Saints and Sinners - Comments

  • Skarsgard

    Skarsgard (110)

    United States
    So I think you should update this. I want to know what happens!
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • AndThereSheGoesAgain

    AndThereSheGoesAgain (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This story is so sad but good, hits you right in the heart. Write more soon :) x
    February 16th, 2011 at 08:29pm
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    I'm finally caught up! Can I just say that I adore this story, and it's ridiculously depressing but awesome so it's okay. I don't really know what to say, other than Stefan needs to be punched. I like that you have Bonnie and Jeremy together in this and same with Tyler and Caroline. I feel so bad for Matt that boy is just so alone and so sad all the time. :( It makes me want to go love him because nobody else will. And just...ugh. Anyway, this is beautiful mkkkk?
    February 15th, 2011 at 05:54am
  • Carry On Winchester

    Carry On Winchester (100)

    United States
    i love this. i love how its going from the end to the beginning and it's so sad. but i love it.
    January 31st, 2011 at 08:30am
  • Roden.

    Roden. (100)

    United States
    Okay, just finished.

    I don't know who I'd rather be with at the end of the world -- probably Stefan. I barely remember the books, I read them when they were in paperback. I should pick them up again so I know the characters.

    I loved Damon in this.

    Actually, I might stay with both of them. I'd force Stefan to stay and we'd watch the world come to an end.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Chapter three
    Fucking Stefan. What a little cocksucker. Way to be a douche fuck and bail on Elena and your own brother. *shakes fist* Oh my dear, this just proves how exquisite of a writer you are. You're able to make me hate and love your characters--via GOOD FUCKING JOB. Right now, I don't want Stefan in my pants so much, normally I'd be like alright buddy get in there, but right now. FUUU. I love the quote from Caroline because that is totally something she would say, honestly. Can I say something? I think you may be one of the best TVD writers that I've come across. No one ever seems to get Damon down right--he's the hardest character to portray and you do it fantastically. Which is why I love you.
    December 15th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is extremely original, and I'm enjoying it immensely!

    As nearly everyone else has said, your descriptions are simply beautiful. There's a lyrical, almost poetic quality to them. They flow ever so smoothly, and you obviously choose your vocabulary so, so carefully to create exactly the right image for the reader. I adore everything about the way this is written - your sentence structure, your words, your use of pause and pace; oh, my dear, it's absolutely stunning.

    I'm personally not aware of the fandom this comes from, but I really didn't need to be. I could see everything, feel everything the characters were feeling. It's also fantastic to see an independant, strong female lead in a story, particularly a romance story. You seem to know your characters very well - you write each one with distinction and conviction, and I can tell that you have a confidence in what you write.

    Before this, I'd only ever read one story which effectively used a non-chronological time sequence effectively - The Time Traveler's Wife. But they way you exploit the technique is fantastic. You slowly reveal the details of all of the relationships between the characters, keeping the reader interested and eventually all events do/will make sense.

    I very much look forward to reading more of your work. You truly have a gift.
    December 14th, 2010 at 10:07pm
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Chapter Two
    I'm dying. It starts out this ridiculously sad scene, and I'm curious who she's talking about, I'm assuming Stefan, yes? I really love that you're doing this backwards, it's such a unique way to write a story--I'm sure I've read something that does that before, but yours is the only one I can think of. I really love Delena as a couple and I'm so glad you're writing this. I also kind of love the apocalypse feel to it, and how...I don't know. It's perfect. nummy damon sexy time lady. all i gotta say.
    December 11th, 2010 at 11:20pm
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)

    To be vampire is much the same as being a cockroach -

    This line! Ah, I could go on forever about this line. Vampires are never depicted as this; at least, I've never seen it. Vampires are always sexy and awesome, and I loved this comparison. How different. How lovely.

    I very much like the concept of going backwards. Very interesting and probably, very hard to do, so I applaud your effort there.
    December 11th, 2010 at 09:41pm
  • teen spirit.

    teen spirit. (100)

    When I read the scene where Elena is watching Stefan hunt it reminded me of Twilight/. o.O
    I still absolutely adore this though, because it's dang original and just very well written.
    I'm sorry I have nothing else to say except I love this. <3
    December 9th, 2010 at 10:11pm
  • voidoids

    voidoids (100)

    May I just say how I love that you start backwards, end to the beginning? I have no qualms with that yet, it seems to go smoothly the way you write it. I would think that if I tried writing my stories that way, I would ruin it--but I love it here.

    The first chapter--or rather the last, I expect-- is all I've read, but damn girl! It's good!
    December 9th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • outtahereyall

    outtahereyall (150)

    United States
    Elena pwnd Stefan. You've got her characterized as a brilliant, stronger girl then she is in the series, and it's much more fun to read like that. Damon and her's relationship just gets cuter as things go on, for her opinion of him seems to change rather quickly. Throwing in the note about the stars disappearing was smart, for it's certainly what I'd expect to happen in the apocalypse.
    December 7th, 2010 at 01:18am
  • fearful;

    fearful; (300)

    After reading all the comments, I really can't say anything more. You're a really talented writer and the way you coil your words together are fantastic.
    December 6th, 2010 at 07:40am
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    Okay, I finally grasped the concept of this, it's written backwards. I read it earlier, but now I"m finally getting it haha xD.

