Les Bohèmes - Comments

  • fuqallok

    fuqallok (100)

    United Kingdom
    The chapters were all so short, but they all told this full length story. It was amazing.

    I felt as if I knew all eight of them, but I only knew the major aspects of their lives.

    I can't get over how touching this story is.

    Chapter 6, the drummer boy was definitely my favorite, though. It's definitely a chapter that made me appreciate life more and more. I loved how you described his heart beat as the beat of the drum as well. It fill my heart with joy and sorry; it did.

    This was truly fantastic.
    December 27th, 2010 at 10:44pm
  • an horse.

    an horse. (105)

    United States
    EDIT: I just realised that this was based on Rent. (I have a bad habit of just zipping through summaries.) I have never seen it and have no idea on what it's about, and I wasn't at all confused like I usually am when I read fanfics of unknown fandoms. It didn't read like any of the fanfics I've ever read. So, another kudos for you.
    December 23rd, 2010 at 06:22am
  • an horse.

    an horse. (105)

    United States
    I am going to attempt to review this. Just know, that I am really awful at this sort of thing. I apologise in advance.
    Okay, first I should start off by saying that I really love this idea. In Love It's terrific.
    the filmmaker
    "How do you document real life,when real life's getting more like fiction each day?"
    You have succesfully drawn me in, for sure.
    This chapter, although short, was effective. I envy your drabble-writing abilities. I especially loved the third paragraph ("The Ex, the roomie...")
    the songwriter
    I really love how you include a quote at the beginning of each drabble. :)
    The very beginning of this drabble is quite relateable, and the ending gives the reader something to think about for a moment. No negative comments at all, here.
    the dancer
    I loved how you made this one about an exotic dancer rather than a ballerina or something else of the sort. The ending is also lovely and bittersweet.
    the performance artist
    There was absolutely nothing wrong with this one at all, you wrote it as brilliantly as the others, but it didn't leave as much of a lasting impression as the previous chapters.
    the lawyer
    I have an interesting sort of love for lawyers. There was a long period of time in my life where I desired to be a lawyer. Again, you did a great job on getting the reader to ponder your work.
    the street drummer
    This one stood out quite a lot to me. The repitition of "the street drummer knows that he is dying" is a very nice touch.
    the philosophy professor
    For the umpteenth time, you're great at making the reader think instead of just devour and forget. I read this one more than once.
    the landlord
    Not as dramatic as the previous chapters, but a very good way to end it, for sure.

    All in all, you're a fantastic writer and this piece reminded me very much of Amelia Gray, specifically "AM/PM". (FYI, I absolutely adored that book.)
    December 23rd, 2010 at 06:17am
  • lucky luciano

    lucky luciano (950)

    United States
    This is by far, one of the best stories I've read on Mibba so far. The layout and banner is lovely, and I absolutely adore your style of writing. :D I didn't see many errors, except one really stuck out: they said you can't by love, I'm pretty sure you meant buy instead of by? I don't know...that's just what I saw...Other than that, I didn't see any other errors! :) Bravo! great job! I love how each chapter was layed out, no dialouge at all and i loved that fact! Again, great job, you're a talented author, that is clearly obvious, BRAVO! Keep up the good work! :)
    December 21st, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • audreyhorne

    audreyhorne (100)

    United States
    I thought this was really, really great. It was extremely well-written, and it leaves just enough mystery in each person's life. I think my favorite chapter was chapter 6, probably because of the repetition of "The street drummer knew he was dying..." I really liked how upbeat he was, you know? Maybe not upbeat but he kept trying and living each day. I loved all of it, though; the way it was described and the mood, and just everything. Great job. :)

    Oh, I think this sentence: He knows that is goes against everything he has been taught... is supposed to be "He knows that it goes against everything he has been taught..." It instead of is.
    I kind of wish I knew more about that characters. That's not a criticism, because I do like the way you wrote this, I just want to know more about their stories. And that's a good thing. :) Especially the Philosophy professor. What scar? What happened? This has been super long. So, sorry about that. Great job and keep it up. :D
    December 21st, 2010 at 06:09am
  • aubree james.

    aubree james. (300)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    The layout colour scheme is alright, but I don't really feel that it altogether represents the story.

    So I like that this is a series of drabbles, it's very interesting how they all tie together. Each one telling a different story, a story that in the most unique of ways relates to another.

    Either way, you're talented with drabbles and I enjoyed reading this.
    December 20th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I really loved this, though I'm not usually a fan of experimental stuff, you pulled this off very well. Even though it's a series of drabbles told from eight different perspectives, I felt like each one fed into the next, though I get that they're supposed to be sort of disconnected. I've never seen RENT, so I don't know the background story, but I liked that I could still understand what was going on.

    My favorite chapter was The Street Drummer, mainly just because I loved the analogy of his heartbeating and his occupation as a sidewalk drummer. I also really enjoyed The Landlord, and I felt like that was a great view to end it from and that chapter really worked to tie the story together.
    December 15th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    Beautifully written! I wouldn't normally read something like this, but since I was reading the sequel, I thought I would give it a gander and I like th little hints that you give. Vague and yet filling as to who it all is.
    December 15th, 2010 at 02:22am
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    I know I say this every update, but I adore this layout. And I'm excited to read the new update :).

