His Property. - Comments

  • APoeticTragedy

    APoeticTragedy (100)

    United States
    Chapter 19 was soooo worth staying up to read! But I want..no I NEED to know what's gonna happen next! So like the demanding little update-whore that I am, there better be another new chapter SOON!!! :D
    November 26th, 2011 at 07:21am
  • Iris;;

    Iris;; (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, NO. I was really taken by surprise by this chapter. I was not expecting Bert to break things off after everything they've been through. I was really impressed by Gerard, and I liked how he didn't like, beg Bert to stay or anything. It seems like that's something he would do, you know? He seems really needy and clingy and to just handle something like that like a man was just really weird for him but oddly satisfying to read. I mean, he was obviously not okay but he didn't elaborate on his feelings or anything, he just cut Bert off. Which probably has Bert all "what the fuck is going on?".

    I actually suspect this whole "not doing this anymore thing" wont last long. Like, I don't see it being like a huge part of the story. I see Gerard and Bert as one of those annoying on again off again couples. I might be wrong though. Every chapter has surprised me so far.

    This was wonderful and I loved it. I can't wait to read more
    November 19th, 2011 at 12:11pm
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    Pleeease update this soon? Pretty please? <333
    November 19th, 2011 at 06:57am
  • Alphah

    Alphah (100)

    I absolutly love the mixed feelings gerard is having and the attitude B. Has going on. The play is awsome. Feed me up on what's coming next. I really heed the next chapter please!
    November 7th, 2011 at 08:29am
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    I think I might die if you don't update again soon. >_O
    I need to know what happens next.
    I love this story. <333
    Your writing amazes me.
    I'm going to shut up now. :D
    October 23rd, 2011 at 01:49am
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    Depressing chapter xD
    Sorry for the shitty short comment, but it's late and stuff and I need to go to beeed. :)
    October 19th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    Aww, poor Gerard
    October 19th, 2011 at 02:13am
  • L0V3E

    L0V3E (200)

    United Kingdom
    Aww, poor Gerard
    October 19th, 2011 at 02:12am
  • Sailor Meranda

    Sailor Meranda (100)

    United States
    Past two updates have been epic. The last one actually brought a tear to my eyes. : ( Loved it.
    October 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    Bert makes me so angry. I kinda want to throw my computer out the window because of the anger. :-/ But I won't do that, because then I wouldn't be able to read this story anymore, and that would just be heartbreaking. Pleeeeeease post the next part again soon. I love this story like adl;kfjadl;kfjakl;fjd;. Yeah, that's a lot of love. <333
    October 17th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • Vee Dollface

    Vee Dollface (100)

    hey! i'm still waiting for the new chapter :D
    you will update soon, right? cause i'm dying to know what happens ;)
    September 16th, 2011 at 08:33pm
  • Iris;;

    Iris;; (100)

    United States
    it posted twice

    how e m b a r r a s s i n g
    August 28th, 2011 at 09:56pm
  • Iris;;

    Iris;; (100)

    United States
    Please please please do not apologize for this chapter. I loved it so so so much.

    It obviously has domestic abuse in it, i mean even if Bert loves Gerard, he still hit him, but I still like their dysfunctional relationship.

    I don't believe Bert took advantage of Gerard, or 'stole' his virginity or anything. Gerard made a choice to do drugs, and Bert made a choice to do drugs, and they were both out of their right minds when it happened. I felt so bad for both Bert and Gerard when Gerard woke up. Bert seemed hurt by Gerard's reaction and I thought it was so so so cute the way Bert was trying to make Gerard laugh. I just love how closed off Bert can be sometimes; I hope by the end of the story he can be honest with Gerard about his feelings. It seems like he is holding so much back and pretending to be mad/playful/indifferent when he's honestly hurt. He seems like such an asshole on the outside, but the more the story progresses the more transparent he's becoming and I really really think he's a sensitive person who gets hurt very easily. I think him and Gerard are a lot alike, only Gerard's emotions show through and are obvious while Bert's are just packed down and hidden.

    I actually think Bert may have been hurt in the past. Maybe someone made him feel helpless and small in some way, and no he's trying so desperately to be this big though character. I think he's trying to be real with Gerard, at times, but he's worn this mask for so long it's hard for him to let his guard down, and he doesn't realize if he would do that, it would strengthen his and Gerard's relationship so much more.

    I feel that Bert truly cares for Gerard, it's just difficult for him to show it all the time. Plus, it's a two way street. Gerard seems to be egging Bert on a lot of the time, like, he's always pushing him just to see how far he will go and what he can get away with.

    I don't know. I might have the characterization all wrong, but this is how I view them.

    I am absolutely in love with this story and there has not been a chapter that I didn't enjoy. In fact, i am left for hours contemplating Bert and Gerard's personalities and where this story is going. Like, this is the kind of story that leaves me thinking in circles. Like, when I'm in class, even if it's been a while since I read this, i'll hear something that reminds me of this story and actually stop paying attention to the lecture because I am so caught up in thinking about Bert and Gerard and wondering about their lives and pasts and what will happen to them in the future, if this toxic sort of romance can really last, or if it's just a fling.

