Watching Over - Comments

  • How you have managed to turn a manga into something that sounds poetic and dear I say it, philosophical, is just amazing.
    I'm shooting green lasers of envy at you at your writing. I love it so much!!
    I liked the opening lines. They were very poetic.
    By keeping him technically nameless, it adds a mystery to him. Like la voyante said, it makes him seem like a God figure.
    This is powerful stuff. I love it!!
    January 3rd, 2011 at 02:53am
  • I really liked this.
    I have no idea how the Shaman King is though.
    But I liked all the details in this, and how it just seems so surreal.
    He just strikes me as sort of a God. (I'm sorry if I'm horribly wrong on this.)
    This seems like a really interesting story, and I really like the layout also.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 02:35am