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  • Rowan; is lostalone.

    Rowan; is lostalone. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm reviewing this for the Story Review Game. =)

    This is...superbly written. I really don't know what else to say. Your choice of words is amazing, and the tone you used when desribing what the character was feeling was heartbreaking, and had me near tears. It's beautifully poetic, and yet it's not so complicated that it's hard to follow.

    I love the way you describe things - It dosen't just help me picture how things look, but it's also a way to get into the characters head, you can learn a lot about a chracter just by the way they say things, and you have done this perfectly.

    It it's amazing how much emotion you have managed to potray simply by describing someones feelings while looking out of a window, and it's a beautiful way for you to tell the story.

    This story starts off very sad, but by the end, you feel fufilled, because you know the chracters is healing, and I was seriously almost crying while reading this, but the end is an happy ending, but it's not cliche, and it leaves the reader to imagine what happens next, which is good, because that way you avoid making it seem to cheesy or cliche.

    I don't normally enjoy Original Fiction, but this story was so perfectly written, I felt as if I was being pulled into the story. I adored it.
    February 4th, 2008 at 09:48pm
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    Oh I love it! You're an amazing writer!
    Is this just going to be a one-shot or are you going to continue it? Either way, I think it's great.
    January 14th, 2008 at 03:52pm