Les Bohèmes - Comments

  • This chapter was gorgeous. I loved the first paragraph and it just completely captured his love for Angel. Loved it.
    October 26th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • I love the new layout! and tha banner is so pretty! ahh its gorgeous! The soft colors match really well with everything. YOu seriously did an amazing job. Of course, just like the rest of the chapters, you did amazing. the way you get so much in a little space is awesome! and i am wondering about his scar though :/ anyway, wonderful as always. :]
    October 26th, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • Absolutely fantastic.

    You can’t play the guitar wearing gloves.

    I don't know why, but that line spoke out to me the most. Everything I read was wonderful and perfectly worded. I love how in each chapter, so little is written and yet so much is told. It's beautiful, and a really original idea, too.
    October 25th, 2010 at 10:46pm
  • I’ve never been able to create a layout with brown, yet you do it so easily haha. Where did you find the picture for the banner? I like it very much.

    I’m very glad you asked for feedback, because I love drabbles. I want to congratulate you on hitting 100 words each. Most people don’t realize that the definition of a drabble is a short work of fiction, strictly 100 words in length.

    The quotes you chose at the beginning are lovely, where did you find them? I love your word choice, you’ve got a great range for vocabulary and you exercised it wonderfully. The details are amazing and they paint a nice, vivid picture in my head.

    In The Filmmaker I love how you can feel just how anxious and stressed he is.
    In The Songwriter I like how you added what chords he plucked. That detail made the whole situation appear realistic.

    The Dancer read a bit choppy but it still flowed. I especially loved how she stated that she has more dignity and that while she is surrounded by men who has come to see her, she only had one man on her mind. It gave almost a romantic air to her while she was in a crowd of sleezy men, I hope I phrased that in a way you can understand haha.

    The Performance Artist has a lot of spacing and in my own opinion did not flow as nicely because of that. In your previous drabbles you used paragraphs and they flowed well because of that. But I love that we hear her as she works and comes up with her idea’s. I think that’s brilliant.

    In The Lawyer, I can’t tell you how much I loved that we heard her struggle. You stressed how hard it is to get a case.

    I think The Street Drummer is my absolute favorite though. The first paragraph is so amazing that I’ve read it several times. I’ve never seen anyone be so descriptive and write like that before. A lot of people say they live by each day or go with the flow, but the street drummer nailed it better than the rest.

    Let me know when you put the last to up yeah?
    October 25th, 2010 at 12:49am
  • At first the banner didn't seem to fit with what you were going with, but then I thought about it. I must say you are a very smart person.

    I can honestly say I love the concept of this. I read all 6 chapters, m'dear. The fact that they're so short, and have so much detail into it makes soooo utterly amazing. I can more or less relate to all of them. Especially the songwriter. I like the quote things you put in the beginning of them.

    Amazing :}
    October 23rd, 2010 at 09:41pm
  • nnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngngg.

    So much.
    So hard.
    I love you, sugar.
    This is brilliant.

