What Truly Hurts the Most - Comments

  • I sure agree with you about that. Lots of people lose there lives everyday by the hands of alcohol. It's very emotional and I totally feel the feelings you put into it along with the MSG.I hope others will take the time to read this as well ^_^.....
    October 18th, 2010 at 04:45am
  • Wow man that's deep. First off, 400 people? That's crazy. But all in all, I really hope you know how I feel sorrow for you, and everyone that boy touched. And by reading this I am touched. See, I'm a song writer and blah blah blah, and I think you just inspired me...a real inspiration - one I havent felt in a long time. One, that I really dont relate to but I understand. One that I've never felt but I feel. If ya catch my drift. I should probably stop typing now seeing as I need to go to bed. And you don't know me or anything but if you ever need someone to like...talk to? wow that sounded creepy. I am not a creeper, dont worry. But like if you ever need to "vent" you can comment on my pro. I'll be there....wow as I read this I really do sound like a creepperrrr...and if by any weird chance I actually write a song, I could send it to you if you want? Yeah, I could do that...
    October 18th, 2010 at 04:45am