I'm Finding Me Out - Comments

    But can I just talk about how much I loved you and Melissa in the chapter? Um, you're both great in real life but you're just super fantastic giving Roxxie her package. Especially the whole Twitter thing. That shit's an addiction, I swear. Wish I was a foreign exchange student in Australia. Hogwarts there, did ya know? (;
    Roxxie and Matt's little thing in the beginning was adorable. I want them to be a them right now. They are so cute and great that it hurts me.
    It sucks that Roxxie can't play but it's good that they don't have to cancel shows. I literally laughed out loud at, "Where are you gonna put her? Your skinny jeans?" Haha, such a funny line you are so superb my friend.

    This is gonna be a rant/comment right here and I'm going to title it because it's gonna be so long. Prepare yourself. Are you ready? I don't think you are.

    Jack's Situation

    Dear Jack,
    You're being an unreasonable twit. Stop. You can't love Alex, fuck up a relationship making out with him, fuck up a family trying to hide your love by being in a fake relationship, fuck up that girl's love and then fall in love with her. Stop. Look at your life Jack. Look at your choices. You need to move on and love me instead. I will love you back unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY JACK BASSAM BARAKAT.

    No, but really, Jack is so fucked in the head it's not even funny. He needs neurological help. For real. I don't have a single clue on how he's going to get out of the mess he put himself in. It's no one's fault but his own really. Roxxie kind of had to tell Adi and he should realize that. She's her sister and Jack was already asking too much by making them fight and be at odds. What he really should do is put everything out on the table to everyone, explain himself and let his friends help him through a rough time in his life. It's ridiculous of him to think they'll judge him or whatever. It really is a bad place for our poor Jackery but I'm sure he'll get through it. He'll probably have a mental breakdown and go completely insane first but still, it's a healing process I guess. Hopefully his problems do get resolved and he moves on and finds a good place.

    ^ Um, wow.

    I'm nervous for the whole Adi/Zack/Alex confrontation or whatever comes from there. That too, is an issue that I'm sure is gonna get worse before it gets better. But I want Adi and Alex together so bad that it hurts me physically. Kind of just like how Matt and Roxxie have to be Matt and Roxxie. Right. Now. No more lateness Becca, simply inexcusable behaviors.

    Okay so, I'm about to get shot because someone is bored in Ancient History...
    Alright, so that's about it, I loved the chapter as usual. Love you both with a growingly large exponent or whatever I even want to say I can not express my love for you both correctly as people and as writers. You've obviously grown a lot as writers from the first chapter to this one and I love that. Ugh, you're such quality people. Stop. You're making the rest of us look bad.
    May 27th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • So I just found this story, read it all, and am going through withdrawal. Already.
    Gimme gimme more!!
    Hahaha that was extremely lame..
    May 25th, 2011 at 06:04am
  • Okay this is awful. I LOVED Jack and Roxxie together, even if they were fake. And now he admits that he loves her ... algkjfkj.

    But what he said was wrong. Roxxie had every right to tell her sister if it was keeping them apart. People probably disagree, but i believe it's true.

    ...but Roxxie and Matt. I feel bad for Matt, because he loves Roxxie, but I have a bad feeling Roxxie is going to date him, and then realize she loves Jack. Just saying.
    May 25th, 2011 at 01:54am
  • Aw, poor Adi. She always has some drama hanging over her, the poor thing.
    It's like everytime you're like, oh yay some of the drama is gone it's all BOOM BITCH I'M BACK. Haha, but that's how I like it.
    I really can't believe Zack though. I mean, it's understandable that he's tired of feeling second best and everything but to just kind of, run away from her is a bit sad.
    She probably shouldn't have told Jack that she knew but Roxxie probably won't be too mad. After all, she just got her sister back and they both don't want to fight anymore, obviously.
    I think it'll always be Alex and Adi though. No matter what. Simply because they were so in love and they kind of still are and it is true that she always goes to him. I dunno, they just kind of belong to each other, you know what I mean? It's hard to describe how I get that feeling just from reading but I always knew that eventually something like this would happen.

