Eyes Open - Comments

  • wow. I thought that was really good. I love creepy stories! Could you please read my book its called The Funeral. The 1st chapter is up!
    January 8th, 2011 at 11:50pm
  • You know, I didn't realize it until I was halfway through reading this, but I was really hoping he would get at least one night to make up for his lack of sleep. But of course, this story is written by you. XD I don't know what could have possessed me to think that he would stop being tortured, even for just one night.

    I mean, yes he got to sleep, but not without that feeling of terror that you've just taken very strong sedatives, and now there might be something coming to kill you. XD I will never take sleeping pills now. Too scary.

    Anyway, it was still great, of course.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 04:24pm
  • Something going to happen AHH!
    Maybe anyway, it feels like one of those parts in movies where the creepy music will come on and i'll have to cover my ears xD
    It's going to happen but i don't know when hehe
    The tall facless guy is bound to show up again, right?
    He must do lol
    And i really like his friend
    He seems really cool and all of the stuff h knows about dreams is actually coming in handy hehe
    And he had a simiar theory to me, kinda]#
    Well i said that it could be to do with whyen he was a kid and maybe he saw the thing then too but has forgot about it now
    So that's kind of close to what he was saying...in a way xD
    I want to read the next one like right now because i'm sensing something happening
    Troy's in a car, driving on adanboned roads at night. And he's now starting to calm down about the 'halucinations'
    So this would be a perfect time for you know who to turn up and yeah lol
    So freat update and more soon hehe :)
    January 1st, 2011 at 01:12pm
  • I like his friend. He talks really long winded the same way I do. XD

    Great chapter, my dear. Not quite as creepy, but a bit of building for what I'm sure is to be a story full of horrors. Can't wait for more!
    December 26th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • Finally! He's giving him the medication. The only problem with that, is that i think it's going to make things worse. I can't see this faceless giant man thing going away because i don't think it's just some hallucination. Tkaing these pills or whatever they are will prove that that thing is actualy there (that's my theory anyway) and then things will seem even worse, because there won't be any doubting that the thing is there and it clearly wants something.

    That's an interesting thought actually. Does it have a reason for being there? Hmmm, i shall be thinknig about that for a while now. Does it want to hurt him? Scare him? Or maybe it's not some evil thing and it wants help or its trapped or something like that... I have no idea what's actually going to happen, but there's nothing wrong with trying to plan it all out in my head, is there? xD I hope not.

    I'm pretty happy with this story so far XD Usually when i read some stories, i like relate it to real life and sometimes notice things that are said in the story. Luckily I haven't started seeing giant people with like no faces or anything like that. If i saw a white face with no features in my window, I'd scream. There was a mask in a window in this detective thing i watched when i was 7. That thing was so creapy. I like had nightmares about the thing for a few years. Yikees!

    Anyway, great update. And the receptionist seemed even more horrible than she did on the phone. Stupid weird lady, (it was a lady wasn't it? xD) I think it was...

    I just thought of something but I forgot it now... One sec...Right, got it now

    I really liked how he was when he was going under the (oh god, i can't believe i can't remember what they're called now) Those light things....You know? Well, yeah. I liked how he was saying that he liked being in them because he could see anyone around him then, but he didn't like it because people could see him too. I think that was really good hehe

    Right, I can't wait for the next chapter. I have no ideas or predictions for what'll happen in it :( Should be a suprise the next one then xD
    December 22nd, 2010 at 02:13pm
  • These doctor's visits remind me of my last one for my stomach.

    Doctor StupidFace: I think I know what's wrong with your stomach.
    Me: That's all fine and dandy. Now can you fix me, please?
    Doctor StupidFace: Well, let me first give you this really redundant lecture on what's wrong with your stomach. And I'll even repeat the things you told me so that I feel like I came up with it myself.
    Me: Seriously. Just give me some fucking pills.

    I kind of wanted to hit that doctor. Both the one I saw, and the one in your story.
    December 18th, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • I like your story although I know who the man in the buisiness suit is....but I won't spoil it. bahah...if anyone likes amatuer horror movies you should check out this link: Marble Hornets
    December 18th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • Wow.