    I like your description of things, it's very exact without putting too much in. Okay, I know she's a teenager, but how old is she? Okay, so she is with Damon, but Stefan is like in love with her right? Okay, that part in her books are a little weird. They lke bite each other, and it's an intimate thing, I find that extreamally weird. But, you do have a very good way of explaining it. I'm glad how you put sex in there, but you didn't like go into huge detail.

    I don't understand why Stefan like claims to love her so much, but is being a coward and running away. But, I am curious to find out how all human kind are going to be ike washed off the earth, that's kind of a weird thing. But, your story doesn't go that far into the future, so I'l never know if they really do in fact die O.O. Aww the poor thing has to deal with him leaving, what a jerk.

    This is a really good story, I know you'll go far with this. Especailly because of the uniqueness in teh way it is written. Wonderful job :).
    This might just be me but: "They’re vampire, they’re indestructible."
    in this sentence, shouldn't vampire be plural?
    December 5th, 2010 at 01:44am
  • operation_fail

    operation_fail (100)

    United States
    Wow, I clicked onto this expecting another same old, tired vampire story with a hopeless teenaged girl and her creepyily strong and silent stalker. Man was I wrong. Your story is fantastic so far, though I've only read the beginning yet. It's already caught me, especially with that last bit of narration and dialogue. I love this. :]
    December 2nd, 2010 at 12:46am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    God damn woman. You are fantastic. I've just read the first chapter, and I'm so glad this is continuing. I can never get enough of your dribbles, and now I have a fantastic Delena story to fill my needs with. I'm slightly confused. Was she a vampire? Because she turned to ash...I think? But then you say her heart is beating and yeah, I don't know, confusion. But awesomeness nonetheless. So did he kill her? Or am I just overlooking important details? Whatever, summer girl. pretty much said everything I could've said. You are fantastic my dear. And I adore everything you write.
    December 1st, 2010 at 09:47pm
  • summer girl.

    summer girl. (100)

    United States
    I'm blown away by your descriptions, dear. Your words twist into worlds and scenes and emotions. You've got this way of capturing a scene perfectly, so that I'm able to hear or see or even taste the air. Your words come to life with your descriptions so much so that I feel as if I'm actually there. It's powerful.

    To be vampire is much the same as being a cockroach – virtually indestructible...

    To explain my love for this line would be impossible. When I first read it, it made me stop and just stare. The combination of the two is unparalleled. Although it might not have been your original intent, the comparison between the two, and linking them together painted a picture in my head. It makes me view vampires as if they were in fact cockroaches--sneaky, disgusting, and unstoppable. Brilliant.

    I've always secretly shipped these two, so to find it as well written as this is made me smile. You've managed to capture all that they are, from every twisted emotion to their personalities. They sound like them, you know? The tone in the first chapter scares me, how dark Elena's mood is, and the ease in which Damon comforts her. It's a good balance.

    I love your take on the end of the world--how it's this light, this purity that ends up killing them all. And I love Damon, how you've taken the character and without losing that, made him your own.

    I was surprised at the sudden change in the second chapter. Well written, to be sure...but I was startled by the stark contrast between the two chapters. I was also surprised hearing that Damon loved Caroline. I want to know more, more about how everything changed, how Elena now loves (or at least cares) for Damon, what happened between him and Caroline, what happened between Elena and Stefan...what happened for Stefan to leave her. You've drawn me in, and I just can't help but want to know so much more. You leave your reader with just the perfect amount of mystery and information.

    Beautifully written.
    November 30th, 2010 at 09:11pm
  • Ace Of Hearts

    Ace Of Hearts (100)

    United States
    I love your work! :) And I must say, I haven't read anything that goes from end-beginning, interesting, along with the perspective of it all. :) I was easily drawn into your writing, and I'm excited for more. I love how descriptive you are too! :D
    November 30th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • Faryn_and_Adalia

    Faryn_and_Adalia (100)

    United States
    First off, I ABSOLUTELY love your writing. <3

    Secondly, you have such an interesting perspective. It's really refreshing, actually. I'm thinking of writing a story like this, but mine would be all jumbled up- I love your straightforward way of doing it backward. I also like the way you write in present tense. It's not the way most people write, and it is, for lack of a better word, refreshing.

    I don't even read/watch whatever this story is modeled after (Vampire Diaries, right?) but I'm intrigued now, and subscribing. :)

    Wonderful work. (I also think this is the longest comment I've ever made.)
    November 30th, 2010 at 04:31am
  • Undefined;;

    Undefined;; (150)

    United States
    This layout is gorgeous. I absolutely love it!! This is so mysterious, and I love how you're doing it backwards!! This is very well written, too. Your description and detail allow me to envision everything that is happening.

    He can taste the denial radiating from their bodies

    I adore that line. Out of both chapters, that is my favorite. Great work!!!
    November 29th, 2010 at 10:36pm