Letters Unsent; Sentiments Unsaid - Comments

  • goodbyeeeee

    goodbyeeeee (100)

    United States
    I like reading this kind of stories. I dunno why.

    Anywho, I think after I finish reading this, I'm gonna have to check out Hey, Kid. The first chapter was so sad, and it made me feel so bad for you. :'( No one deserves that kind of treatment. Avery sounds like a real asshole. And the picture at the top made it so much more real.

    The second chapter was nice. It's good that, through Avery's horrible mistake, you found someone else to be close to. I've never been that close with someone and I think a lot of other people haven't either.

    This story made me feel like, even though I never talked to you, I knew you more. Great job and your writing style is fantastic. :)
    January 21st, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • Kissing Secrets;

    Kissing Secrets; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Even though I said one chapter stories, I made an exception for this when I seen it was about an English assignment.

    Layout; Very plain. Which seems out of the ordinary here on mibba. But that makes it easy to read, which is great for me. Making the font smaller is something I liked, because for some reason, font 100 bothers me. Weird, I know.

    Summary; I really liked this because it really gave me a good look into someone else who actually likes their English class. I feel bad for Avery though. You just threw it out there that she'd wronged you. Which, even though it was mean, it drew me in because I wanted to see if you'd mention how she wronged you.

    Chapter; Or Avery is a guy. My bad. everything seemed to be conspiring against me You are right, this is a completely horrible feeling. He deserved to be thrown under the bus for making you feel that way. As you continue, I thought he was your boyfriend, but then it mentions about his now ex-girlfriend. It seems a bit rude that a friend would tell another not to post something for fear that his girlfriend might get mad. I really felt terrible reading this. Upset by the fact that he could just ignore you when you were clearly upset. Mike seemed like a great guy. This part made me smile. As I kept reading, I realized how much we have in common. And how talented of a writer you are. As hard as it was to sit there and read this whole chapter, I did. And I really loved it. Avery is a jerk and if you ever want someone to send him creepy emails as payback, message me and I'll take care of it(: HAHA; I'm just kidding. Great chapter. The next chapter is just as great as well. I love Coldplay. Have you heard of a band called 1997 ? Oh, the Beatles. I love you so much dear! The Beatles are my all time favourite band. They are number 1 to me. Your mention of them. Wow. Again I am realizing that we have a lot in common. Especially when they get me all tongue-tied and nervous. You’re a rare one, that’s for sure. Considering the last time I fell this hard, it was for the one kid who’d destroy my planet a year and a half later. AWWWWW <3 This was so adorable. Keep up the good work.

    January 20th, 2011 at 12:19am
  • Undefined;;

    Undefined;; (150)

    United States
    This was really good. The raw emotion that you portrayed was enough to make me want to cry! I absolutely love it when authors can do that. I personally believe that it takes an incredible talent, which I am convinced you have. This was well written, too. It looked like you put a lot of effort into it, but kept nothing a secret.

    It sucks how you lost Avery, but Nate seems like such a good person. I'm happy that you found him.

    All in all, amazing job!!
    November 25th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • Lizzie Borden.

    Lizzie Borden. (100)

    United States
    I want to start off by saying that I really like this idea of an assignment. I wish our teachers would do something like this—or at least something to get us writing. <3

    Letter to an enemy.

    I didn’t have you to go to, and everything seemed to be conspiring against me.
    <3 I know what you mean. This line is so personal and relatable. I think that everyone feels that at some point, the world is just against them and nothing is working. It’s an awful feeling to be so alone and to just feel like you have nowhere to go.

    That’s a terrible feeling, in case you didn’t know.
    That sounds like something I would say. It’s taunting and sort of sarcastic, but very raw and straightforward.