    He's going out there on his own. That's the last thing i wanted him to do, but in a way, for his character that does make sense. he seems like he doesnt want to waste anyones time and he doesnt really accept that whats happening is serious. he's only thinking about getting it sorted and being able to sleep prpoerly again. that's what i get from troy anyway. he's a proud person and doesnt want to rely on someone else, which i'm guessing is why he refused to have someione come and escort him from the house.

    This faceless guy is getting creepier...Oh and the woman on the phone annoyed me. i know she was only doing her job and couldn't have really done anything differently put in that situation,., but i still found her a little bit irritating.

    I wonder if the doctor will actually give him some medication this time. Wait, what if hedoesn't even get there? Oh dear. xD

    Anyway, can't wait for the next update :)
    December 12th, 2010 at 08:29pm

    . . . You ever notice that horror monsters have nothing better to do than stalk one random person? XD

    Great chapter.
    December 11th, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • Wow, what else can i say

    The scene with the doctor seemed so realistic. I could imagine my actual doctor coming up with something like that if i ever had to tell them that or ask for medication for it. When i was reading that i got a bit of a theory going xD It said that when Troy was younger he had a lot of night terrors and i was wondering if it's possible that the faceless man (who creeeps the hell out of me) could have been from back then.

    I personally doubt that on this case the doctor is right. To be honest, i don't think there will be any kind of medical explanation for all of this, and that's what makes it all the more interesting hehe

    I think that i'd do the same thing if i was Troy. As soon as i got into the corridor and into the doctor's room i'd be so happy that there were no windows, but knowing me as soon as i got back to the reception, i'd jump at seeing my reflection in the window there.. But then i'd relax knowing that faceless wasn't there...maybe. Or i migt start panicking and want to know where he went.

    When Troy said about stabbing his mum, i laughed, i probably shouldn't but in this type of story everything is building up all of the time so there's always tension in the air, so i love little things like that coming along and breaking it up.

    Also, a bit when you put something about the faceless man staring into his eyes, i smiled, because, i'm not sure if this was purposly done or not, but it made me think of the title of this. Hehe I'm now trying really hard to create some kind of link between everything

    Anyways, great update! You're keeping me alert. xD More soon?
    December 5th, 2010 at 06:26pm
  • So, this didn't bother me as much with the first chapter. But, I found while I was trying to read this, I was having trouble keeping my eyes focused with the background black and the text off white. Not sure if it's something you wanna worry about or not. XD

    So, part of me wants him to turn out to be a victim of Chernobyl or something. It would be a great twist.

    I also love that you have it open with everyone thinking he's losing his mind. Which means the story's going to be one of those fun, "NO, REALLY! I SAW HIM!" sorts. XD Or at least, it has the chance to be.
    December 5th, 2010 at 03:24am
  • Amazing story. You can count on my subscription.
    The description was well done as was your wording. It really set the mood.
    The layout is gorgeous. It goes perfectly with the story, other than the background. I just don't like how it's uneven. But that's just little details for me :P
    You should definitely write more horror stories, you have an amazing style in this.
    December 3rd, 2010 at 04:12am
  • I'm extremely intrigued by this and the man in the suit. The banner is what really hooked me before I even started the story, because it reminds me a lot of the show Fringe.

    I'm sure we've all had a little bit of insomnia, but five days? I can't even imagine. At that point, I'd be guzzling coffee and seeing a doctor too. Very realistic, especially since I have heard of people seeing things after they can't sleep for such a long period. Good job on that part. I love realistic, paranoia-based things.

    I would really like to read more of this, because I'm very interested in horror stories and how the author writes them, since I can't imagine writing something so... creepy like that.

