Killing Loneliness - Comments

  • RavenRestrihktd

    RavenRestrihktd (100)

    United States
    Wow. o-o This was amazing. :'D I wish there was some way to rate this; I'd give it a top-notch score. It was really hard to get past Brian's name, though, haha. My mom is dating a guy named Brian, so the image of him kept flashing through my head while reading this. :'D It added a little bit of humor, though. ;D (And yes, I understand that it's the guy from... Placebo? I still need to check them out.)

    I really liked this, and I'll definitely check out the rest of your stories. The way you write is absolutely amazing, and the words flow together so well. <3it
    June 14th, 2011 at 10:28pm
  • Julie Black

    Julie Black (650)

    United States
    Fantastic. I mean, including Brian AND Ville Valo in one story was enough to make it fantastic anyway, but really, this was great.
    I just loved the tension the entire time through the story. Like, you could clearly tell Ville wanted him, but his thoughts were so adamant about saying he didn't want him... so when he'd slip up, like when he was thinking about him shirtless while dancing, I'm just like, "Oh yes. This is going places." xD
    I also loved how you kept mentioning the "god awful shirt." I love funny little returning quirks like that in stories- I use them myself.
    Great job with incorporating the lyrics too. They made it seem like maybe Ville and Brian had a history... and that maybe there was a darker side to this hookup than we know...

    Loved it!
    April 10th, 2011 at 06:46am