Coming Home - Comments

  • I'm not going to lie, this entire thing made me tear up, just reminding me of that day after school where I went onto MCR's website. And I had a smile on my face because I thought I was going to read some funny blog or look at some of their Tweets. And then I saw that update that said that Bob was leaving, and I remembering feeling my face drop and feeling this emptiness in my stomach. And I just started crying.
    You captured that feeling I had in my stomach with this so perfectly, it's not even funny.

    All their personalities are written so dead-on. In Love Frank would be the one to throw himself in between fists because all he wants for his friends to be happy and peaceful with each other. And Ray with his sort of oblivious excitement about the show, and Gerard just crying.

    "Months passed. Summer came and the tour ended. They all went their separate ways, scattering to the four winds, and Gerard sat at home and wrote songs that all sounded like Famous Last Words."
    This line hit me really hard for some reason. I think it was because for the longest time, this was just how I imagined them whenever they went on breaks. Empty and sort of lost without each other, because really, who were they when they weren't creating this life together? Gerard makes these subtle, sort of desperate attempts to keep moving on, just keep writing songs and progressing, but he's also too stuck on the past, and how broken they feel now.

    Oh, god, the ending. This put a somber smile on my face, because this was just exactly what I was waiting to come, even if it never happened in real life. I was just waiting for them to say something like "Bob is back", for him to make some surprise reappearance. It's painful to read because you just know it never really did happen like you were hoping, but it's happy because I just realized I'm not the only one who was just waiting for some spectacular like that.

    Just...thanks for this In Love. You put into words all of these incoherent thoughts I've had floating in the back of my mind ever since that day I read that he left, into something tangible.
    March 13th, 2011 at 07:15pm
  • Oh my gosh, this made my heart hurt. ;_____; I'm actually getting a bit teary.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 06:11pm
  • I love the way Frank tries to stop them, cause he's the type that wouldn't care if any of them hit him in the fuckin' face, he would just wanna stop the fight. Yanno?

    “From what I can gather, Bob here decided to be rude to some fans - again - and him and Gerard got into it. And now we’re all here, waiting for Bob’s wonderful excuse, if he could possibly muster up one.” Mikey said snippily, staring Bob directly in the face.

    DAMN. Hostility for awhile, huh?

    Oh god, Bob. When he quit... Cry

    Past the initial bashing of every inch of Bob and Bob’s character, they spent much of their time in silence, occasionally talking about anything but Bob. They ordered room service and none of them really touched it. They talked about taking showers but none of them actually did.

    You can just tell that they're angry beyond belief, but they just can't NOT be bothered by it. Oh god. I can only imagine how fucking upsetting that would have (dare I say was?) been.

    Gerard’s heart hurt.

    Just... simple enough, that's so painful. God.

    And the Famous Last Words reference is almost a hint at the suffering that’s going on in the band, since all that injury happened on the vide shoot.

    It was two minutes to show, and before anyone could say anything, Frank had launched himself at Bob, crying without abandon, hugging Bob like there was no tomorrow. He was talking, but his tears were so heavy and thick that he wasn’t making any sense.

    Take note, Jenna is crying at this point. sijofu83yefu SINGLE TEAR DOWN MY FACE LITERALLY.

    The crowd almost went silent when Bob ran to the front of stage and waved, but after the initial shock, the venue exploded with the most amazing screams and cries that the band had ever heard.

    I can visualize it because I can imagine how loud I’d scream if it happened.

    “We’re finally My Chemical fucking Romance again, and we’re here to save you!”

    Crying. Crying. Crying. Ugh, Vonn, this is fantastic. Bob would love it. In Love
    January 1st, 2011 at 02:59am
  • Smiley

    Oh my gosh, I loved this. I actually have tears in my eyes. Gah. I actually thought that Bob wouldn't come back, but when he did, it was like reading a miraclethat should have happened in real life. I loved how you managed to capture the guys personalities so well, especially in subtle words. And that last line: “We’re finally My Chemical fucking Romance again, and we’re here to save you!” was one of my favorites.
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:49pm