    Definitely worth the wait. I nearly had a heart attack and a brain spasm when I didn't get an email on Saturday but I definitely understand lack of inspiration as it happens to me every single day of my life.
    May 18th, 2011 at 04:58am
  • That was great
    May 17th, 2011 at 10:40pm
    May 17th, 2011 at 03:50pm
  • Damn Were On The Same Page Except My Sexy Crew List Is Like This:
    1.Matt Fly
    2.Alex Greico
    3.Vinny Vegas
    4.Evan Kirkendell
    5.Jeff Maker
    6.Danny Kurily
    7.Matt Coloussy
    Then There's The Subject Of The Real Band Which Goes A Little Bit Like This:
    But They Are All Eqaually Sexy Sooooo....Yeahh
    I Just Felt Like I Should Let You Know Idk Why .?
    But I Like This Chapter Though :)
    Glad They Finally Made Up And Matt Finally Got His GIRLLLLLL .!!!!
    May 9th, 2011 at 04:18am
    Okay, soooo, obviously I'm fucking beyond excited about this whole klzxchsdlfhd fairytale Matt thing. And she was trying to impress him and they've always lubbed each other and I am just so happy and jealous. When his voice broke calling Jack her boyfriend, I thought I was going to spontaneously combust from all the adorableness that occured. HO-LEE SHIT. When he said that he liked being called her husband, I nearly cried knowing that I will never be with this man. She's his princess, oh my god <3

    Forgetting about our precious Flyzik for a moment though, I'm so happy that her and Adi made up. It was definitely a long time coming. I thought it was so sweet the way they made up. I'm BEYOND EXCITED that the truth is finally out. She should have told Adi about Jack from the beginning and then there wouldn't have been as much friction. Adi does have to choose who she loves more and personally, I think that's Alex. Poor Zack, I'll be there to take him under my wing and make him feel better x]

    You have no idea how happy I am with the past two chapters. Well, not that Roxxie fell off the stage like an uncoordinated sloth but that everyone made up. Maybe Jack will be able to come out and say what he needs to say and eventually move on. I feel so bad for that poor baby. Ugh, this story is so great that it hurts me. Love you guys a million stars in the sky! <3
    May 9th, 2011 at 12:57am
  • i don't like Adi but i like Roxxie so it's good but i'm starting to like her ;)
    May 2nd, 2011 at 12:20am

    okay, so this chapter was beautiful. first, Adi making up with Alex kind of, and Zack being adorable with her, and Roxxie in pain and Matt ... just Matt, oh God.

    i can't wait oh my gosh.
    May 1st, 2011 at 06:10pm
  • This is honestly the best ATL fanfic i've ever read...it's so unique and twisted and AMAZING! I actually almost cried and that doesnt happen much. Very awesome story. I love Roxxie and the thing with Jack is just so sad and twisted. AND MATT! I love how this is a story that involves Matt cuz i love him
    May 1st, 2011 at 06:08am
  • Im glad that they've made up, even if it is under bad conditions :)
    They were too close as sisters to just not be talking anymore ;]
    Im hoping that everything will go smoothly from now on, but i just have a feeling that its not going to work like that :/
    May 1st, 2011 at 02:27am
  • That last part was so sweet(: But i'm sad she fell off the stage and got hurt..even if it did make everyone forget their fighting momentarily.
    April 29th, 2011 at 03:20am
  • BECCA.
    sakjdaskhdasjkhkjshkasj holy sheeeeeeit.
    No, but I'll survive long enough to comment on this.
    I cried. I'm still crying a little bit. Oh my lord.
    First, the way Roxxie took over for Alex just pulled my heart strings. She was obviously torn up about it and it was really great that she finished for him. It meant a lot to her, and, I think, to the fans, since she seemed to feel so attached to them in that pause. That was great and I really loved it.