    Well done. :D
    December 1st, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • Gah, this was awesome. I love creepy stories.
    I need to write more.
    The layout is intensely scary, too.
    December 1st, 2010 at 08:49pm
  • Okay I said I wanted horror and ur givin it to me! THANK YOU!!! I love the idea and the way u write! So please more! : )
    November 29th, 2010 at 05:05am
  • I'd like to add that you did well with the insomnia. As someone who suffers from it, I can honestly say you were wonderful at describing the toll it takes on a person both physically and mentally.
    November 28th, 2010 at 02:10am
  • You've serious talent, dear. I rather liked the beginning. I've only one real nitpick, I suggest choosing better ways to say 'the past few/three days..' I felt as if the sentence was very often used. Other than that, it was quite lovely. I look forward to your updates and will for sure be subscribing. I enjoyed the originality, something all but a few people on this site lack. So I applaud you.
    November 28th, 2010 at 02:08am
  • So, the entire time I was reading this, I was afraid to look behind me, all because of that one repeated line at the beginning. I had the feeling that I was being watched the entire time. It was ridiculous. XD

    Anyway, I really liked it. It was a great lead in, and it makes me think he's just crazy the entire time because he's an insomniac. ^_^
    November 28th, 2010 at 12:40am
  • I'm loving how he's talking to himself, that's so bad. xD

    The man was too still, too tall, and on top of that, he was wearing a crisp black business suit in the middle of the forest.
    Okay, I'm seriously creeped out now. I can picture this, because who hasn't seen something along those lines in horrormovies? It's always freaky, and it always delivers! Love it!

    He was just trying to decide what depressing medical leaflet he should read today when he saw the abnormally tall man in a suit outside the window.
    Obviously, PURE GTFO MOMENT! D:<
    I hate stories, books, comics, movies, etc, where there's a man in a black suit who just stands there. Or a man wearing anything that just stands there. That, to me, is way more creepy than an axe murderer getting the business done. >_>

    So, I love the thought behind this story. I love how you describe that even though he hadn't slept for five days he didn't get any pills. Hey, I've been there. I had insomnia for three months before they were like "oh, you not sleeping? want some pills?" YES I SURE AS FUCKING HELL DO!! Cheese
    Anywho, that's pretty much the drill, so I loved that part of the story. Also in the summary where you mention that he's first assuming that what he sees is just a direct cause of his insomnia... that's true, I've been there too. I saw the most awful things sometimes, especially during that peak where I had six months of nightmares whenever I tried to sleep. You do get confused, and even though you somewhere know it's not real, you can't help but to be afraid.

    I will keep track of this story, to make sure I get to find out what happens next. It's a great concept, and this could turn out so damn great! Keep up the good job, seriously.
    November 27th, 2010 at 10:00pm
  • Just incase i forget, I have to tell you how much i love the layout. I know the story isn't about the way it looks really, but you have to admit, a good layout does really help. It matches the story really well and just looks great

    Now, onto the actual content. I was seriously hooked onto the whole thing. I couldn't move my eyes off the screen. In a way it reminded me of watching a film where you know something's going to happen or pop out, but you don't know when or how, so you end up looking away, but then watching through the corner of your eye anyway. I thought this was a bit like that because my reaction was like Oh my God what's going to happen? But at the same time i knew something spooky was going to show up that i wouldn't like, but i just couldn't look away xD

    Another thing that i thought you did really well was with the way you've started the story with little things happening. Like in movies (this made me think a lot about films lol) you started it slowly. I knew this was a horror, and when i watched this film i knew was a horror, i was nervous in a way (i don't think that's the right word but i'm hoping you know what i mean) and for the start it had loads of things happening that could've been really greaky, but they were ruled out or turned out to be nothing. That's a bit like how he ruled some things out as his imagination because of his condidtion. Clever :)

    So far I'm loving the way this story is going. Whenever it had something happeneing eg the man being in the trees, the presenter saying behind you over andover again and the part right at the end. i got like tears in my eyes, but i always get that with supernatural stuff. I love it though. It just has a really big effect on things.

    I'm hoping this made sense because i'm basically just typing everything that came into my mind while reading that, sorry if some of this seems irrelevant *(and if my spelling is all over the place)

    Can't wait for more, as i said before i'm hooked now and have to know what happens. I'm going to be up or night thinking about this now! Woooo hehe *subs* You're writing style is really good by the way, I think i might have a look at some of your other stories, if you have any xD If this is actually your first then, well, Wow, amazing! :)
    November 27th, 2010 at 09:38pm