    The song stopped playing in the middle and hasn’t played the whole way through since. (Which sucks, because I really love that song.)
    Whoa. I like this line. I feel the disappointment and how upset you are over it. He’s not worth it. :)

    From that point on, we were friends. It was never a doubt, never a question, and he’s been very good to me. So thank you for bringing us together. I’m truly grateful.
    That’s another “me-move”, sort of rubbing it in how you’re broken about it all, but good can come out of it. Okay, that was horribly worded, but I don’t know how to put it into words, but I like the line.

    You “just [didn’t] care” anymore. You were “done” with me.
    Oh my gosh! That jerk!!

    I just dissolved into tears.
    I like this description. It’s really raw and rough, but it has a poetic sort of touch on it.

    Because of Shaun, I started talking to this girl on Mibba (remember that writing website?)
    I think everyone on this site has a story like this, connecting with someone, but yours is just amazing. This one is even more special because of just how much it means to you and to your mental sanity. Mibba is amazing. Forever.

    Oh my gosh, Joanna. I’m not even joking—I’m ready to cry. Just the emotion and voice that you wrote it with—I know it’s real and I know it happened and it disgusts me that something like this would happen to someone as sweet and amazing as you. You don’t deserve that and he doesn’t deserve you.

    I’m actually going to go get a shower now. Your first letter was just so intense and strong that I need a mental break to calm myself down.

    I will review the next letter when I return!

    <33 <---I felt that was necessary.
    November 25th, 2010 at 03:33am
  • link;;

    link;; (150)

    United States
    I have a soft spot for letter-stories, like these. The fact that this is autobiographical really touches me. I can relate to the emotions your expressing in your every word. I hate how sad I felt when reading the first entry, because I know what that situation is like. I’ve been there, and it truly does hurt. On a positive note, your writing style is wonderful, while staying personal. You’re truly a born story-teller.

    Uncontrollable, intense, unbearable, terrible… broken-ness washed over me. I felt like my whole life had collapsed, like I couldn’t breathe, like all the good in the world had up and left, disappeared forever. I just dissolved into tears. I’m being completely honest when I say that, that passage almost consumed me into a tearful state. I hate the control this letter has over my emotions, but I love it.

    The ‘Zombie period’ is very clever; I think everyone gets like that sometimes. Overall, I have to say that this is beautiful in a personal way, and as an outsider’s perspective. I almost can’t finish it. I’m succumbed to my melancholic state.
    November 25th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    I've never read Hey, Kid, but I think I will when I have the time. The first letter was so sad; the picture at the top made it more personal and raw. It's horrible how you lost Avery, but how you found Nate in the process is amazing. I could feel all the emotions in this; you don't read many letters like that, that are so emotional that it makes the reader cry with the author.
    Anyways, this is beautiful. And like Jumping Gecko said, SMILE :D We love you! <3
    November 2nd, 2010 at 10:55pm
  • out of order.

    out of order. (100)

    United States
    This is fantastic.
    I actually almost cried, but that'd be embarassing in maths D:
    But GOD this is great, really.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 12:24am
  • Bradley Cooper;

    Bradley Cooper; (100)

    Avery = Mega douche.
    Nate = Good Guy. :D

    I think you should just ignore Avery ever exsisted, but I never had a friend like that. (The one I did have like that now does not have a name or cross my brain.) I think it'll be better that way. Or, you could always kill of a fictional character based off of him to get the frusterations out. XD I'm just being hateful, but can you blame me?


    So, SMILE CHILD. The world loves you. <3
    November 1st, 2010 at 01:11am
  • breakfast after ten;

    breakfast after ten; (100)

    United States
    I read Hey Kid a couple of weeks, or months, ago and I fell in love.
    This is truly one of the greatest things I have ever read and I'm pretty sure
    it has a lot to do with the emotion behind everything you've written.

    I understand what it's like to lose someone like you lost Avery,
    but I also understand what it's like to find someone like you found Nate.

    The strong emotion throughout both pieces is beautiful.
    Your writing is vivid and I absolutely adored your letters.

    Wonderful job. <3
    October 31st, 2010 at 10:39pm