Lovely Monsters - Comments

  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    This was… interesting. I’m not usually a fan of stories that put my favorite boys into alternate realities, but it does work here. Although I am having a hard time imagining Brendon as a beast, I like this story. It’s like an adult version of Beauty and the Beast meeting the supernatural world.

    The incorporation of the picture into the story is very clever. It wasn’t the easiest picture to write about and it was a smart move to incorporate it as a scene and not try to write an entire story about it.

    I would advise you to read through the story again, paying special attention to spelling. There are quite a few spelling mistakes in there. Maybe it’s a good idea to use a beta for your story, have someone read it over before posting.

    Overall, I did like the content, the story line. Nice work!
    January 9th, 2011 at 02:18pm
  • Be Wonderful

    Be Wonderful (100)

    United States
    I did not think you'd take the picture and turn it into this.
    Not in a bad way, I did like it.
    I'm glad you didn't completely go into details of the sex scene.
    Not that I mind, but it made it. . . better somehow.
    Overall I liked it. Probably the most original idea so far.
    Thank you again for entering, don't worry about it being late.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 09:30pm