Stay Gold - Comments

  • Playdoh

    Playdoh (100)

    I love that!

    Totally amazing
    Next chapter as soon as you can! xD
    April 11th, 2009 at 03:17pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Isa, that was absolutely lovely.

    You really captured the moment and the self-insertion, somehow I think it made the story much more personal, more credible as a whole. The way you talked; it was the way that someone talks when they're in awe and have such a high amount of respect for someone else. I don't know, but somehow it just made such a strong connection, even with the overuse of the word "like," which is alright, I do it too. :cute:

    Then when you went into defensive mode when Gerard tried to attack his own band spitefully; the words you uttered afterwards: "You don't even know the full story...Everyone's so fucking judgmental... You don't get it. No one does."

    That "no one does" is such an epic line, it just connects with me on such a persona;. At this age when no one understands us, when they are too judgmental and refuse to listen. That whole dejection thing because people can't take the time to listen, they just assume. Or they just believe what they told and refuse to listen for something that may digress; close-mindedness.

    He fought the urge to stick his tongue out; something about the situation made him stop feeling like a dejected rockstar, but more like a normal teenager again.

    This line somehow, I don't know how to explain it comprehensively....but, it brings an empathetic feel to it. How a lot of adults, when were teenagers, their music was like their prized possession, the one thing they held dear. They would have their favourite artists who meant so much to them, inspired them, made them dream and pulled them through the highs & lows of adolescence. Somehow through that one line you're brought out the pure essence of what MCR is innately at heart. These deep lovers of music, who wish to inspire people, to inspire people to live, and to share such amazing talent with us. Young at heart.

    The last line is a ripper. :tehe:

    I really enjoyed that. Thank-you so much. :arms:

    January 23rd, 2009 at 01:02pm
  • foREVerJimmySullivan

    foREVerJimmySullivan (300)

    United States
    very very very very very very very
    December 26th, 2008 at 03:50am
  • anjiestaar.

    anjiestaar. (250)

    I actually went into that rant before, and no one has been stupid enough to cross me as to that subject again.

    I think, it would be rather obvious if you met Gerard Way as well, I mean, it couldn't be so hard. Maybe sparkle a bit more, and be more vivid than before. But still, I wouldn't believe he was "jerry with a j"

    You're an amazing writer. ♥

    Keep The FAITH

    x Anjie
    December 7th, 2008 at 05:53am
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    I’ve never cried whilst reading a KTF before, but this one made me come close; I had tears in my eyes.

    I just love how realistic it is, how real it is. I’m not usually a fan of self-insertion, but this worked well and I liked it; it wasn’t glorified or anything. It was what it was.

    He looked at that picture of himself, so flawless and photoshopped and commercial, and he almost saw what made them all think he was indestructible. I liked that sentence; it stood out to me. It just seems as though he’s trying to show that he’s human like everyone else. And that perfect billboard photo isn’t the real him.

    And it was plausible too, how her (you) and Gerard meet. I could tell that Gerard was going to get his head bitten off when he dissed My Chem, and that whole section of dialogue where you explain how much the band means to you was what made me teary. It was so filled with raw emotion.

    Your interaction with Gerard conveyed really well how much the band means to you; I mean, the conversation was casual and most teenage girls would probably be squeeing and all that stuff, but I like that it was more laid-back and normal. His reaction to the story was perfect. It was clear he hadn’t expected that kind of response from you, and it made him realize that there are still dedicated fans out there.

    At first I was confused that it seemed as though you didn’t recognize him, but the ending line, of course, cleared it all up. And it was a really nice ending.

    It was beautiful.
    July 6th, 2008 at 10:31am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Three words.
    A-maz-ing! [Yeah, I'm aware it's not really three words, but yeah.]
    I absolutely loved this story. Your story is so touching and I'm just overwhelmed with happiness that you created Keep the Faith. It means so much to me, and well, everyone.
    The ending was absolutely superb!
    Bravo, Isa, bravo!
    March 27th, 2008 at 11:39pm
  • animrod

    animrod (100)

    United States
    Jesus Christ, that was stellar.

    He thought the way I picture Gerard would think, you know what I mean?

    It's incredible. You're incredible.
    March 8th, 2008 at 09:19pm
  • Padfoot.

