Eyes Open - Comments

  • I don't usually get scared by stories, but this is seriously creeping me out a little. So kudos to you for writing a decent horror.
    March 6th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • Oh my. The imagery in this chapter was just. . . Wow. Seriously.

    I couldn't believe he wasn't throwing up when his sister rotted in front of him. But then, with the trees. Just. . . wow.

    That was an absolutely epic chapter. Really.
    February 27th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • Nate is like his spirit guide! I like it. :D

    AND of course that's where you end it. I hate cliff hangers! But they work so very well!

    Great chapter!
    February 20th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • Agh! C'mon! Really? REALLY!?
    Did you REALLY have to leave it off at that cliffhanger? Really?
    Whyyyyyyy must you torture your readers so? Why?

    So yeah. I have obviously caught up and am quite mad at this cliffhanger.
    You need to update. And fast.
    Subscription time!

    So, I'm liking this story a lot. Like, seriously. It's very good.
    I'm liking how you're adding in his real name here and there. It's very clever.
    Y'know, reading stories like this honestly make me wonder how something like Twilight got published. >.>

    Update soon, yeah? Because if this was for NaNoWriMo 2010, it means you've hopefully got it finished, yeah? :D
    February 12th, 2011 at 07:58pm
  • Come and play with us, Danny …for ever, and ever, and ever. XD

    This was a really creepy chapter. Just the way that his sister acted. So loopy.

    Great job!
    February 12th, 2011 at 04:20pm
  • That was seriously amazing
    I'm actually speechless haha
    February 12th, 2011 at 02:59pm

    I liked the chapter though. It gave a lot of Troy's current thoughts.
    February 5th, 2011 at 08:46pm
  • At the end i actually had tears in my eyes
    As soon as he said that he recogonised the voice i knew it was going to be the one who was calling to him that night
    That is just so creeepy
    I'm really really loving this!
    Can't wait for more! :)))
    Update update update hahaha
    January 31st, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • So, his sister who's three years older than him, but still only three years old is coming after him with a giant faceless man in the middle of the night? . . . I have to say, that's not a story you hear every day. XD

    Great chpater, m'dear!
    January 31st, 2011 at 03:01am
  • Holy shit! They've both seen him! I was actually kind of expecting something like, "Troy, I don't see him." XD That would've been so mean!

    I really liked this chapter. It's good to know it's not just him. Makes it more concrete in a way.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 11:20pm
  • Just read through the character page and got really creeped out by the little girl...
    Is it one of the children he heard and left hand prints outside his room....I'm thinking yes at the moment
    The description of her is making me really excited for when her role propperly comes into this story! :)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • The characters page is up! :)
    I'm not sure if it's been there a while or not though xD I've only noticed it now so i'll have to look in a second
    So Nate saw it too!
    Troy isn't crazy!! :)
    Well...unless they both are
    I suppose that is possible in a way...Doubt it though
    Oh my God, so he's been seeing him since he was a kid and it all stopped when he met Troy...
    Creepy stuff
    Can't just be a coincidense (I suck at spelling)
    Oh and i remember the theory i came up with after one of the chapters a while ago about it tying into his childhood hehe
    That's be so cool is his mum's like
    You used to talk about him as a kid...Or something like that
    Great update!
    I've just got more and more questions now though hehe
    Needs answers! This suspence is killing me
    Can't wait for more! :D
    The facless guy wasn't in that chapter....
    Could something big be happening next...Or maybe you're letting it die down for a bit before a big BOOM moment
    And i don't know why but i got a feeling that something might happen to Nate soon.
    I'm not sure if it'd be something really big or maybe just Nate seeing the 'thing' for himself...Hmmm
    Loves. This. Story. Haha
    January 23rd, 2011 at 07:46pm
  • And the ending! WTFrench toast? I'm never going to sleep....
    January 23rd, 2011 at 02:23am
  • I just can tell some not good enough for your talent publishing company will take your story right up!
    I love this very suspensful and I love people with metal disorders such as these :)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 02:22am
  • BAH! DID HE SEE HIM OR WHAT!?!?! Not a nice place to leave off, my dear. A smart place to end, but not nice.
    January 17th, 2011 at 11:04pm
  • NOOOOO!!!!!!
    Don't leave it at that xD
    This is seriously killing me
    I want to know what's going on so i need more very soon haha
    How does he know what's going on though?
    Oh my God i am so confused right now!!!!
    Grrrr i want to understand xD
    That footage is amazing
    Not only had Troy seen it, but he know knows he's not the only one who can...Maybe...
    I suppose there's still a chance that this long story could be about Troy being insane and there not being anything there, but i'm really hoping that it isn't that
    That's beyond creepy and now these things (aka ghostly children or whatever) have whiispering voices AND KNOW TROYS NAME!
    If i was him i wouldnt be able to stay there, then again, he';s seen mr big faceless dude outside of his house too....Maybe the only option is to blow his own face off...
    Don't make him do that xD
    Me is only messing! Hahaha
    Looking forward to the next chapter
    And i've told some of my friends about this now
    I think one of them (if she doesn't chose to be lazy) will have a look and really love this, but the other one got a bit creeped on just from me telling her about this, so i'm not sure if she would tee hee
    MORE!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!! ...brains?
    Nahh, random hehe
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:30pm
  • I don't think I've read a story that gives me chills and shivers like yours do. Sometimes I find myself looking over my shoulder while reading because I think somethings there. I LOVE IT!!!! The Slender Man idea is brilliant! Eyes Open is my favourite. I tripped out when i first read it so bad i felt like i was being watched. I absolutely cannot wait for the next update. This is the best late night story ever in my opinion!
    January 13th, 2011 at 08:02am
  • wow...That was a long comment lol
    But it was on 2 chapters...
    January 9th, 2011 at 05:33pm
  • OH MY GOD!
    I fell behind on this but I'm to date now
    Those last 2 chapters were amazing!
    It was all so intense and everything that happened really sunk in and had an affect on me
    At some points i actually thought i was going to cry! xD
    Usually making someone cry is a bad thing, but with this story, making someone do that is something that really deserves a well done

