Operation Beautiful - Comments

  • OKAY. I am determined to write a comment for every chapter.. or whenever! ;D So be prepared to be comment-attacked. Kay? Kay. You have been warned. <3

    Already, You have me smiling, laughing, and shaking my head. And I haven't even finished chapter 1. (Almost!) I'm excited to keep reading, and learn who's been handing out post-it notes! :333

    I hate you now. D:< My Spike Obsession has come back! WHY? WHY? WHY?! I am so jealous of Clarice right now. It's not even funny T-T But the good thing is, you made me laugh like an idiot! ;D (Almost fell off my chair too)...

    “Things Never to Say to Your Girlfriend #53.” It’s Janice, the ridiculously sarcastic blond cheerleader. “Join us next time for our Shopping Episode.” Clarice laughs.

    “Spike, does this dress make me look fat?” She asks, playing along.

    “Like a whale, babe,” Janice says, in a deep fake-Spike voice. Then she switches back to her usual dry tone. “And then he loses his balls.”

    “I wouldn’t lose my balls!” Spike protests as everyone laughs.

    “Like a needle in a haystack, baby,” Clarice says, shaking her head. “Now hurry up and tell me I’m not a cow before I go white bitch on your ass.” His eyes go wide and he pulls her into a hug.

    “Not a cow!” he yells. “Never a cow! More like...a mermaid. Or an attractive, weightless iguana.” Everyone just turns to stare at him. “What? You don’t think iguanas are awesome?”

    The best part of your writing? Your sense of humor, your characters and how well-developed they are. I envy your writing skills to the maximum of envy :(

    Right now, I have no constructive criticism to give! <3 (Not like I want to..)

    So here's the end of my long comment.. <3 ;D
    March 17th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • Perfect ending ! Like PERFECT perfect . :)
    I actually like this story better then "It Started With A Bet"'? :$
    Is that weird to anyone other than myself ?
    I liked the plot a lot, I loved Emma (she's my favorite character), and I love Corey (he's too sweet and naive and reminds me of the guy I like) and I love the title too.
    At first I didn't understand why it was called "Operation Beautiful", not even after the whole sticky note thing with the 'Smile , your beatiful.' thing. :$ But now I understand it and I love it !
    My favorite parts were the sleepover scene, the whole iguana thing, when Corey took Emma ice skating and the last chapter. :)
    I love your writing ! So please don't ever stop, Kay ? :P
    Now I'm off to Confidence. :D

    - AndreaAz <3
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:30am
  • This was a great story! I am so glad that I found it and read it.
    I'm looking forward to more!(:
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:25am
  • Woah that ending was CRAZY I loved it.Mmmmmkay imma go read the next one:)
    March 5th, 2011 at 04:34am
  • Woh what are 'Desi' people...hehe my real name is Desi so im wondering what in the world they are??Should i lock my doors and windows??:\
    March 4th, 2011 at 09:18pm
  • I read this whole story over a 2-day span and...Oh my goodness.....that was the best story ever! I really like how I fell in love with Corey and Trever and how they took care of Emma and Haley <3 I also liked reading all of the authors notes :D I usually hate those, but yours were so funny and nice! You're just awesome! *Sigh* Now I have to go read the prequel and sequel...yay!
    March 4th, 2011 at 03:59am
  • Oh. My. God. <3
    This story is by far, wayyyy worth reading. I am kind of happy that i skipped so much homework and read this instead :D
    March 3rd, 2011 at 02:51am
  • Can I just say that this was the perfect ending? It was really amazing. It'll be interesting to Have Janice fill in the gaps but it'll be exciting. I can't wait.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 02:32am
  • I can't believe it's over. It was a great ending though and I thought it was super cute. I honestly can't comprehend how they can just not think about it though. I'm one of those people that ponders over every possible scenario and likes to have things planned so I'm not a chicken running around without a head... Haha Looking forward to Holding On so that I can find out what truly happens with them. :)
    March 2nd, 2011 at 07:43pm
  • Great job!!! :D I loved this story so much!!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 02:05pm
  • Woah, woah woah. Hold the phone and wait a minute. Its DONE!?! Did I miss something!?!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 11:22am
  • i came across this story after your final update and i'm so glad i did!
    It was amazing, well written, had really well deeveloped characters and a well thoughtout plot.
    all in all an amazing story, great job!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 04:47am
  • WAIT, WHAT??!! HE DOESN'T EVEN SING FOR HIS GIRLFRIEND???!!! That's crazy. Why don't you make cow's fly on an epilogue? Then he would have to because it's not pigs, it's cows. Okay, weird mental image...
    March 2nd, 2011 at 04:42am
  • I CAN"T BELIEVE IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god. *tear* But this story was AMAZING! And I can't WAIT for JANICE!!!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 04:22am
  • the end !??!?! D; b-but-but it can't be! I WASN'T PREPARED D; *sniff sniff* such a cute story....


    oh and my favorite part.... hmmmm

    everything :3
    March 2nd, 2011 at 02:27am
  • AH! The end?! *cries* Oh my God. But this last chapter was ADORABLE! AND YES! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! :D :D :D As they should. And Corey's going to school in LA, I just know it. And then Emma and Corey are going to get married and have little children. It'll be cute. :D And their date was sooo cute...

    But ahhhhhhhhhh. So amazing. Really. This story was absolutely fantastic, and I always squealed a little when there was an update listed in my e-mail inbox. Which was, like, every day. Ha-ha. Now I shall go subscribe to the next story... I'm eager to read about Janice, since there's no so much to be said about her, other than the whole yes-Steve, no-Steve thing. Ha-ha.
    March 1st, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • I'm eating berry crunch cereal and reading the last chapter ya I'd say I'm happy<3
    March 1st, 2011 at 05:57pm
  • :( sad day that it is over don't have time to type a huge comment will do that later
    March 1st, 2011 at 12:30pm
  • LOL
    I KNEW he had to be high... his eyes were a did give away lol epic...

    also great update! :P
    March 1st, 2011 at 09:58am
  • 1) this is my last comment on this story... HOW SAD IS THAT!!! I legit would cry if I could at this moment (to tired to have any real emotional expression)
    2) My favorite parts
    1- When Corey admitts to Emma he likes her
    2- the whole eugune thing (yeah sorry I spelt that wrong)
    3- The whole sticky notes in heart formation to prove to her he legit likes her
    4- This last chapter
    3) Favorite Characters
    1- Trevor (baised from it all started with a bet...)
    2- Corey (cause he is SUCH A SWEETHEART!!!)
    3- Spike (cause he's spike!!!)
    4- Emma (cause she is just so perfect for Corey)
    5- Haley (biased from it all started with a bet, and because she kept shoving everyone together)
    4) I want to see in the next story Haley and Trevor, and Corey and Emma, also I think Jessica should find a guys cause she was a b**** often times but in the end she did honestly want what was best for Emma
    5) I am a book/storyalcoholic and I have read TONS of stories and books and this one and it started with a bet are at the TOP of my list :)
    6) can you please let me know when you start posting your next story
    7) I generally keep my comments on most people's stories VERY SHORT just to let them know I'm reading and that I love it, but I can't do that with your story more times than not I write you the longest comments I ever comment!!! ( and I read stories in 2 places and like 50 stories on here and 20 on the other place) so you should realize how much I love your story
    8) I know it is long but it will be my last comment on THIS story so I had to make it long (hey I numbered it to make it comprhendable(sorry once again I can't spell for my life))
    9) :D <3
    March 1st, 2011 at 07:29am