disagreements – you had a verb for a plural subject, but it was only a singular subject. There’s nothing a quick read-over won’t fix. :) All in all, I thought it was very detailed, adorable, and I wish you would write more. tehe
    August 16th, 2011 at 12:25am
  • This is amazingly amazing.
    Coffee shop romances are just the best, so unpredictable.
    June 20th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • Oh lovely love how I love this.<3

    Every aspect of this story just captured me and just made me want to read further and further into this. The relationship between the roomate and the girl was soooo cute and sweet. Like Oatie said, it's almost like a best friend.

    The end was super cute when he just laughed. For some reason, I thought that was uber sweer and just plain adorable

    You create such a lovely place with words, deaire. I love all the detail and hard work you obviously put into this. (:

    Lovely Job. <3
    October 5th, 2010 at 12:09am
  • I've just read this again because I love it so much. I also linked it on my profile. I've also decided to write a story about this lovely boy, because of you. :)
    September 28th, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • I adore it. Every word of it, I loved.

    Her morning routine--my morning routine. Really, you've seemed to totally capture me here. The way her roommate took care of her, it was like my best friend. And I'm never late for class, so I would have felt just like she did when she showed up late. You really seemed to have hit the nail on the head there.

    I adored the way they met. I think I would have rambled on just like that at seeing him and being nervous, so you've once again done a good job at that.

    It was just so cute and I wish there was more! I'll get your one-shot up as soon as possible.

    Thanks again!! <33
    September 28th, 2010 at 03:54pm