Of My Dreams - Comments

  • Kari.N.Fosterxxx

    Kari.N.Fosterxxx (100)

    United States
    hey you! we need to start writing this again. and i wanted to talk about some of the changes you made. make sure you add me as the second author andie!!!! luv ya dearly!
    January 1st, 2011 at 03:05am
  • sarcastichedgehog

    sarcastichedgehog (100)

    AAH, I can't believe I'm the first one to comment. Your story is A-MA-ZING. At first, after reading the summary, I thought it was going to be a "yah, okay" story. However, once I began reading, I simply adored it! You definitely have one of my favourite writing styles on mibba!! I can fully appreciate how hard it is to develop the character, whilst not making them too disliked by the reader and not too arrogant (great work on that, btw =D ). You also incorporate enough emotional stuff in, but not overly so that it becomes cheesy. Not to mention, you're one of the few, few authors who uses impeccably great grammar and spelling *cough, cough*.

    And of course the storyline is equally, if not more, astounding! I do believe this is the first story I've read that really took the idea of using parallels and running with it. Not only are the main character's problems similar, but I like how their best friends and situations are also similar (ex. envying a real couple). The repetition of "You don't know what you're missing" was also very effective =)

    Oh gosh, I think I overstated my case ^-^" All in all, well done! I take my hat off to you ;P
    December 8th, 2010 at 02:19pm