    The bit in the fog in the car
    Oh god
    I just knew something was going to happen.
    I expected that when he got out it would've gone though to be honest, so when it moved i was as freaked out as Troy was haha
    And maybe he should call the doctor... When i was reading that chapter i thought of something
    People who think they see things are generally thought of as kind of mental (in the nicest way possible xD) but how can we be certain that they're just not seeing things that we aren't able to see or that don't appear when other people are around...I don't know, i guess it just got me thinking
    This might've happened in the next chapter but I'm not 100% sure so i'll just say it here
    The bit with the footsteps really really creeped me out
    And i couldn't blame him for all of the paranoia before he went to bed
    If i was him part of me would be glad that i would be away in my sleep if it did anything, but then i was like, what if it gets in? What will happen if i'm knocked out and can't do a thing to stop it
    ..Just my thoughts :) xD

    And that last chapter. One word:
    Waking up...Thew, everythings normal
    WOW, Hold up
    ...That wasn't like that before
    Oh dear
    The leaves being everywhere is creepy, like most of this hehe
    I wonder how leaves relate to the faceless man, i mean there must be more to it than well, leaves, right?
    (my mum just knocked on the door and i jumped outta my skin! Ha)
    Back on topic...
    As if the leaves weren't enough...Handprints!
    If they were just handprints, it'd still be bad, but not as bad.
    But when they're children's one's it gets more...Grr i don't know, but it gets to you more
    I'm wondering if this 9-10 foot man could have child hands...Or if it could actually somehow relate to a child.
    Maybe him as a child! Dun dun dun... (I'm getting carried away again now)
    The filming thing was a really good idea.
    I watch paranormal activty 2 a while ago, and i think if there wasn't that actual evidence on camera then no one (in the film or watching) would've believed it at all really, but if Troy actually catches this thing...That's be impressive
    I can imagine something happen to his footage though, i don't know what but it's never as simple as is it?

    The answering phone!
    As soon as his mum said, what have you done to it? I got freaked out
    I imagined it being a voice or something, but when you said it was a high pitched squeaky kinda thing, i was even more freaked out
    That's more freaky then a voice in some ways beause of how unnatural it is...
    I really didn't expect that
    I was getting ready for a calm ending for the chapter, but then BAM!!!
    ~loud squeally noise thing~
    He's at the door!
    Can't believe it
    Part of me thinks that it might end up being his friend or something, but that might be a bit hard to mistake really. I doubt his friend is anywhere near that pale and tall xD
    Great cliffhanger! :)
    ...or faceless man will kill us all...maybe?
    January 9th, 2011 at 05:32pm
  • I seriously tensed up while reading this. When I read the bit about the leaves, I was SO close to screaming at my computer to tell him to hide somewhere, like the weirdos in the movie theatre who think they can change the outcome of the movie.

    GOD DAMN IT! Halfway through reading his narration of the video, and my dog starts barking right outside the window! I nearly fell off the couch! And then my cat starts staring intently at the window, and now I'm afraid to look. XD Okay. I'm gonna look. . . Oh thank God. It was just the dog walking by.

    AH! FACELESS MAN IN THE DOORWAY! . . . He should invite him in for tea. I mean, that man's been standing outside his house for ages. He's probably caught a cold or something. *tsks*

    . . . I really have to stop commenting when I'm tired. But I feel like it's more entertaining for all parties involved, even if it doesn't always make sense.
    January 9th, 2011 at 02:36am