A Love Like Winter - Comments

  • Ekzo

    Ekzo (100)

    New Zealand
    For something so short that really had a lot in it =]

    "We're at the perfect place for us to be us." is definitely my favourite line.

    This is really nice =]

    Wish I could say more about this but, really, I agree with everything the first comment (mayday) says =]
    June 14th, 2011 at 09:44am
  • ranavalona

    ranavalona (100)

    United States
    This is really beautiful
    November 30th, 2010 at 08:15pm
  • reid.

    reid. (100)

    United States
    I think this is really really cute. I'm probably gonna go read more of your stuff now, just sayin'. I'm super jealous of your writing talent!
    November 25th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • mayday

    mayday (100)

    United States
    In Love I am so blown away. I just really don't have the words, but when do I when it comes to you? You never cease to amaze me with your talent and I'm just trying my hardest to put together a tenth of the perfection that was.

    It captivated me from the beginning, the way you made sure to be aware of Harry's surroundings, letting us know where he was and who kept him company in the most subtle of ways.

    There, sat atop a wooden broom stick with snow flurries brushing past him, sticking to his dark cloak and matting his perfectly mussed blond hair, is the one person he equal parts loathes and loves.
    I know you're not the biggest HP fan, but seriously? Could you have more accurately described Draco in a single sentence? No, you couldn't, okay. This painted the most elegant and descriptive picture for me. I can distinctly see everything described, Draco gracefully placed on his broom with a faint smirk on his face with melting snow in his hair and dark eyes peering at Harry, all because of this one sentence.
    I just can't get over the flawless imagery you have set and how you made the passion of both love and hate clear, in equal parts. So fucking stunning.

    The devilish grin on Draco’s face melts his bones, tickles his heart; brings hate boiling inside his gut.
    Again, the imagery is just jaw dropping. Cheese It's so well done, everything. And the contrast of the immeasurable love and inevitable hate he has for Draco is so precious, special.

    Harry puts blind faith in his companion, following without knowledge of their destination.
    I think this sentence tells just enough of the love that is ever present. <33

    “Where are we?” Harry inquires, stepping forth. Draco brushes the snow from his cloak with extra care, propping his broom against the cave wall.

    We’re at the perfect place for us to be us.” Malfoy murmurs, stepping closer to Harry. Their bodies seem to hum with the close contact, each wanting to step closer but neither wanting to make the first move.

    I'm so in love, you couldn't have chosen a more beautiful setting if you tried. The bolded bit is the most geniune line in this story and I just can't get over it. I keep reading and seeing it again and again in my head. They need a /perfect/ place to be together, as an 'us,' and this is it.

    “What are you nervous for?” the blond devil inquires, and Harry’s broom falls to the stone floor with a clatter. “Nothing,” Potter replies and their lips seek each other in the growing light. Their hands are frenzied and searching, bodies wanting to feel each other.
    It's as if that one question put everything in perspective, made all guards and defensive walls crumble, leaving nothing left but their craving need for each other. I'm running out of adjectives to tell you just how amazing this is..

    Skin against skin, the warmth from the cave compares naught to the heat they make.
    In Love My favorite line by far. I... am so awestricken by this completely gorgeous line. Nothing can compare to how well you ended this. It fills me with so much undying love and leaves me beaming with a swell of fondness and warmth (which obvs compares naught to the heat they make) for the couple. <3

    I just want to read it over and over and I know I will. Even though this is a one shot, I'm subscribed because I just know I'll never stop loving this with everything. <33

    In Love Thank you so fucking much, Jamie. I just.. couldn't ask for anything better. You didn't have to do this at all, but I'm not going to complain about it in any way. I'm sorry I don't have the immaculate words you deserve.
    November 24th, 2010 at 10:33pm