Grey Wolf Mountain - Comments

  • Andreussita1990!

    Andreussita1990! (100)

    Great story, hope to hear more this, if you do a sequel!!
    April 20th, 2011 at 09:35pm
  • beauty has no words

    beauty has no words (100)

    United States
    FUUUDDDDDDGGGGEEEEE i loved Greyson why!!!!!?!!!!!!!!! of all the cruel things to do DX ima go cry now
    April 19th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    This is one of the best stories I have read. I hope you are thinking about getting published it would make a great novel.
    I am actually. But I have to go over the story a few more times. I feel like I should have added more of Logan in there so people could see how he was thinking, and there were other things that I feel like needed more explaining and such. But after that, I really am considering getting it published.

    Sunny-Lee <3
    April 18th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • shellieann

    shellieann (100)

    United States
    This is one of the best stories I have read. I hope you are thinking about getting published it would make a great novel.
    April 18th, 2011 at 10:17pm
  • silvermoonshadow27

    silvermoonshadow27 (100)

    United States
    Can not wait for what is next. YAY A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    April 18th, 2011 at 02:30pm
  • MorningDoveofLight

    MorningDoveofLight (100)

    United States awesome! :) I'm excited for the sequel!!! :):)
    April 18th, 2011 at 06:22am
  • (100)

    United States
    I don't know HOW else to express it.
    I have a mixture of feelings, but I LOVED the way it ended.
    I expected nothing less from you.
    Love you, Sunny! ^_^
    April 17th, 2011 at 05:38am
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    Wow, this is the best story I've ever read. I still can't get over Greyson's death though. I can't wait what you post up in about a month.
    Thank you! :)
    I'm glad you're as excited as I am :D
    Sunny-Lee <3
    April 17th, 2011 at 01:36am
  • Draco.Malfoy

    Draco.Malfoy (110)

    United States
    Wow, this is the best story I've ever read. I still can't get over Greyson's death though. I can't wait what you post up in about a month.
    April 17th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    Yeah, I probably wasn't the only one who didn't get the email. I was just being a wee bit over-dramatic because I hate when I'm waiting for an email letting me know about an update I've been looking forward to and I don't get it because of some mibba glitch. :/


    I can't believe this comment is longer than my last one. It's safe to say that I've now commented on everything I left out in my last comment because I thought it would be too long! Oh, the irony. ;P
    At first I read "because of some mibba b*tch" and I was like "O_O What?" and then I re-read it. lol.

    Yeah, I always notice your comments because they're long and well written. And sometimes it takes you awhile before you comment, so I always wait until you comment before I post. lol...unless it takes like 2 weeks, then I'd be like "Maybe she doesn't want to comment?" But that's never happened. So we're good :)

    You're probably right about Dawson. He is an interesting character for sure.

    Hmm, I hadn't really thought about that. But Caroline found out that Ava was pregnant from the blood she took from her. So that would take longer than a normal pregnancy test... and then I'm sure that Riley would feel comfortable leaving Ava with his head of security; the guy who usually takes care of him. You know?
    I also felt that Dawson knew that if he got Ava hurt, Riley would be pissed at him...

    Yeah, see, that was my pregnancy issue. If she were pregnant, then there's be that part of Grey with her, and it would be very happy-ending-like... and then I was like "but pregnancies are SOOOO cliche". So, you'll see :D lol.

    I just realized that I comment more on the protective thing that Ava portrays in other in OTOOM... so I should probably add some of that to the end of GWM...

    I think I'm really bad at fighting scenes... Honestly, writing that scene was the worst ever for me. I just can't get into it because I'm such pacifist...So that's probably why you were hoping for some things that just didn't happen. :\

    Ha ha, when I read that I got another comment, I went to check and I was like "What? there's no comment here, and where did mine go? OH! Her response was just super long..." lol. Glad you got to talk about everything though :D

    Sunny-Lee <3
    April 5th, 2011 at 02:05am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I probably wasn't the only one who didn't get the email. I was just being a wee bit over-dramatic because I hate when I'm waiting for an email letting me know about an update I've been looking forward to and I don't get it because of some mibba glitch. :/

    And I'm glad to know that out of all the people who comment your story, that you noticed I hadn't yet. Makes me feel all special. ;)

    I pretty much got it when you said that the other wolves and Dawson felt the pull (I guess? Kind of like a magnetic thing that they can't fight off.) to protect her and that the feeling would only grow stronger as she would. But I think most people would like to see Ava have a happy ending and it would appear as though Dawson in a fan favorite because of that need to protect her, if I'm making any kind of sense.

    Not gonna lie, I like Dawson too, but I remember that Grey and Ava were destined to be together. I don't think she'd be looking for someone else romantically when she feels that her revenge is done and she has nothing else to live for. Until Ava realizes that she's pregnant, that is.

