A Little Bit of Luck - Comments

  • loved the prolouge, so excited for the first real chapter :)
    Well ,her life seems to improve greatly, living in a beach house!
    How could you get bored of that? she's crazy xD
    or too adventoreous..... haha that happens a lot too
    Ohh, who is this Scott guy? her husband/boyfriend?
    well I'm guessing so, because they just said they loved each other haha
    thank you for pointing out how terrible cigarettes are <3
    you are my new best friend for that :) haha
    Donovan seems a little jealous that he doesn't have a relatioship like that ;)
    dang! there are a lot of people there! haha
    of course, an xbox, i swear thats teh life of about every man on this earth
    good, mysterious ending, i like that :)
    this was really good <3 wonderful job!
    December 30th, 2010 at 08:03am
  • Oh, and update soon please!
    December 30th, 2010 at 07:34am
  • I’m a picky person, so it’s not you, but I don’t really like the layout. Still, it’s good that you have a personal layout made. It adds to the story’s mood and atmosphere and also gives the reader a glimpse of what it may be about.

    Now, I’ve never read a story with a plot like yours, so after I read the summary I was very intrigued. I normally read fantasy and fan-fics so this is a good change for me.

    Your prologue was brilliant. Short, sweet, to the point and completely captivating. It had me hook and I was asking myself what was she like? What was her father like?

    One of the best things about this, is it is written as a third person narrative. I detest first person and often have to cave and read stories written like that. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good, but third person is better haha.

    I don’t really understand why they want to rob the casino. I may have skipped over a paragraph, but it doesn’t seem clear to me. I think you’re off to an excellent start mate!
    December 30th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • I love the layout. Purple and black is a really nice color combination, and they look so pretty together. The picture you chose is also excellent.
    Melissa summed up my feelings perfectly. I'll certainly keep reading this, 'cause it seems very interesting so far.

    :D Good job!
    December 28th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • I find this layout really pretty, the banner is cool too
    because cards remind me of gambleing, and that reminds me of luck
    so good choice of picture on your part :)
    I remember when my father would call me a princess :)
    wow, she must have strong feelings for her father
    He sounds like a huge jerk honeslty, that's all I have to say
    I really liked this story line, you're gong to be able to do a lot with it :)
    I love your writing style, and it's a good story!
    December 27th, 2010 at 11:57pm