Lyrissa's Sparkles II - Comments

  • ##more please! <3
    March 15th, 2012 at 04:48pm
  • I love this story!! I started reading it and I couldn't stop reading (lol), Please keep writing. Plus Your a great writer Keep it up.
    November 3rd, 2011 at 03:02am
  • I love this story! Please please keep writing? =D
    October 8th, 2011 at 09:45am
  • I just started reading this story and i love it! I love how her family represents how a family really should be! It is really good so far! Keep it up!
    February 14th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • hey!! you're writing again!! yay!! Update soon!
    February 8th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • that is one great story and had to read it all over again. I hope that you keep writing because I need to know what happens. Hope you have fun with your stories also.
    January 8th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • lol. but, i love this story so i'm not too mad.

    AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Ophelia is soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! even though i can't see her i can picture her perfectly!! XD what are her powers going to be? other than healing.
    November 10th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • I know, I'm going to Writer's Hell for that... sorry, hehehe.
    November 8th, 2010 at 01:09am
  • CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!!!!!!! grrr! update soon. i want to know more, more, more!!!!
    November 8th, 2010 at 12:17am
  • I'm getting crazy anxious. Gah. Mooore.
    November 6th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • NO!!! LOGAN BETTER NOT LEAVE HER!!!!! OR I'M GOING TO GO ALL KINDS OF CRAZY ON HIM!!!!!!!! HiYAH!!!! lol. Update soon. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! Lyrissa's having a baby!!!!! YAY!!!
    November 5th, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • It will be addressed I promise. I'm posting everything I already have written, I have another sixty pages in my document before I get to the chapter I am writing right now.
    October 27th, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • Yaaaaaaay! I enjoy how this is going. Well done. Still waiting on the issue of aging but thats fine :3
    October 27th, 2010 at 05:20am
  • Okay, you take my love for this story, and multiply that by infinity!!!!! THat's how much i love this story!!!!!!!!! Update soon!!!!!! i want to find out who the new character is!!!!!!
    October 23rd, 2010 at 06:04pm
  • Haha, that's cool. I kinda figured you had to write a few of the characters out, because I was sitting here going "Where's kitty?". But I don't really care cause I've always been a Kitty/Logan shipper so it's better (for me) that she's not there.

    I didn't expect the keeping up with the lesser characters because obviously then too much would be going on P:

    Like I said just try and keep a handle on the perfection thing. Like obviously she needs to be an awe-winning character as the main character, but too much is well, too much.
    I'm also noticing that we really aren't seeing a lot of Logan other then him hugging Lyrissa all the time. we're only seeing the side of him that loves a girl. Not the Logan we're used to in the old shows, the comics/ movies. The Canadian Lumberjack we know and love.

    But still, awesome work. I haven't seen an x-men fanfic this well written in a long while.
    October 23rd, 2010 at 05:09pm
  • AWESOMENESS times a bajillion! I love it! Keep writing! :D
    October 22nd, 2010 at 01:01am
  • You are really, truly an awesome story writer!! Keep doing what you're doing, and i'll keep commenting!! i swear!!

    and i have a question. What happened to the dream Logan and Lyrissa had? i kinda want to know more about that.

    Update soon!! XD
    October 21st, 2010 at 09:55pm
  • Thank you very much, Shoefaerie! I promise you I do fix all of that later on, except the less mentioned characters in her family, and that's because I can't keep up with them all. Even I lose track of them. Originally, Nightcrawler was in this series too, but I just couldn't write him properly and keep up so I had to write him out.

    As for Lyrissa's becoming a superpower, as time goes I promise you that she isn't all powerful, and she does have her flaws that pull her down. I just put her through so much in the end of the last series, I had to give her a sort of break.

    I will also reply this to you on your profile, but I thought that your reply was deserving of answers that everyone could see. You brought up some very valid points! Good work on that, very few actually give that much in a comment. Thanks again!
    October 21st, 2010 at 02:16pm
  • I enjoy the family stuff, though Lyrissa is starting to come off more Mary Sue. She has a bad background, but its not stopping her from being all powerful. She does have the little quirks of still not being able to full control teleporting which is cool, but its such a small thing compared to what you're building her up to be. I like how Grandma Rose is obviously all powerful, but she's not willing to go out and use those powers unless for something like any of us would (( Allie getting hurt ))

    The way Lyrissa is being written though is that all of her flaws will eventually go away and she'll just be a superpower. We as readers can't connect to someone who can't be beaten. Of course as the main character she can't die or be so crippled it ruins the story, but she does need a limit and some flaws. Just giving her scars doesn't do anything if no one cares about the scars.

    Take Jean Grey for example, in the movies she basically is all powerful. However she's lost and confused and is almost completely useless because of this. She kills the professor. She lost control and killed the professor of all people. That's a big flaw. She killed a person who was loved by all including herself.

    However pretty much everything is good aside from me losing track of some of the less mentioned members of her family.
    October 21st, 2010 at 04:55am
  • Awwww!!!!!! i feel so loved!!!!!!! lol. and that's probably the biggest family i've ever.....seen? heard? whatever. the point is, its big. but i love it. and this story. and JACK'S FINALLY DEAD!!!!! YAY!!!!! if only Sabertooth............ XD UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!
    October 20th, 2010 at 10:09pm