Rooftops - Comments

  • so it goes

    so it goes (100)

    United States
    more would be amazing(:
    November 30th, 2010 at 09:39pm
  • Cardboardheart

    Cardboardheart (100)

    WOW, thats a thorough comment and I totally agree and would really like to see more.
    October 21st, 2010 at 01:09am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I read the prequel so I became more acquainted with the characters; however, I will only comment on the one you suggested.

    The layout is absolutely gorgeous and so easy on the eye, and it’s a huge plus that it reflects the title of the story.

    I also love the simplicity of your title. One word, no need to give a full summary in just the title, yet it conveys perfectly the content and doesn’t give away the story.

    Again, the simplicity is gorgeous. Whenever I read drabbles, summaries are either non-existent or delve too much into the content of the drabble, giving away pretty much everything that the story contains. However, I loved yours; it’s perfectly balanced, gives enough information about the plot, without giving away much, and I simply adored the last line: the rift was just too wide. There’s something about that part that describes perfectly the feelings that we encounter once we get into the story.

    Your descriptions are absolutely amazing. I loved how you started with a description of the weather and how this affected Noah’s body, eventually leading to the main issue in the plot. The flow is gorgeous, how from the sharpness of winter you travel to Noah’s hands, then to Noah’s location, and then to the relationship problems.

    The characters are really nice to read about. You conveyed emotions really well; I could feel Sam’s anger and sadness as you described the noises inside the house, without you even telling the reader what he was feeling; the actions spoke by themselves.

    The plot is so beautifully structured. I really liked how you delved into the past of the relationship and how things got to that point in which the story starts. How characters reacted to the obstacles, like a normal person would, instead of being all cheerful and happy about friends rejecting them, coming out to their family, etc. You brought up reality into your story, and how reality is not always cheerful and obstacles are not always easy to overcome, and how people just don’t react alike. To some, it’s just anger, to others, is a realization that they need to move on.

    Everything was beautifully written; the descriptions flowed nicely with the narration, the characters, the plot. The layout and title conveyed perfectly what the plot was about and are related to it.

    Gorgeously written.
    October 20th, 2010 at 07:58pm