Letters to No One - Comments

  • wow you have a lot of insight in things that people dont really want to talk about.

    The last chapter hit me hard. I know how you feel because I act everyday also. I put a mask o for everyone so they never know how much im hurting. then when I break down they are al surprised and dont know how to react. That is why I try not to break down at all. I act everyday of my life.

    I know what its like to want to scream out and get someones attention but when I do they dont listen.

    Im listening because I understand. Im listening because I want to help
    June 22nd, 2008 at 02:07am
  • I can really relate to your letters...especially the last two. I'm not that happy a lot of the time these days. I find myself only happy when I am no where near work of any kind, because of the stress and resentment I feel towards it. I feel like my future is bleak...and I'm terrified. Of failure, of unhappiness, of being alone in the end. I cry. And yet...I'm angry, not at anyone in particular (most of the time...) but at...Time. Nature. My life. Abstract things that tend to piss me off as if they were right infront of me, taunting me. I don't think about suicide because that would be letting this misery win. I will not let the misery win. And I don't see how other people could just bail on life; forfit from this duel with unhappiness. I think that may be what makes me happy. Being with friends and family, playing my guitars, listening to music, horse riding... it makes me smile. And gives me the satisfaction of knowing that the misery is losing its grip on me; losing this fight.

    I feel like your letter summed up everything I feel, and left me saying:

    I want to go home.
    January 5th, 2008 at 12:23pm
  • I completely get what you are saying in each letter. I have days when I just wonder about everything and everyone and question it all.
    When you got into writing each letter you covered every aspect, well done.

    Yours cruelly
    December 27th, 2007 at 12:57pm
  • Ok so when are you going to post more or are you done?
    December 17th, 2007 at 01:06am
  • ..... I am speechless. I so get it. And thats wierd cause sometimes I odnt get it.

    I want to go home to. But sometimes home is not where you live. Sometimes home is with people you love. Where you feel safe and stuff like that. Well I felt safe in England. at school. But now I must find a new home to call my own and right now it definately isnt here...
    December 17th, 2007 at 01:06am

    I am afraid of all those things! I fear all those things. I dont want to become all those things. I want to be me and live long. I am not scared of death but what I will miss if I die...

    I am going to go read your fifth one now. They are all so good...
    December 17th, 2007 at 01:03am
  • Wow. I am speechless with the last paragraph on your third letter. Why moan when you can laugh? Why laugh when you can cry? Why cry when you can frown? Why frown when you can smile? Why smile when you can sing?

    I so love it!! I am going to go read your fourth letter now.
    December 17th, 2007 at 12:58am
  • ok. Wow. You have a way with words. Yes you do.

    And yet again I can relate to your statements. Pain is a big thing. Mental, emotional and physical. I would rather have physical pain then the others. which sucks no matter what kind of pain you have...

    going to read ur third letter.
    December 17th, 2007 at 12:55am
  • I have read the first letter and I think you are right.

    I have been labeled prep. Just because of how I dress. That was in the 4th grade. Then people started dressing like me and the label went away. Here everyone dresses like everyone. Well not really but we al dress like preps. Which is good cause I hate getting lebled cause it meeans nothing.

    Going to read your second letter.
    December 17th, 2007 at 12:53am
  • Honestly, I''m not sure how to respond to that last letter. It's hard to try and explain what I'm thinking...
    erg. I'm confused now.
    December 8th, 2007 at 02:15am
  • The stuff you wrote about here is stuff that most people usually bypass in life. Most people just get through life. They don't stop to think about these kind of things. Things they don't bother with. Well let me tell you,
    sometimes, it takes finding another person who does think of these things, to start thinking of them yourself.
    Well done. Well done indeed.
    December 3rd, 2007 at 01:56am
  • omg this really spoke to me... **starts crying** (my inner emo is taking over me and "smothering me and its sooo dark like a black abyss...." blah blah blah)
    jk i love you babe
    you know it
    i havent read it yet but its prolly good
    ok im gunna go read it now and write you a for real comment later
    kk luv ya ttyl lovie
    .:miss ellienoir:.
    July 19th, 2007 at 08:47am
  • thank you so much. no one seems to really care about the stuff like that. i'll try to get some more chapters in soon.
    March 17th, 2007 at 04:35pm
  • That was amazing. It's really insightful.
    March 11th, 2007 at 03:35am