Haute Couture - Comments

  • masked beauty

    masked beauty (150)

    United States
    I LOVE this story and layout. I love France. :D
    I admire your way of writing with all my heart. Sounds corny but it's true.
    I wish I could write like you.
    I love the banner and such.
    This story I can tell will lead to amazing things; I'm subscribing.
    July 28th, 2011 at 01:42am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    This story was written very well, tons of detail.
    Which is hard to find, I love your grammar its all really amazing because I thought no one was perfect at it. :3

    Your layout and banner a gorgeous. Everything is set up so well. I am so sorry this is so short but I am speechless.
    March 2nd, 2011 at 01:29am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    Sorry this took so long- my internet died just as I went to read it.

    Firstly, I want to say that you introduce this very neatly. The opening paragraphs paint a very cute picture, and the language is nice and simple to suit it. Your voice as a writer here is brilliantly used.

    You mention you have concerns about your dialogue, but honestly, I can't see anything that stands out as being wrong. I'm not sure whether you mean that you worry about the structure of your dialogue and how it fits together, or you're concerned that your characters don't have any good lines, but I wouldn't stress in either case. The dialogue fits in with the rest of the story- they're just ordinary people talking.

    I am a little puzzled by how the two characters interact- why would she agree to see him again? But then, maybe she's joking. It's not really clear, and I figured it was deliberately a bit ambiguous.

    Overall, I think this is nicely written. Also, the layout is adorable (although the text is very squinty on my screen).
    February 6th, 2011 at 07:49am
  • crowning.

    crowning. (105)

    Everything worked together perfectly (:
    The picture was very well used and your writing was magnificent. The descriptions were great too, just the right amount. The summary was great too, it enveloped me and now I cant wait until this is updated. I'd like to see where it's going because It's just very amazing.

    I love Chanel and Christian Dior (: And I love France too.
    February 6th, 2011 at 05:11am
  • whiskey rivers.

    whiskey rivers. (100)

    United States
    I love the layout, the muted colors are really easy on the eye.

    I love how well you described the window display, right down to the framed photos. Especially how these tiny images lead into her memories of her father and the dreams she had; it's a nice way to sneak in character description.

    I'm really glad this is going to be continued, because the ending is almost too open. After meeting Marc and hearing about how cute he and his glasses are, I've become a bit invested in them. And leaving with the promise of seeing her again is obviously foreshadowing that they'll end up together. I'm quite interested in seeing where your character will go in this new city, because I'm certain she'll end up exactly where she wants to be.
    February 6th, 2011 at 04:57am
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    I really like the title of this- even though I don't know what it means x)
    I also really like the layout and banner, it's very pretty and matches well
    so far (just to paragraph 2) I really like your descriptions
    they're very specific and give a good idea of how she is feeling,
    and also how she looks, it's much easier to picture her :)
    but you also don't overwhelm with them- I really like that <3
    oh a fashion designer type of girl- I really do like that too
    Again with the details, I love them! like you said curly hair-
    and it instantly gave me a better picture of her <3
    I think Marc is going to be an important character later on ;)
    Arianna- such a pretty name <3 :)
    so, I really really did lke it- you are honestly a great writer
    I have to sub :D
    February 6th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • jasonsudekis

    jasonsudekis (100)

    The layout and banner are absolutely beautiful and really mesh well with the whole feeling of the story. The summary was good, but I found myself skimming the first chapter because I'm not really one for history lessons and it seemed more like a text book.

    Her fingers brushed against the pure white wood as she examined the store display. It was simple, only containing a model of the Eiffel Tower sitting on a couple of books bound in light leather. A soft smile tugged at the ends of her lips while she looked at the two picture frames on the blue wallpaper. The smaller frame held a postcard-like photo of the Arc de Triomphe while the larger displayed a snapshot of the Notre Dame.

    This is a good opener. It really lets me into the story and I can get a good feeling for it. You're using great language and just enough description to let me know what's going on. Though, at this point, I'm not really hooked and wanting more, even though it is beautiful.

    The girl’s eyes shined brightly while staring. Even though it was a silly little picture of the grand cathedral, she still felt mesmerized. She could just make out the flying buttresses and stain glass windows, which looked minuscule in the plain, wooden frame. They brought back memories of her father from years ago. She closed her eyes and listened to his travel stories as she imagined the scent of his favorite cologne. Her eyes opened again causing her smile to fade.

    This paragraph is much better than the first. I really like the character and the way she cares about the silly little picture. It makes her unique and really someone to me. I loved her closing her eyes and listening to her father. That was adorable.

    For the rest of the story, I found myself falling in love with your main character. She's the kind of girl I want to spend time with and get to know because she seems really interesting.

    I think you've done a really good job, over all. It could go in so many different directions and makes me wonder what's happening and where she's been, and especially where she's going.
    February 6th, 2011 at 01:40am
  • the_space_between

    the_space_between (100)

    United States
    I like it and am looking forward to more! its a very original story line!
    January 17th, 2011 at 09:19pm