I'm Sorry - Comments

  • spencer hastings.

    spencer hastings. (350)

    United States
    The layout for your story is simple but definitely effective. I think that the banner really catched my eye. The layout definitely doesn't clutter up the story.

    I thought that it was effective that you used such a different tactic. It wasn't the girl who was cutting herself, and I thought that was really different. I'm so used to reading stories about girls being the weak one. It's definitely a hard thing to do to make a guy seem more fragile. And I think that you did a great job with it.

    There were definitely very few spelling and grammatical errors. And the story moves at a very nice pace, especially at the beginning when your character Kaitlyn seems to be reminiscing about her times with Tristan. They seem to be a very happy couple. But it's evident that there's something in the way from the very first paragraph. And that's what really grasped me.

    The story definitely ends with a lot of questions about what is going to happen. So, overall, good job!
    February 28th, 2011 at 01:13am