Paint A Story - Comments

  • This is a very interesting story....depressing, sad, but so original and just...I don't even know the word for it! :D You are a talented author; I would suggest breaking these into some paragraphs maybe?? I don't know....great job, loved reading it! Maybe you could get a different layout? ONe that you made as well? It's lovely either way, just a suggestion :)
    December 19th, 2010 at 06:16pm
  • That was.... heart-wrenching. I know this exactly; I used to be a cutter and this just hit me down. But tomorrow I'll be cut-free for a month, so I'm proud of myself. /off-topic

    This was very beautiful; I dunno if it's because I can relate or because your writing is so intricate...or both.

    I would have preferred a different layout, though. I don't like the pre-made story ones on this site, and the one you chose made my eyes hurt :/

    I'm gonna start crying; you're talented. <3
    December 16th, 2010 at 06:10am
  • Hmmm...this is very deep and interesting. I can say appropriately that you have a very 'artistic' way of words; that's a great thing!
    The metaphorical comparison between painting and and cutting fit seamlessly and I found it was a very unique idea that made totally perfect sense. It was emotional, but also very calm and settled. (I hope this is all making sense. XD)
    As a reader, I got to enjoy the morphing of the words, so to speak, from the talk of artistic reflection of the character into what this art actually was.
    And you did it in such few words; that is really impressive!

    The spelling and grammar was great, and that is always appreciated.

    Ah, if I were to make a negative comment, I guess it would be how the sentences were bunched up into a single paragraph. The first sentence was a bit run-on-ish, but not overly distracting.
    I think if you spread out the words more, it would give this one-shot more of that dramatic impact that it has potential for.

    But other than that one tiny thing, I wouldn't change this piece at all.
    I enjoyed it very much! =D

    Thanks for sharing.

    December 16th, 2010 at 05:28am
  • I could already tell as I started reading that I would like this.

    I love how you compared paints to blood, a brush to a knife and the canvas as your body. This was very well done and told a lot in a short little story. I especially liked this quote:

    My body is my canvas and my scars are my artwork. I have painted my body with the marks of truth. Truth of sadness, agony, and hidden sorrows.

    This really touched me, because everyone has stuff. And how it's shown to the world, be it through 'painting' or writing or whatever really tells it's own story of the hardships. Well done! :D
    December 16th, 2010 at 04:50am