Fly Away, Baby - Comments

  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    I love how the opening launches right into the piece; He can’t be dead, he just can’t I’m really curious as into who’s dead and how he died already and we’ve not even three sentences in.

    The next part, a flash back him thinking. Is he her boyfriend? Because by the sound of her reaction, he is. The emotion showed in this small part is incredible; I can feel her heart break and her head cloud up with pain. Brilliant, really, brilliant.

    The next paragraph tells us that yes, I was right and Michael was her boyfriend. It’s really depressing how she’s talking about him is so moving and how she calls him the love of her life. So, so sad. I just wanna hug her and make her feel better.

    She runs blinded by tears in the early hours of the morning, going nowhere in particular. I love this line; it’s so simple yet so amazing. We can see her emotions through this one line which actually doesn’t describe much.

    The ending three paragraphs are so upsetting. She really wants him back and she knows he won’t ever be able to come back. She doesn’t deserve to feel like this, she really doesn’t. And the last line. That last line blew my mind away and made tears form in my eyes. It was so touching, oh so touching.


    I loved the emotion of this piece and how it spilled into the reader. It was all just amazing, honest.
    October 5th, 2010 at 11:32am
  • lions

    lions (265)

    Break my heart, would you?
    That was so tragic and not to mention intense!
    You really can keep someone reading, and on the edge of their seat at that.
    Lovely job (:
    October 3rd, 2010 at 10:00pm