    What surprises me about the pregnancy is that I would have thought Riley would have Caroline keep him up to date as far as Ava's physical well-being is concerned. Like he'd know how many times she sneezed in a two hour period kind of informed. So, either Caroline didn't find out in time to tell Riley about the pregnancy and he couldn't stop Ava from going to kill Logan. Or, Caroline decided to let Ava have her revenge before informing Riley that she was pregnant. Or, Riley knew she was pregnant but figured he'd sent enough wolves to keep her and the baby protected from harm.

    That could be why Dawson's shaking in his boots, because above all else, he's supposed to keep Ava safe. With Ava's sudden collapse, Dawson knew Riley wouldn't be pleased that he failed in his task. But I'm thinking that Dawson likes and respects Ava for who she is, not just that she's his charge, so he actually fears for her and is getting emotional over that. Then there's that whole protective thing Ava inspires in those around her. Makes for some interesting thoughts, no?

    But I'm thinking that Riley doesn't know Ava's pregnant. Yet.

    The pregnancy is cliche, yes, but at the same time, it keeps a small part of Grey alive. And that makes me happy. To know that he's not completely gone but will live on through his and Ava's kid, makes me happy. (And I'm getting wayyyyy too into your fictional story. Again.)

    Then there's your way out of her pregnancy if you decide to go that way. Clever. If she ends up delivering the baby in however many months it takes for proper werewolf gestation, or loses the baby because of this fight, it was smart to give yourself two avenues to take. Either way: Your story, your decision.

    "Who might you be? The next guy who's fallen in love with her?” Logan mocked with a bit of a chuckle on the end. “It's in her blood you know. Everyone falls in love with her, and she tears their hearts out.”
    Maybe this had a small part to do with why everyone's been commenting on Dawson. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but if I had to guess, I'd say that was it

    Knowing what I now know about the protective streak Ava raises in others, I'm guessing that Logan confused those feelings for something more than what he thought they were. And Grey died for Logan's mistake. Kinda sad if you think about it. Hindsight, I guess.

    And then there's Logan. I was smiling (kind of evil-like) when I read the fight scene. Mostly because Logan knew that Ava was going to kill him and that he didn't have a chance. He was begging for his life and then ordered the soldiers to kill her. Cowardly.
    Logan's death was too good for him. I was kinda hoping that the other wolves would partake, but I understand why they didn't. He was Ava's.

    Thanks for letting me know around when you plan on getting the epilogue out. I'll prolly just end up checking out the story page for a new chapter like I did earlier today and found out that you had already posted chapter 16 a while ago.

    Okay, I think I'm done letting you know what I think now.

    I can't believe this comment is longer than my last one. It's safe to say that I've now commented on everything I left out in my last comment because I thought it would be too long! Oh, the irony. ;P
    April 5th, 2011 at 01:18am
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    Am I the only who didn't get an email about an update? :/ Feeling a little left out here haha. ;)

    When I read the second paragraph, I couldn't stop smiling. My cheeks still hurt, no joke.

    She's a dominant wolf. That means that there's something in her that makes her fight. She's a fighter, just like me. If someone were to kill you...I'd kill them, no matter what it took.” Maria melted a bit.
    Mark is such a good guy.

    “Maria? Consider this a bomb threat. You have ten minutes.” Dawson hung up.
    That was a cool line. I could see it being said in a movie.

    I literally have no words.

    I wondered if Ava would be pregnant, but wasn't exactly expecting it. Not too sure how I feel about it honestly.

    I'm really kinda liking Dawson now. I think it's surprising that such a seasoned guy would let his emotions grab ahold of him like that when he saw Ava collaspe. I mean, guys ( or wolves :) ) like him should be able to keep themselves in check and not feel panic in the middle of a tense situation. I bet he's feeling more than "just protective" of Ava's person than he should be feeling if he let her fainting rattle him so badly.

    There was just so much that I liked about this chapter but it would be too much for me to comment on but you should know, I loved it.

    This really is one of my favorite stories on this site and I'm sad to see it's almost over. But then there's the sequel and that helps me with the void I'm feeling. ;)
    I think you have something that's a little rare here and I'm glad that you were able to share this story with us.

    It had its ups and downs, cute, loving moments that made me feel warm and fuzzy. Heartbreaking romance that had me feeling like a lovesick puppy. The slight horror with a bloody past, to some awesome action scenes. Mixed in with amazingly refreshing characters that I just fell in love with that blended so well with the mythical legend of werewolves.
    I feel like I had a front row seat on an incredible adventure that I will come back to and relive again and again.

    Such a damn good read.

    That being said, I can't wait to read the epilogue for this story and I'm eagerly awaiting OTOOM.
    That's really weird... I don't think you're the only one who didn't get the e-mail about this chapter though; I didn't get as many comments for this chapter I don't think, but yours was the only one I consciously realized wasn't present.

    Heh, I love Mark, in a brotherly sort of way. He's kind of like the all around good guy :)

    Originally I had Ava on the phone telling Maria that there was a bomb threat, but then I had to change it to Dawson because I figured that Ava would be too overcome with the need to attack Logan that she wouldn't be able to say something so cool, calm and collected as that.

