Forgotten Myself - Comments

  • I liked it(: It could have been worded better at some points, but it way pretty good. The whole no memory thing was a good idea and the fact that her twin sister can't make her remember makes it sadder since twins are suppose to be closer then most siblings.

    I'm glad you entered my contest, this was good. :D
    January 12th, 2011 at 02:15pm
  • Awww ;( Sad, unresolved ending!
    I hope Kylie remembers her twin at some point!! That would be good :D lol
    It wasn't bad! I liked it a lot (: At first I thought the girl was her friend, then little sister, and now it makes sence to see that it's her twin.
    Nice story :)
    November 26th, 2010 at 04:43am