    Like, a question I've asked myself a lot is, if Bert were to get clean and sober, would Gerard still love him like he does now? Does Gerard really love Bert or does he love the show he puts on? Would he still want a relationship with Bert if all the danger was taken out? I mean, Bert loves/cares for Gerard for who Gerard is, but I don't believe that this is truly who Bert is.

    omg i dont know. like i said, thinking in circles.

    sorry for being rambly and annoying. i love your story ;~;
    August 28th, 2011 at 09:55pm
  • Iris;;

    Iris;; (100)

    United States
    Please please please do not apologize for this chapter. I loved it so so so much.

    It obviously has domestic abuse in it, i mean even if Bert loves Gerard, he still hit him, but I still like their dysfunctional relationship.

    I don't believe Bert took advantage of Gerard, or 'stole' his virginity or anything. Gerard made a choice to do drugs, and Bert made a choice to do drugs, and they were both out of their right minds when it happened. I felt so bad for both Bert and Gerard when Gerard woke up. Bert seemed hurt by Gerard's reaction and I thought it was so so so cute the way Bert was trying to make Gerard laugh. I just love how closed off Bert can be sometimes; I hope by the end of the story he can be honest with Gerard about his feelings. It seems like he is holding so much back and pretending to be mad/playful/indifferent when he's honestly hurt. He seems like such an asshole on the outside, but the more the story progresses the more transparent he's becoming and I really really think he's a sensitive person who gets hurt very easily. I think him and Gerard are a lot alike, only Gerard's emotions show through and are obvious while Bert's are just packed down and hidden.

    I actually think Bert may have been hurt in the past. Maybe someone made him feel helpless and small in some way, and no he's trying so desperately to be this big though character. I think he's trying to be real with Gerard, at times, but he's worn this mask for so long it's hard for him to let his guard down, and he doesn't realize if he would do that, it would strengthen his and Gerard's relationship so much more.

    I feel that Bert truly cares for Gerard, it's just difficult for him to show it all the time. Plus, it's a two way street. Gerard seems to be egging Bert on a lot of the time, like, he's always pushing him just to see how far he will go and what he can get away with.

    I don't know. I might have the characterization all wrong, but this is how I view them.

    I am absolutely in love with this story and there has not been a chapter that I didn't enjoy. In fact, i am left for hours contemplating Bert and Gerard's personalities and where this story is going. Like, this is the kind of story that leaves me thinking in circles. Like, when I'm in class, even if it's been a while since I read this, i'll hear something that reminds me of this story and actually stop paying attention to the lecture because I am so caught up in thinking about Bert and Gerard and wondering about their lives and pasts and what will happen to them in the future, if this toxic sort of romance can really last, or if it's just a fling.

    Like, a question I've asked myself a lot is, if Bert were to get clean and sober, would Gerard still love him like he does now? Does Gerard really love Bert or does he love the show he puts on? Would he still want a relationship with Bert if all the danger was taken out? I mean, Bert loves/cares for Gerard for who Gerard is, but I don't believe that this is truly who Bert is.

    omg i dont know. like i said, thinking in circles.

    sorry for being rambly and annoying. i love your story ;~;
    August 28th, 2011 at 09:55pm
  • please fall for me;

    please fall for me; (100)

    United States
    Just to be sure about things, Bert didnt technically rape Gerard, did he?

    Annddd... Wow, I felt so bad for Gerard, too! Poor Gee Gee ;)
    August 28th, 2011 at 05:50pm
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    This is an extremely beautiful story. I've always stayed away from Bert/Gerard stories, mostly because Bert's name reminds me of Sesame Street, and I always end up thinking of Gerard and Bert from Sesame Street having sexual penetration. I guess that's a pretty awesome thought, but then I feel like, "Bitch, Bert belongs to Ernie!" So it's just too frustrating to read.
    I love this story, though. Although the drugs make me cringe to no end, I'm still drawn to it. For some reason, though, I can barely get through stories where people take their first hit of a drug. I'm happy that Gerard said that he'd never do it again. I hate to be the asshole to point this out, but I'm pretty sure that there's a teensy tiny little flaw in this. When someone does meth, heroine, or cocaine, I think that they get very...energetic. Like, they stay up all night vacuuming or something like that. Gerard seemed very lethargic, though. Whatever, it's not a big deal.
    All I really wanted to say is that this story has really got me hooked and it reeeeeeeeeally pissed me off beyond words when Bert hit Gerard. Ugh, that kinda stuff makes me wanna cut a bitch. And I don't think Gerard should've forgiven him, but at the same time I want them to legitimately get together.
    Please please please update soooon!
    August 27th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • Nerds With HumOR

    Nerds With HumOR (100)

    United States
    great, cant wait til the next chapter
    August 27th, 2011 at 05:23am
  • give 'em hell peyton

    give 'em hell peyton (100)

    still my favourite~
    August 26th, 2011 at 02:17pm
  • Shadowspinner23

    Shadowspinner23 (100)

    United States
    updateeee please:(
    I check every day and no update,
    pleasssssssssssee. Soon!
    August 15th, 2011 at 01:58am
  • TheBall00ns

    TheBall00ns (100)

    -les sgh- update soon?
    August 11th, 2011 at 05:40pm