The Frost's Kiss Was the One That Brought Us Down - Comments

  • Manbear-n'-Me!

    Manbear-n'-Me! (130)

    United States
    I quite like this--- I haven't read anything of this type of writing before.

    There is a sense of maturity in these chapters that I found myself respecting. I was in awe in the way each sentence drew me in. From the details and symbolism some words took on---particularly those mainly associated with the cold/warmth---I can totally see this being a series of songs.
    This is very well-structured in my point of view; it's not the typical story setting, but it works. The feel I get from this writing as a reader is this sense of distance and appropriately cold; is it just my imagination?? Implied psychology, maybe? XD
    But really, my favorite so far is the second and third chapter. It really does make me wonder... are these songs/chapters inspired by a real life girl or relationship??

    Good job; I gotta keep reading.
    January 17th, 2012 at 12:45am