    "If you're cold and you're lonely,
    You've got one nickel only,
    With a thousand sweet kisses I'll cover you."
    In Love
    October 23rd, 2010 at 08:17pm
  • If we weren't comment swapping I wouldn't have chosen this to read, not because of the story because the story[so far] is very lovely. But just because of the layout. The colors are kind of bleb to me and I would've just been like ehhhh, upon seeing it. The bright layout colors kind of just ruin it. But the story my dear is fantastic. Like Cobain. said it's 'pristine'. You're incredible with words and vocabulary ,and just meck. I adore the way you write.
    October 23rd, 2010 at 07:08pm
  • Okay. I absolutely loved the layout!
    Even though the chapters are small, they tell so much! How do you do it!
    Your detail is so precise and beautiful. I could imagine everything happening right infront of me.
    Awesome job!
    October 23rd, 2010 at 05:49pm
  • First off, love the layout.
    And the story itself is so pristine.
    The details really jump out at you. You say so much about each character in such a short drabble.
    I especially loved the part about the dancer, where you said there was only one man on her mind. For some reason, that stood out to me.
    Great job; I loved this.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 10:51pm
  • Beautiful.
    "How do you document real life,
    when real life's getting more like fiction each day?"
    - That line made it for me. It captured me at the beginning, and stayed in my brain for the rest of the story. It defines your story, and life in the 20th century.
    The fact that you used it at the beginning of the story really captured the mood.
    Well Done!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • I really enjoyed chapter five and six, they're pretty good. Keep going! :D
    October 21st, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • I think this is the first time I've ever read something from you, and the only thing I have to say is I wish I knew about you earlier. The Street Drummer was beautifully written and lovely nonetheless. It made me smile and love this character in such small words. I love all there is about this person, because he loves the essences of life. The little that's left and my heart just goes out to him. And funny that the person above me said something about Rent, and I honestly thought about the aspect of that. I could see myself reading each of these chapters I’m intrigued now.
    October 21st, 2010 at 07:48pm
  • I absolutely adore Rent, so when I saw this on the List of one-shots and drabbles forum, I knew I had to read it. And I really liked it. You captured everyone's personality perfectly in only 100 words, something that is extremely difficult. I can't wait for the rest to be posted. (:
    October 20th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • I love, love, love the layout! I'm not usually a fan of bright colours, but it really worked and was so pretty and intriguing!

    I'll admit I don't know what the title means, but I was really interested by the summary - it's not the type of story I've ever come across before.

    I'll start by saying that I adore your style, I just really, really do. You choose each word so carefully, so there's just the right sentences and the words just slip off your tongue. It's almost poetic in a way, and the quote at the start was so beautiful.

    I especially loved the first sentence - 'Images flicker erratically before the filmmaker’s eyes.' - it just threw you straight into the story, and it was really good imagery. I could practically see it myself.

    Overall, I really, really liked it!
    October 19th, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • I seriously freaking love this layout! the banner is so pretty! That building is really pretty :] This summary did remind me of Rent! You did a good job of pertraying how you wanted too :]

    I like your writin so much! It's very mysterious like. But, amazing! I understand it though of course. But, I don't knwo how to explain it. Just, your writing is so good! It's flows smoothly, and it doesn't ever get boring. I also like how you had a chapter for each character, to kind of introdcue them, good character development strategy :]. I also like how you had quote in the begining of every chapter to represent it, that's really cool! I just really love this so much, it's very amazing. I know I keep saying it, but I truly mean it. You have some REAL talent. And I very much intend to see your work on a bookshelf some day :]. Please realzie I have never said that to anyone! Amazing job, wonderfuly written. Keep it up :]
    October 18th, 2010 at 11:59pm
  • This just keeps getting better and better. I love it. Keep wrting! :)
    October 17th, 2010 at 04:38pm
  • The layout is simple and... just very citylike. I like it, Roseh!

    The chapters are simple and interesting, and it almost feels like they're all the same person sometimes. I love the use of the words crystalline in the second chapter; it's one of my favorites. The dancer is probably my favorite chapter. For some reason i just like it.

    I love how you've found lyrics for every chapter; it fits so nicely it's interesting.

    I just like it. It's one of those stories you can't explain as to why you like it, but you just do.
    October 15th, 2010 at 07:09pm
  • wowwowwowwow! I don't understand how you don't have like....a billion comments.
    This is...so special, and unique, and extremely well written. The quote about the dancer is the one that really stood out to me, but I loved the chapter about the filmaker the best.
    October 14th, 2010 at 08:10pm
  • The next chapter is amazing! Wow, you really intruige me with this. Amazing job!
    October 9th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • The Performance Artist

    This was really interesting, actually. You are so simple and it works well for the style that you're going for. The concept of all these people wanting to be someone and trying to make their living in NYC is brilliant because it's what everyone does and I think a lot of people can relate to it. But a combination of the three, held together by a witty anecdote stuffed with metaphors? I liked that line and I don't know why. It just stands out to me. I plan on going back to read all of them though, just because this one was so nice.
    October 9th, 2010 at 09:38pm