Seventeen Forever - Comments

  • Wow. This story is definitely...interesting. The way the words are so beautifully intertwined are amazing. Each chapter is short, but I can see the thought and caution and precision that was included in each line. I'm still not sure I even understand what the story is about yet, but it is simply brilliant. :)
    November 20th, 2010 at 01:51am
  • I loved, loved, LOVED this update!

    You are 100% right when you say that we think of vices negatively. It's the way we use the word. Very true and eye opening!

    I loved where you wrote "She is self-deprecating. She is humble." That ended the piece beautifully for me. I love it!

    Terrific! Two thumbs up, 5 outta 5 stars! :D

    I loved it!
    - Emily
    November 20th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • I am.

    I must admit I never thought of anything you wrote right there, except I did have the realization that "I am" is incredibly vague. I did immediately think of God though. When he calls himself, "I Am."

    "I am" leaves me either thinking I am what? Or I AM. As in "I" is in existence. I am. You are. We are.

    Another terrific philosophical piece of literature. And, once again, I loved it. :)

    Thank you for writing this!
    - Emily
    November 18th, 2010 at 10:18pm
  • Wow. There was so much truth right there, such a great realization. That is how I felt when I turned 16. Suddenly I was being charged more at the movies, suddenly I was weird if I didn't drive yet and suddenly I was supposed to be... well... 16! I really loved what you wrote!
    The little snip about her parent's curtains made me smile. We have a HIDEOUS wallpaper with grapes on it in our kitchen. lol I hate it.

    Are you gonna keep writing this? If so, I will read all of it! :D
    November 18th, 2010 at 04:15am