When You Were Mine - Comments

  • leaveyouhigh

    leaveyouhigh (100)

    United States
    I really do love this story.
    It's very original.
    I am torn between Garrett or Kennedy for Adrianne.
    Her and Garrett still like each other, but her and Kenny are so cute, and I don't want him to get hurt.
    I love this.
    I hope you update soon(:
    April 16th, 2011 at 11:08pm
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    First off, I love the layout. However, the font kind of hurts my eyes because it's so small. I don't suggest making it huge or anything. Just a tad bit bigger? Actually, it's probably just me and my poor eyesight.

    Anyhow, so far, the storyline is good. Kind of cliche and typical, but nothing major or anything. I tend to have a guilty pleasure for these types of stories anyway so in the end, it doesn't much matter to me.

    I've only read the first chapter so far but I intend on reading the rest when I have a chance.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 12:01pm
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    its cute he keeps touching his cheek(:

    a guy blushing is so cute(: kenny is general is sooo cute(:

    its cute how much adrianne and garret know eachother
    I take that back maybe she knows just as much bout kenny maybe

    . I think she felt awkward like I did, with me holding her hand and everything.

    ^ that doesnt make sense why would he feel arkward

    Her jealous friend.
    ^ I love that line

    update soon
    December 18th, 2010 at 08:15pm
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    I love the outfit(:

    they are such cute to gather!(: I think I change to team Kennedy

    I slapped is leg, and mouthed an 'ow.'
    ^ doesnt make sense

    he is so cute especially calling her babe(: I would love to have him

    I started laughing about her laughing, because I don't get why she was? ha ha

    and gave Kennedy one of those 'man-hugs'.
    ^ I like that line ha ha

    I thought garret knew about them sleeping togather when he said so how bout u 2

    oh my they are both perfect for her..idk what team I am on ha ha
    but I love this story
    off to read the next chapter
    December 17th, 2010 at 01:08am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    Kenny is so cute(: I could imagine him with his hand over his mouth laughing, it would be so cute<3

    Kennedy, being his helpful self, guided my hands, just so I won't cut myself.
    ^cuteness again<3

    I seriously can imagine like everything that goes on in your story(: That is sooo great<3

    "Oops, sorry!" He said, sitting up as he rubbed my head. "I hope I didn't shook your pretty brain."
    ^ that should be shake

    I like when people kiss to shut the other up(:

    atleast he used a condom ha ha

    I wasn't with anyone, and so is Kennedy.
    ^ would make sense if it is neither is kennedy

    also I love how she keeps assuring us she isn't a whore

    I can't wait for garret to find out(: ha ha more drama

    chapter 6 here I come
    December 17th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    Chapter four was good, I don't really have any more comments besides that.
    December 17th, 2010 at 12:22am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    I smirked and brought down the half empty root beer float.
    ^ I liked that, it is something that someone would really do and I can imagine

    I also love how it has their convo(: I wanted to know more about it

    what flirts! ha ha

    I don't know why but I like how you named the movie
    I also like how you do pictures of things but then again it might be better if you just describe them

    he calls her babe a lot, ha ha I know you already know that just saying

    it's cute how she liked tweaked when he covered her eyes

    "If Garrett's going to be there with Rachael, then no thanks." I told him while I played with his hair.
    ^ comma(:

    and opened the light on the porch.
    ^ that doesn't really make sense

    Off to read the next chapter
    December 16th, 2010 at 02:01am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    His POV yay!(:

    I wasn't ashamed or guilty by what I just did. I missed kissing her precious lips. Kissing her was like a breath of fresh air - I felt different emotions while I was kissing her; hope, desire, passion, love...
    ^ amazing<3 I'm so jealous of your descriptions

    ugh I'm getting aggregated ha ha they need to get together

    "It's not like I don't want to keep Angel, Kenny. I don't know, I just forget to drop her by Adrienne's house." I told him as I indifferently surfed the web.
    ^ that should be a comma

    "I know what you're going to say, and no. I just really do keep on forgetting." I told him. Man, sometimes I hate the way Kennedy could easily figure stuff out.
    ^ comma

    anything in quotes before it says that someone said should be a comma

    Okay, okay, I agree with you about sharing Angel. But... I really have no use for the stuff anymore." I replied as I stood up, and grabbed the box full of the old, sentimental stuff under my computer table.
    ^ comma

    I closed my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Adrienne's face; her smile, and captivating green eyes. I wanted to open my eyes, because I find it weird to think about her, and at the same time, I didn't want to because I missed looking at her. I wish I could kiss her again... hold her in my arms...
    ^ Aw(:

    I'm debating who's team I am on, ha ha
    I think she should get with kenny then get back with Garret
    so team garret? ha ha
    off to read chapter 3
    December 16th, 2010 at 01:37am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    when in fact it was still way back in December.
    ^ I don't really understand why the still is there

    "I don't want to ruin your perfect outfit." She said, dusting off my bolero and dress.
    ^ that should be a comma hun(:

    I think it is really cute how you explain gavin and travis relationship with her it makes me kind of feel it like they are cute older bros<3

    The Arizona sun greeted me. The sun's rays hit my skin,
    ^ that's a good description

    The smell of hot coffee and cinnamon greeted me. I inhaled the sweet scent, and I realized how much I missed this place.
    ^ good description again(: u have such good sensory details(:

    I love her little side comments in her head(:

    My face got all screwed up bout him getting married
    um no that's not going to work out
    they are going to get together(:

    I can imagine things that are going on(: That's amazing(:

    This is so lovely<3 I love it. I hate how he kissed her though, it will just make things worse. Going to read the second chapter
    December 16th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • BelA

    BelA (100)

    United States
    i read this whole story today in my study hall today. i love it. its soo good.
    December 15th, 2010 at 01:15am
  • MakingMeFamous

    MakingMeFamous (150)

    United States
    I hate how your stories don`t have very detailed comments :( I will comment on this soon(:
    December 13th, 2010 at 10:32pm
  • muchbetterrx

    muchbetterrx (100)

    United States
    this story is so great. i randomly found it on tumblr the other day and i love it, especially since garrett's my favorite member of the maine. this story deserves way more comments and stuff then it has. :)
    December 6th, 2010 at 03:35pm
  • yeah its me

    yeah its me (100)

    United States
    this story is so good!
    December 4th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • Laura13

    Laura13 (100)

    United States
    amazing story!
    i really want her to be with garrett again!
    December 4th, 2010 at 05:20pm