    Padfoot. (100)

    Oh my god..
    The most important thing I want to say right now is THANK YOU.
    God, I have to basically take everyone saying how much they suck ...
    And no one understands how amazing they are In Love

    and that was ... amazing.
    you are an extremely talented writer. (:

    He stared intently at the pale features of the man in the very middle, the tip of an 'R' from the My Chemical Romance insignia barely touching his head. Every lock of hair was in place, an intentional mess, his indecipherable eyes shooting straight into your soul, yet anyone who looked hard enough would see emptiness, as if he himself was asking why he was there.

    He looked at that picture of himself, so flawless and photoshopped and commercial, and he almost saw what made them all think he was indestructible.


    I loved that part :con:
    Just the way he looks up at someone, and he doesn't see just a person - he sees how comercial that person looks.
    and how it says, 'he looked at that picture of himself'
    It's almost as if he's looking from somebody elses view until that part. ;D

    And the last part...

    "Thanks for listening, Gerard." that part pwned.

    I loved it. I love great endings. I'm addicted to them. <3

    so all in all, i loved it. you are amazing.

    keep the faith <3
    February 23rd, 2008 at 01:18pm
  • Laceration Gravity

    Laceration Gravity (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Double Post Disgust
    February 19th, 2008 at 05:49pm
  • Laceration Gravity

    Laceration Gravity (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Story/Review Game:

    Stay Gold:

    Wow. I just -- Wow. This story is just perfect. The way you described the beginning from Gerard's point of view really set the scene well,

    "Somehow the sound stood out amongst the city noise of cars wheezing by and people hustling, trying to live before it was too late." It showed just how Gerard felt disembodied and secluded (which is what I hope you were trying to do :tehe:)

    But then when you introduced Isa. That was great
    "Putting an arm around her shoulders, he did his best to shield her from the rain" Though Gerard was in a bad way, you managed to capture his kindness as well. I really liked that bit.

    However, my favourite part on the whole was this bit:

    ""He was all, it's not the way out. Life was still beautiful, no matter how ugly it may seem, even though there's like, death, and just... bad things happening, but then he made me realize that there might still be a reason to keep going, you know?" That was such an inspiring line to read, and it's just how I feel and you managed to capture the emotion in that sentence without sounding plain cheesy...

    I'm not gonna write the ending here in case anyone wants to read it, but that was great. I would say (and I really don't want to sound mean here) That may have sounded like she was just trying to please him. But that's cause I think you have to add constructive criticism?

    All in all, I'm speechless. I shall now read more of your stories...

    EDIT: Sorry if immortality claimed this... They didn't comment and I loved this story so much that I wanted to comment... I sound so corny right now :tehe:
    February 19th, 2008 at 05:49pm
  • Luna Lovegood.

    Luna Lovegood. (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, Isa, that....I'm speechless. That was so fucking amazing, it made me cry. Oh my god....

    I love your descriptiveness, it's I'm there, you know?

    And your story...I had no idea they helped you so much. i thought that the whole they saved my life thing was bullshit, but you....ou're different, aren't you?

    You're very special.
    February 12th, 2008 at 05:18am
  • Emerald Muerte

    Emerald Muerte (100)

    New Zealand
    wow, that was amazing.

    you're a great writer, very captivating.

    Good fic, Keep the Faith

    Long live My Chemical Romance xx
    January 22nd, 2008 at 09:23am
  • nothing.

    nothing. (250)

    That was amazing.
    I'm crying now, so for the sake of keeping my laptop dry I'm going to keep this brief.
    It was amazing, I loved the idea, and you totally pwned it.
    Keep the Faith
    January 20th, 2008 at 05:05am
  • What's in a name?

    What's in a name? (100)

    Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I’m blind. Maybe I’m just not clever enough to get it. But I don’t really understand what’s so fantastic about this one-shot. You know (I hope you know) that I think you’re a fantastic writer but I honestly don’t think that this is at your usual standard (like your chapters in “Matters of The Heart”, fucking masterpiece). Perhaps it’s just I who don’t get why it’s so wonderful. I don’t know and I hate being a critique like this when everyone else loved your story.

    I really liked it but I can’t say I personally found anything especially unique about it. I really am sorry Isa but the only feedback I can give is not positive. Or, well, that’s a bit of an overstatement. I mean, the wording was great overall and the plot was rather well carried out, the descriptions fantastic and Gerard’s character was believable and all. And it was funny at times too. But I found the usage of ‘you know’ extremely annoying, for example. And the girl reacted and acted in ways that to me didn’t always seem believable. I mean, who would really curse at someone and then tell the same person really intimate things in a matter of a few minuets? If she knew all along she was talking to Gerard I doubt she’d yell at him like that. But it does make sense that she tells him the story since she knows how she’s talking to.

