He Is - Comments

  • Yay for awesome KTF!

    This one is so powerful; how it's challenging all the fans who've lost the faith' how it's pointing out the shallow reasons behind their actions

    Loving someone goes deeper than the colour of his hair.

    It's so descriptive. It's a shame to think that some aspects of what you describe will probably be the outright truth of the situation.

    I love the fact that you don't glorify him to be a supernatural-out-of-this-world hero; how you say he's just human. Just like the rest of us. Adds a nice dose of reality to it.

    He is you.

    The ending is so perfect. It was almost like an explanation of logic; how he's helping people to just be themselves; how he's helping them to succeed.

    Awesome. Again! Hail
    January 16th, 2008 at 06:25pm