A Boy Who Won't Jump - Comments

  • Holy shit,
    this is your first slash?
    I'm so jealous. x3
    You definitely have a lot of talent.<3
    Halfway through reading this,
    do you know what I thought?
    I thought,
    "This is amazing."
    It's not full of super slashy stuff,
    and it's definitely something that's realistic (minus Zack Merrick running around and kissing boys. xD I wish. :p). I also love the way you incorporated the character's feelings. It really gives you butterflies. :3
    And I agree with love.me.hate.me,
    if you make this into a full length story,
    I would love you for forever. x3
    I loved this so much.
    Well done, and good luck!

    November 21st, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • i loved this!! it would be an awesome full-lengthstory:D
    November 21st, 2010 at 03:52pm