    Yeah, I was con conflicted about making Ava pregnant or not. It was honestly a big decision because it felt SO cliche to do it that way, and then I realized she'd be fighting while pregnant if I made her pregnant, and that could give me a way out if I decided against it. lol.

    Everyone keeps commenting on Dawson. lol. I honestly tried to portray that it was AVA that makes other people feel that way about her. Not that they're in love with her, just that her presence makes them feel like that... Obviously I didn't do such a good job :(

    I'm glad you enjoyed this story so much :D It was always a pleasure to read your comments.

    OTOOM :) I've gotten into the habit of calling it that now.
    Just so you know, I wont be updating for the epilogue until after April 15th. It's exam time at my school, and I'm trying to focus on that so that I can have a whole month off to write OTOOM after I post the epilogue. So, if you come back and read this comment, you'll know to check your e-mail (or if that doesn't work like this time) then check the story for the epilogue.

    Sunny-Lee <3
    April 4th, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    Am I the only who didn't get an email about an update? :/ Feeling a little left out here haha. ;)

    When I read the second paragraph, I couldn't stop smiling. My cheeks still hurt, no joke.

    She's a dominant wolf. That means that there's something in her that makes her fight. She's a fighter, just like me. If someone were to kill you...I'd kill them, no matter what it took.” Maria melted a bit.
    Mark is such a good guy.

    “Maria? Consider this a bomb threat. You have ten minutes.” Dawson hung up.
    That was a cool line. I could see it being said in a movie.

    I literally have no words.

    I wondered if Ava would be pregnant, but wasn't exactly expecting it. Not too sure how I feel about it honestly.

    I'm really kinda liking Dawson now. I think it's surprising that such a seasoned guy would let his emotions grab ahold of him like that when he saw Ava collaspe. I mean, guys ( or wolves :) ) like him should be able to keep themselves in check and not feel panic in the middle of a tense situation. I bet he's feeling more than "just protective" of Ava's person than he should be feeling if he let her fainting rattle him so badly.

    There was just so much that I liked about this chapter but it would be too much for me to comment on but you should know, I loved it.

    This really is one of my favorite stories on this site and I'm sad to see it's almost over. But then there's the sequel and that helps me with the void I'm feeling. ;)
    I think you have something that's a little rare here and I'm glad that you were able to share this story with us.

    It had its ups and downs, cute, loving moments that made me feel warm and fuzzy. Heartbreaking romance that had me feeling like a lovesick puppy. The slight horror with a bloody past, to some awesome action scenes. Mixed in with amazingly refreshing characters that I just fell in love with that blended so well with the mythical legend of werewolves.
    I feel like I had a front row seat on an incredible adventure that I will come back to and relive again and again.

    Such a damn good read.

    That being said, I can't wait to read the epilogue for this story and I'm eagerly awaiting OTOOM.
    April 4th, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)


    W R I T E M O R E ! ! !
    Wow, that was difficult to read... But thank you :)
    The next chapter is the epilogue, but there's a sequel following it, so no worries, I'm writing more :D
    Sunny-Lee <3
    April 1st, 2011 at 03:33am
  • WaterWisp

    WaterWisp (100)


    W R I T E M O R E ! ! !
    April 1st, 2011 at 02:07am
  • ILiveToDie

    ILiveToDie (100)

    United States
    What a bomb to drop. lol. I can't believe Grayson is dead. I think I about cried, that was so sad, AND she's pregnant? I hope the baby is okay.
    Awesome story.

    Update soon.
    March 31st, 2011 at 03:06am
  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    Grayson died!!!!!!!
    please tel me by some miracle he comes back to life because he was so damn sweet, they were so damn sweet and i loved it :(
    hooray for the bastard being dead nd i hope the council leader will be too soon cuz he is weird nd a stalker
    hope the baby lives 2
    Yes, Greyson died... you're a couple chapters late on telling me that. lol.
    But sorry, he legit stays dead. He doesn't come back to life, because when people die, they're kind of dead....forever. This includes in my story :\ I know you loved him though, so feel free to mourn with the rest of us :( Including me. I tried not to get too attached to him because I knew I was going to be doing it... but at least I did my job in making people love him, right?
    Council leader= Riley. Just in case you wanted a name.
    Hopefully you're enjoying the story as well :D
    Sunny-Lee <3
    March 31st, 2011 at 03:06am
  • LadyShadows

    LadyShadows (120)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Grayson died!!!!!!!
    please tel me by some miracle he comes back to life because he was so damn sweet, they were so damn sweet and i loved it :(
    hooray for the bastard being dead nd i hope the council leader will be too soon cuz he is weird nd a stalker
    hope the baby lives 2
    March 31st, 2011 at 03:00am
  • Vis4Vengeance

    Vis4Vengeance (100)

    United States
    Absolutely loved the update :D
    March 28th, 2011 at 06:01pm
  • Avngd7XGirl

    Avngd7XGirl (100)

    United States
    O.o that was an interesting twist! She's pregnant with Greyson's child :D
    March 28th, 2011 at 12:41am