    Second, Roxxie is obviously an uncoordinated little thing isn't she? She can somehow manage to play guitar whilst on Jack's shoulders but a small stage block? Nope, that's her downfall. I nearly died when I read that part. ljasdlhdlkashdlh Oh lord, you should have seen me spazzing out. That was when I started to cry. Then Alex was there and she was screaming for Rian and then he came and jumped to her and it was all too much for my soul.

    Thirdly, MATT FUCKING FLYZIK. That's all I'm going to say. Matt is such a sweetheart. I want him to be here with me at this moment. I want to be reading this story whilst he sits on my couch with me. W H Y ? Why can't I have this? He says he's her husband so he can go with her. Sooooo beyond sweet. He's such a qt.

    Best birthday present ever. Ever. Like, I'm beyond happy (and a little mad) that this has happened. Mostly because now Rian and Roxxie will (hopefully) be on speaking terms, and Adi will listen to reason. AAAAAAND Matt is just so great that I can not even stand it. Ugh, is it time for the next update yet? IS IT? This is the best story I've ever read, as I always tell you both. AAAAND you're both such great writers that I can't deal with it and I'm basically gonna go curl up in a ball in my bed and cry about Roxxie's complicated life and how her and Adi aren't speaking and all of that.

    Well, this has been a MONSTER comment soooo, yes. I think that's it. I love you both with an extreme passion that scorches as hot as the sun. I love you more than I love Matt Flyzik and that's saying something. <3
    April 24th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • i love this story so much <3 it gives me butterflies :L and when adi and roxxi had their fight i nearly cried. they were so cruel ! anyways, update soon please.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 07:21pm
  • As much as Adi and Zack are seriously cute.. shes just digging herself into a deeper hole.. I think that she needed to sort herself and her feelings out before she told Zack she loved him.. She needs to sort everything out with Roxxie too.. they're sisters, they need eachother even if they do deny it..
    I really loved this update though :3
    April 16th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • Yo, you all know who got you this chapter a day early.
    And all I had to do was send an epic tweet to Evan Kirkendall, you know.
    Anyway, to the actual comment haha.

    I loved how Adi can own up to the traits she doesn't like about herself and just talk about it.
    Rian is being a great brother to Adi but he should really try to see more of Roxxie's point of view. She's going through a rough time, obviously, and the fight hurt both girls.

    I'm so happy for her and Zack, even though she has feelings for Alex. They have such a sweet relationship and I'm really happy that Zack didn't just shut down when he heard the bad news of her lingering feelings, haha. He probably shouldn't have said the three words right at that moment but I guess it did make Adi feel a little better. I'm nervous about her saying she loves him though. Just because poor Zack might get crushed if she doesn't really love him and if she ends up going back to Alex, which she can't say she won't do.
    So much drama but that's how I love it. Congrats on the 10 stars brosephs! You really, really deserve it for having such a kick ass, awesome story filled with SO MUCH GOOD SHIT. Damn, this story is almost as gr8 as me. Almost. (; Just kidding. This story far surpasses my awesomeness.
    Love you guys to the hundredth power, for real. Like, I'm bringing you both to my prom so get a fancy dress okay? Okay.
    April 16th, 2011 at 03:19am
  • This is all...so sad:/ I want everyone to be happy..Especially Matt):
    April 10th, 2011 at 04:46pm
  • I feel so bad for Roxxie, she's going through such a bad time.
    Rian especially is being a bit rude. It's not like Adi is completely right either.
    I nearly cried at the end bit. I loved the ending, it was very powerful.
    Can I just get to the kiss? Can I comment on that part now?
    Okay, this is adorable. Matt is still upset or whatever but he's just perfect.
    I can't even. I can not deal with this adorableness.
    Jack keeps ruining everything, which is retarded. Like, I love that boy but really, he has bad timing.

    You can't even imagine how excited I got when I saw that this was updated a day early.
    It was like a party at my computer. I can't even wait until next weekend. Oh lord.
    April 9th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • That was sad But great job
    April 9th, 2011 at 12:45am