Move Like a Cat - Comments

  • asflksjdg Katie. This, Was. Great. Just freaking great. Well written and sexy. I love it~
    November 28th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • I am speechless, I'm not even kidding with you. You've done so well, some parts were fast and raw (which was definitely good, do not get me wrong here), but some parts were lightened up by the agile tone you created. But it was so hot, oh my GODDDD, I seriously thought someone turned the heat dial up in my house, I was shaking. I didn't know that you were capable of doing that, you totally doubted yourself too much, because you did an awesome job. And then it ended on a light note: In between the casual talk about tour and sex, Adam leans down and kisses him right on the nose. Tommy crinkles up his face and laughs. And he couldn’t really ask for more. I really liked that, the tone was light again. But you did such an amazing job, that didn't feel awkward at all, now did it? xD
    November 23rd, 2010 at 01:51am
  • Wow... wow! Happy face That was amazing, and freakishly hott, just asdkfjs. I loved it! *fans self* I like how you wrote it too, it wasn't like direct porn but it was still well-written sex. And I like the wording you chose for certain parts. It was pretty awesome, and Tommy and Adam... Happy face
    And awww, thanks for the dedication! <3 Arms
    November 22nd, 2010 at 05:06am