It Never Ends - Comments

  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    This was interesting. It reminded me of the Bourne Identity at first haha. I just watched that movie a couple nights ago, don't askā€¦

    Anyway, this was an interesting story. It feels like there should be more chapters to it or something. The whole amnesia thing is pretty interesting, but I feel like you should have elaborated on it a little more. You never gave a reason for why his brother was the only person who visited him, for instance. Or how Oli coped with loosing his memory. I just feel like there were a lot of issues that were never addressed, and this could have been a lot better of a story if they were.

    That being said, I thought what issues were addressed done so fairly well; Oli's initial reaction seemed pretty realistic as well as the scenario for how he lost his memory. You just need to work on character interactions. Overall this was a good idea, I enjoyed reading it. (:
    December 29th, 2010 at 04:09am