    I like how you explain the Landlord's character. I think everyone doesn't like their landlord, because he is in fact the person who collects the money, looking like he doesn't care. But, in reality he really does. I can tell from this that he does. I like how he explains the people living in his apartment complex, I don't know how else to say it, i just like it.

    As usual, absolutely fantastic :).
    December 5th, 2010 at 04:11pm
  • Faryn_and_Adalia

    Faryn_and_Adalia (100)

    United States
    I really want to see some expansion!!!! Obviously, if that's not your plan don't let me plead you into it <3 But I love the little snippets you've showed us of everyone's lives- I definitely want more. My favorite was the street drummer, because of the thought that every street drummer knows he's dying. That's really very profound.
    November 30th, 2010 at 11:00pm
  • witch.

    witch. (100)

    United States
    This was truely amazing.
    I recently saw the movie RENT, and have, undoubtebly, become a RENThead.
    This was remarkably put together, and incredibly written.
    Each character was portrayed perfectly. I especially loved The Songwriter, I found myself connecting to it more than ever, as well as The Dancer.
    I really loved how you wrote about Angel without even mentioning how he cross-dresses. His character shone through even without this piece of information.
    You are really an amazing writer, and I can't wait to read more of your stories. ^-^
    November 26th, 2010 at 06:53am
  • chana300

    chana300 (100)

    United States
    Love it. so wow, I like description, and the soul, so sad that it end
    November 21st, 2010 at 06:41pm
  • baby freak

    baby freak (100)

    i really loved reading this! <3
    November 14th, 2010 at 08:21pm
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    I adore stories like this. How like, they all seem like they don't really have any sort of connection but they're all sort of connected together? And it's sort of like a deeper insight on all of those, which I like.
    Some parts are worded awkwardly, I admit, but it doesn't take away that much from it.
    I'm just waiting now for the sort of big BAM that pieces them all together.
    November 13th, 2010 at 07:34pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    This was an amazing way to end the story. We never really hear much about Benny's past in the show but you definitely captured his personality well and gave great insight into how he really must of felt. This was an amazing collection of stories and I plan on staying subscribed so I can come back to it. You're an amazing author. <3
    November 13th, 2010 at 02:47am
  • Saint.

    Saint. (450)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is fantastic. :3
    I loved the idea of just having little snippets to let the reader know a tiny little bit about the characters. Despite the chapters only being drabbles you managed to put a lot of emotion and detail into them. My favourite was The Street Drummer. It really stood out for me. Each beat that passes from his heart and through his fingers is really just a distant echo of the sands of life that are oh-so-slowly running out. This line was just... perfect.
    You're a really talented writer, keep at it. In Love
    November 12th, 2010 at 07:34pm
  • Undefined;;

    Undefined;; (150)

    United States
    This was simply amazing. I liked the layout and your style of writing. It is very unique and you have a beautiful way with words.
    November 11th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • Lunar

    Lunar (100)

    United States
    Just what I like; short and to the point, simple and sweet. I personally write short chapters for everything, so that's one reason why I love this. Another is the layout. It's fairly simple, but the picture makes it look perty, aha. I love the quotes on every chapter, they add to the atmosphere. I'd had to say that my favorite chapter is the first one. The thinker. Second favorite is chapter 6. Beautiful. Third place goes to chapter seven. Lovely. Nicely done.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • Ave.Maria.

    Ave.Maria. (100)

    United Kingdom
    This is a truly written beautiful story. I've never really read drabbles before, but I really enjoyed this, how you clevery tied together all the short insights into your characters lives. They were like little windows into poeple's lives and I absolutley loved reading them.

    I especially loved the filmaker and the street drummer. "The street drummer knows that he is dying. Each beat that passes from his heart and through his fingers is really just a distant echo of the sands of life that are oh-so-slowly running out." - is so beautiful, though a lot of people say this, you truly have a way with words. I can so see your writing being published. (:
    October 28th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Soooo I've never seen Rent before, but I've heard that it's a wonderful story :D Before I begin, however, I want to say that I looove the layout. It's so simple and lovely and it matches with the moods and the scenes a bit. Very nice (:
    Chapter 1: I like how this chapter isn't all about him being a filmmaker, but maybe just about him being able to think outside of the box and how he feels at that moment about everything that's happened to him. I like your word choices here. They're very sophisticated :D
    Chapter 2: I have little so say about this, since I'm utterly speechless. I...just love everything about this one. Marvelous <3
    Chapter 3: This one is marvelous too! No words, once again. These are all so beautiful. Gah, you're amazing (:
    Chapter 4: I like how this one is written in short bursts, not just one long paragraph filled with feelings. I can sort of get the performance artist vibe here just from those sentences. I think I love this sentence the most here: But a combination of the three, held together by a witty anecdote stuffed with metaphors? <3
    Chapter 5: There was a lawyer in Rent? Huh. Never expected that. Anyways, I love how sophisticated this one sounds. I mean, she's a lawyer. She's sophisticated xD Oh, and I forgot to mention that I love the quotes at the top of every drabble. It's a nice touch (:
    Chapter 6: This one. Just. Wow. <3
    Chapter 7: I officially have no words to express my love for this.

    HONESTLY, WHY DOESN'T THIS HAVE A MILLION COMMENTS?! No, really. Why? It's a crime. This is so amazing. I love this so much <3 Seriously, amazing job! <3
    October 28th, 2010 at 12:14am