For Love of You - Comments

  • The Mystical Creatures Judging
    Thank you for joining The Mystical Creatures Contest, the judging is now in process your results will be posted soon.

    I’ll admit I don’t like the layout at all. The background is kind of meck for me and the green story content with light green font isn’t very visually appealing. Iwould suggest making the story content white with black font color and then a smaller font. The large font always makes me feel like I’m reading a story for visually impaired people.

    Um, I don’t really have much to say about the summary. It didn’t exactly draw me in or make me extra intrigued. But the one thing I want to say is isn’t ‘Elvin’ supposed to be capitalized since it’s a society?

    Story Content

    Part of me wishes I would’ve made this be an actor/actress type fanfiction only because I have no idea what you’re talking about this. I don’t know what Dragonlance is so my knowledge of your story is going to be very limited.

    Your title is capitalized incorrectly. It should be “For Love of You.” And even that reads awkwardly. Maybe “For the Love of You?”

    “Yes, Tanis Half-Elven Two things. It’s ‘Elvin’. And Is that is last name? …that’s awkward. And okay, so if he is the son of the King’s sister, and his future bride is the King’s daughter…does that mean he’s marrying his cousin? Gross.

    Oh okay, so he’s warning him against it…but that’s her betrothed? That makes no sense to me.

    Okay, so I’m kind of disappointed. It just ended and now I’m left with a really big ‘wtf?’. Like I said I don’t know this fandom, but you gave enough information to explain the big picture, I guess. But I’m grossed out that two cousins are in love with each other and I’m just like…whut? I would also have liked to see Laurana put up more of a fight with Tanis. Arguing more would’ve made the fact that he had to leave her more believable.

    Thank you for joining my contest.
    January 6th, 2011 at 11:50pm