    And I don’t know if you intended it to be this way but it was obvious that the girl knew who she was talking too. Which makes some of the things she says to not make much sense. Like: "Everyone's so fucking judgmental... why did I expect you to be any different?...” That makes perfect sense if she has no clue who he is, but apparently she does (she’s obsessed for Pete’s sake :P) so, at least to me, it comes across as unrealistic.

    Also, she switches between acting like she is fully aware that he is Gerard Way and behaving as if she is oblivious to the fact that he’s the lead singer of her favorite band. That confuses me.

    Again, sorry Isa. But I guess you want me to be honest, no? And just for the record; it is a lovely story and I really, really like it. You truly are an amazing writer and what the others have said ismainly true. And you know I’m a nitpicker. Please keep everyone from bashing me. :shifty

    January 19th, 2008 at 07:09pm
  • RawrBaby!

    RawrBaby! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    awesome story

    January 18th, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • Final Tragedy

    Final Tragedy (100)

    United States
    That story was amazing and it affected me, whether or not you believe so. I'm actually amazed at the fact that there are not around seven pages of comments praising this. It's incredibly heartening and realistic despite the fantastic events that occur. This "Keep the Faith" idea was brilliant and it's fascinating to see how so many people from all over the world have banded together for five people, for one band.

    Stay Gold is an ingenious one-shot and as a writer I think you have improved in some way on transmitting emotion.

    <3 Jenn
    January 18th, 2008 at 08:03pm
  • Gary the snail

    Gary the snail (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love it and think you should continue the oneshot and have a story.
    January 18th, 2008 at 06:58pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    a musique partout et nulle part says:
    "their belief turned into hatred, all hopes dashed to the floor."
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    that's gotta be my new favorite sentence
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    I take that back. This is my new favorite sentence "They were laced with silver and were obviously just about to burst. "

    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    is that mine?
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    no its mine. -_-
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    yes it yours!
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    "What's weird is that I'm in some enclosed space with some middle-aged guy who might turn out to be a pedophile slash kidnapper slash rapist slash serial killer slash all of the above, and I should be shitting myself scared right now, but I'm not."
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    wheredthe first one come from?
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    same story.
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    you're reading stay gold???
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    ...omg you didn't realize?
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    im spazzy
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    what's tangina mo mean?
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    it gets sad
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    tangina mo - fuck you/motherfucker!
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    And I love crying
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    And I'm right where its getting sa
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    ima leave you alone first
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    oh god
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    La musique partout et nulle part says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:

    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    Make that the last story in the book
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    because that one line...
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    "Thanks for listening, Gerard"
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:

    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    I'm crying now, doodoohead!
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    God, I dunno how you managed to write about yourself
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    But there's something beautiful about spilling your soul to strangers
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    awwwwwwwww meeennn
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:

    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    i worried aboutit being too self-insert ish, andthe story part felt like a ramble
    *Squee!* - Keep the faith, MCR in __ days! says:
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    Keep my secret, stranger
    I spill my soul out to you,
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    Listening through the rain for danger
    La musique partout et nulle part says:
    I feel like letting you know the truth

    So yeah. You already know what I think. :)
    January 18th, 2008 at 06:18pm
  • LeFreaks

    LeFreaks (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i forgot to comment, lol!
    anyhoo, great!
    that is so how i feel! if im ever depressed/upset i just listen to MCR or FOB or something, even a sad song, and i cheer up. They've brought so much happiness, they deserve it themselves!
    January 18th, 2008 at 05:12pm
  • Your Conscience

    Your Conscience (100)

    I'm not gonna start this off reminding you why you're the better writer, but instead, let me tell you this:

    Even though you've told me so many times about this...and even though that night plays over and over in my head...imagining what i could have done to do something about it, i can never compare to what MCR has given you.

    If i could contact MCR right now, and set a meeting for you guys to meet, i would. I hope you get what you've been searching for for so long... Don't worry. It's coming soon. You will have your day.

    Keep the faith. You're going to get there. I won't leave you until you get there..until you get your opportunity.

    remind me to give you a hug tomorrow.
    January 18th, 2008 at 03:49pm