Glory; From My Lowest - Comments

  • Why do I never have the words to express how amazing your writing is? This was just cute, and great, and I loved it. (and tommy- what, with that adorable attitude of his) And as I stated before, I loved it!
    December 14th, 2010 at 12:34am
  • Ahhh! I love it! It's sooooo cute! And Tommy! I love him, and the more you wrote, the more Adam reminded me of myself. XD I still love that line, Tommy wipes his cheek with his fingertips, he looks at them thoughtfully for a moment before smearing it on Adam’s sheets. I can just picture that. XD I don't think I could stop smiling at the part where Tommy and Adam are on the way to the coffee shop, him playing around with the radio, then holding hands with Adam and then writing their names on the window. It's just sooo cute!

    I don't normally read a lot of fluff but this was amazing! Amazingly cute! *stand up applauds* I love it!! ^_^
    December 12th, 2010 at 05:36am