December 1st, 2012 at 02:06am
I got to this through comment swap, and its not the kind of story i would normally read or know anything about, so i apologise if this isnt extremely helpful...
getting to the point, anyway- my major thought on this are that the complexities of the plot an characters are interesting enough to ake me read more than the required two chapters, which is a great sign given that i dont like black metal enough to read about it usually.
The only advice i have, though, is to work on plot coherency and timing. it all seems to move really fast, and sometimes the detail you do have isnt enough to fill out the story at this pace. For example, it seems odd when the mayhem (i think that was the name, sorry if its not xD ) band members walk off; here the scene would be more fufilling if this occured just before or after the girls arrive, for interests sake.
Hope this is useful! =)
I felt the plot moved a little too fast for me, it confused me a little. I've never heard of any of the bands in this story, so I was kind of reading it without really knowing much- but I was able to read more than a chapter because it interests me a little. The layout fits he story but fcuked with my eyes a little but I think your chapters could be a little longer (i only read the first 3) I found a few spelling problems nothing that can't be fixed. Keep going with it though and good luck