Beautiful - Comments

  • Aw that was sad! And I love how she said the thing about condoms being the enemy. That was funny. And I agree with the person below me. The human race can be gross.
    June 25th, 2012 at 08:58pm
  • This layout is really pretty, I like the picture as well :) the two yellows contrast beautifully :)

    I like the idea of its a group of kind of "outcasts" or people who are too bad to be in regular school
    It's a good begining to a story, I do like that.
    She has an eating disorder :( that's sad honestly.
    But, it does make for an interestng story!
    "These were the days when I was reminded of how disgusting and repulsive the human race is."
    I love this line so much. It makes me smile. the human race really can be gross.
    The director seems really fakey and annoying, someone I'd wanna punch in the face on the spot
    This had such a good ending :). Its amazing what a few simple words from another person can do
    It was really sweet, and it's nice to know that she is better now :)
    I really liked the whole idea of this, and just everything about it!
    Very good job :)
    December 23rd, 2010 at 05:36am
  • :') This made me tear up a bit, doll. It's so very true. I just love the sincerity that seeps from this piece and how beautiful it is. You've made this girls feelings real and I really feel that when I read it. You've done a wonderful job. <3
    December 23rd, 2010 at 04:57am
  • I agree with gamble.with.desire this story is just beautiful and I loved the anonymous text she got in the end.

    I love how this story is so down to earth and real, it shows the problems that people may have but it also shows that if you try hard enough it can be solved and there are people who care. It also shows that everyone is beautiful no matter what.

    Sorry, went off subject there, but all in all I think this story is just amazing.

    (PS. Who was the text sent by????)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • The title says it itself. It truly was beautiful. I loved every second of it. The detail you put into such a small piece truely was wonderful. I adored this a bunch. Her whole mindset was nice and the anonymous text really set things in place. It makes me wonder who sent it.

    Overall, you did an excellent job.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 03:40am