Never Gonna Be Alone - Comments

  • I loved this lots <3
    November 12th, 2010 at 06:05am
  • This is like the cutest Jimmy story I've ever read.
    I'll admit, I was thinking in the beginning that he was leaving at the age of eighteen and that he'd be leaving for ten years and whatever.
    And that she'd never find him because of his death ... but I'm glad this was a happy story :)

    xoxo Lyn
    October 24th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • Ohh, this was absolutely amazing!
    The begining had my heart tumbling in my chest, I was so upset by him leaving, and how she figured she knew he would never come back for her. That all broke my heart.
    Their relationship seemed very cute, and when it seemed like he was never going to come back, I almost died. It was so depressing.
    The whole leaf thing-that was brilliantly clever. I applaud you on that :]
    When he came back, oh, I started tearing up! It was amazing, I was scared he wouldn't come back as well. I loved the humor he added with the "Who did you expect? Jesus?" [well, I'm not totally sure of the line XD] I laughed at that, and it lightened the mood a lot.
    And then she left with him, because he refused to leave her all alone ever again, that's cute.
    By far one of my favorite stories for Jimmy.
    Have I mentioned you are one of my favorite authors? I don't think I have. But you are.
    October 9th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • Commenting as I read:

    “You know I’ll come back, Autumn.” - I'm not exactly sure why but this line just pulled me in. It's such a short sentence but it says so much and I love that. It's a hook, line and sinker.

    The descriptions in the first paragraph are amazingly, capturing. I picture it vividly. ,and he could have sworn he felt his heart breaking when he saw the tears that lingered in her hazel-green-swirled eyes.. Amazing, completely amazing.

    Your style of writing definitely captivates me. It's like you can put me in the place and make me feel what they feel. I am an extremely picky reader but I'm adoring this. It's a very sweet, heartbreaking, tear-jerking one shot.

    She smiled as she saw the red, yellow, and orange leaves littering the ground, a testament that though time went on, some things didn’t change. I love this sentence. It just might be my favorite so far. If you look hard enough it's almost like a metaphor but not quite. Very good!

    I love the flash back words in the paragraphs following. It puts more emotion into it and ties it together with the flashback in the beginning of the story.

    Oh goodness, the emotions the came over me when he showed up there!!

    Overall this story is amazing!!! I give it five stars!

    The layout of the story was perfect too, not too eye catching to where I couldn't read it and perfect color choices as well as the picture.

    Bravo, my dear, bravo!
    October 4th, 2010 at 02:05am
  • Commenting as I read:

    First of all, I love the layout. Point blank. It's beautiful.

    It wasn’t as though the leaf had wanted to leave the tree behind. The breeze had forced it,

    Perfect. Comparison.

    “In two years, I will have been long forgotten.”

    I think my heart just broke. Thanks alot.

    “Yes.” She smiled a genuine smile. “How could I forget? I’m still picking leeches off from that day.”

    Made me giggle.

    She smiled as she saw the red, yellow, and orange leaves littering the ground, a testament that though time went on, some things didn’t change.

    You named the main character perfectly, I might add.


    Omg, you had me near tears when it seemed like he wouldn't come back. This was written so beautifully, and it had one of the best flows and rhythm I have ever read here on mibba. Now, I don't want you (or any fans) to take offense, but I'm not a big listener to A7X. I've only heard of them because of Rockband. I normally don't read the fanfics. But I must applaud you on writing this, because I know that when a person has a close connection to someone, it's hard to talk about, or in this case, write about. This was a beautiful piece, and I wish you luck on the contest.
    October 3rd, 2010 at 01:28am
  • Awwwww It's so sweet
    October 2nd, 2010 at 05:59pm
  • I loved it. I made me cry because of Jimmy, but what a great oneshot to start off the contest! Good job!
    October 2nd, 2010 at 02:18pm