Message in a Bottle - Comments

  • Love this story! Update soon!! :)
    January 20th, 2012 at 07:50am
  • Finally!!!!! A kiss!!!! Yaaaaayyyy!!! Hehehehe :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 07:17am
  • the last chapter was really great can't wait to find out how they react after the kiss :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 06:56am
  • oh my god they kissed!! ahhhh!! how exciting!! i mean, like yeah, i feel bad for gena, but this is a zacky story and i want zacky to be happy! i can't wait for more, and i'm glad our comments made you so happy they were tumblr gif worthy! =}
    January 20th, 2012 at 06:52am
  • i love this story! i was so excited that you updated it, i cant wait to read more :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 06:06am
  • Yayyyy! They finally kissed :)
    January 20th, 2012 at 05:38am
  • Just so you know, today was my birthday. And it completely sucked until I got the notification that you updated this. You seriously made my birthday 10 times better and so I thank you! This and your 'just one wish' are my absolute favorites on this website! Keep up the good work! :)
    January 20th, 2012 at 04:55am
  • Ohhmygoodness he kissed her! Oh.. My.. Goodness.. he kissed her! Ohmygoodness he kissed her!!! (:
    Awwww, now I seriously can't wait for what's coming next!!
    January 20th, 2012 at 04:02am
  • Is it weird that by Gena constantly calling ZV the song 'Telephone' started playing in my head? 'Stop calling stop calling....' lol YES THEY FINALLY KISSED! I'm so happy :3 must read more!
    January 20th, 2012 at 04:01am
  • woohoo for two updates in a week! :D And whoooooopwhooop for the kiss! ;p I hope she pulls away and tells him that they can't do that because he has a girlfriend back home and then it sparks something! :o But I'll just wait and see what actually happens.. XD
    January 20th, 2012 at 03:11am
  • Zack and 'Hanna are so cute together!! ... Even if they are not together. The feelings between them are definitely mutual and it's definitely evident that there's more than just friendship between them. It's cute that Zack had waited for her to go to sleep just to cuddle with her and to sleep with her in his arms. When I read that, I just gave out a big "Awwww!" because it was just that cute. Zacky's such a cute sweetie-pie! xD

    The relationship between Zacky and Gena is dying, if not already dead and non-existent. If he feels that the relationship is routine, it's definitely dead because the spark is just gone. I didn't like it when Gena accused him of cheating on her because he never accused her of cheating when she went to visit her "family", that doesn't even like him, for months at a time. I also didn't like when she flipped about him going to visit Johanna. It's not like he's allowed to have friends of the female persuasion. There's definitely no trust at all in that relationship, another sign that the relatonship between Gena and Zacky isn't going to work out. Gena just needs to chill... -_-

    I cheered when Zacky ignored his phone and said it was no one important. I could sense a near break up between Zacky and Gena. And then Zacky can be with Johanna because they have great chemistry together. ^_^

    I really dislike Frank... ._. I really do, and not because he openly said he masturbated. xD He tries too hard and it's obvious that Johanna doesn't have the same feelings he does; she even told him more than once. I just want to shake him and tell him that they can only be friends and nothing more. He doesn't get the message, doesn't he?

    The last thing I want to say is that you are an amazing writer. This story is unique and I love it. Long comment is long, but this story, and you, deserve it.

    Can't wait for the next update! :D
    January 18th, 2012 at 07:25am
  • Aww! Finally, can't wait for what's going to happen next!!
    January 18th, 2012 at 06:56am
  • Gah! i feel so honoured to be mentioned. xD hahaha. aww. keep it up lovely!!!!! it's so freaking addicting!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333
    January 18th, 2012 at 06:33am
  • Only on ch. 3 and I'm loving it all ready. Great job
    January 18th, 2012 at 04:15am
  • gaaaaah!!! i could have sworn i left a comment, guess i forgot to after i commented on your profile, anyhoo...THIS STORY IS FREAKING AMAZING! you write so wonderfully, so perfectly, and i am INSANELY jealous that i never thought of such a creative plot. although i do adore gena now, i LOVE the way zacky acts around johanna. they're so perfect and good god this layout is awesome and the banner is beautiful!!! all of your layout and banners are amazing! keep up the good work, i cannot wait for more! <3
    January 17th, 2012 at 11:46pm
  • Awesome update!!! :)
    Frank is an ass!!
    Can't wait to see what happens next!!
    Update soon please!
    January 17th, 2012 at 08:33pm
    Sorry to hear some not so great things have been going on with you, but hopefully they'll all get sorted.. in the mean time
    *sends totally unattached, very much available Zack*
    enjoy.. (;
    Thank you for updating! I'm kind of pissed at Frank because he's a douche who needs to get over it, but at the same time I kind of know how he's feeling, GAH. Jealousy you are one annoying attribute. >_<
    January 17th, 2012 at 07:29pm
  • After I saw that this story was updated, I basically threw my phone across the room! So glad you're back!<3333
    January 17th, 2012 at 06:14pm
  • Haha, yet again i'm getting distracted while doing my homework. or atleast trying to anyways. I seriously hate Frank. He just makes me angry, he has no tie to Jo anymore. He gave that up and she's happy now. I can't believe Gena called and he ignored the call. He has some balls for that one.
    only thing that confused me was i thought Johanna and Frank dated not Nikki, cause at one point you have nikki saying that Frank gets pissed cause he doesn't have me anymore. It might have just beeen me.
    Sorry your 2012 year isn't starting off good. I still love this and will stick through this.
    January 17th, 2012 at 06:06pm
  • I'm SO glad you're back, when I got my email notification that you'd updated I'm pretty sure I said "Yay!" out loud, haha. Anyway, I really liked this chapter, Zacky's thoughts were adorable and I'm glad he's realizing his feelings for Johanna. And the nickname was cute. :) Hope things calm down a little in your life!
    January 17th, 2012 at 04:41pm