Forrest - Comments

  • D: That made me kind of sad.

    It was beautifully written though. Very interesting and kind of mysterious, like I wanted a whole back story on everyone that you mentioned in the story. I love when short stories are so awesome like this. It makes me happy :D

    The only thing that I would say is to fix the banner because the picture isn't there anymore. I bet the layout was super pretty though.

    But yeah, definitely loved this :D
    September 15th, 2011 at 05:33pm
  • This is...interesting. It's so mysterious, and so beautifully described; I'll have to check out the inspiration.
    Your description is incredible; beautiful, like I said, and there's just the right amount of it. And I like how you charecterized as well, through his memories.

    Lovely layout and overall, good job...especiallly for only 500 words.
    December 27th, 2010 at 07:32pm
  • There isnt much I can say except that I love this.
    You have such an amazing writing style.

    December 23rd, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • I loved this! There was so much, yet never too much, in such a short piece of text, and I could definitely see the correlation between this and the inspiration. I also loved the layout, although admittedly I'm not much of a fan of centred text.
    I don't know if there's a specific universe/fandom this is set in, but regardless, I thought it was beautiful and very well crafted. :3
    December 19th, 2010 at 07:44pm