Operation Beautiful - Comments

  • I really like this story so far! It's pretty funny. I laughed a few times throughout it. Keep it up! :D
    January 8th, 2011 at 07:20am
  • @Artemis33-- I was actually laughing when I wrote that part XD

    @Believe In Me; --maybe you were the one to post that picture online 0.o It's like you're my little entourage/fan club leader person. hehe. If I ever become well known you can be like "Psh. I was around since her first mibba story, so put that in your juice box and suck it!"

    @Ballerina Girl -- Haha. I'm glad I made you laugh. The iguana part made ME laugh when I was writing it, and the only reason I added the horse line was because I didn't want Corey to be the only mean one. But it's okay, they'll make it up to her, hehehe.

    @darklight -- don't worry. It's coming up sooner than you think, hopefully....

    @the_quick_writer -- I'm glad you like it♥ yeah, I'll check and see about that background. I was looking at my computer from a distance and I thought "woah..." so maybe I'll make it more pastel or something. Is anyone else finding it trippy?
    January 8th, 2011 at 07:10am
  • OMG!!! I love it so far!!!!
    But can I make one suggestion, I dont know if it is just me, but the green background kind of messes with my eyes. If its just me, Ill deal with it : )
    But I love it!!! Really I do!! I also love that its in Corey's perspective!
    AND I was laughing non stop!
    Again my mom and sister thought I was crazy for just having my eyes attached to the screen and laughing.
    Cant wait for the next update!
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:58am
  • ha i love matt a corey

    I really like the idea of idea of the story

    can't wait for the next update
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:50am
  • Best Parts where i was laughing my butt off: “Not a cow!” he yells. “Never a cow! More like...a mermaid. Or an attractive, weightless iguana.” Everyone just turns to stare at him. “What? You don’t think iguanas are awesome?”

    “Dude, you totally yelled after me!”
    “Are you kidding me? Please! I yelled like five minutes before you!”
    “Exaggerator much?”
    “Well, I sure as hell am not kissing her!”
    “You think I am? I’d rather kiss a moose!”
    “I’d rather kiss a horse!”
    (even though the second one was kinda mean i found it funny :D their bickering)
    hahaha i like this story so far! it's seems like it could get really interesting from here!! Love it worldclass!!!
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:47am
  • Aha. Love these guys in the story. Their so funny.

    Yeah. Now here we are, again. Imma stick with you till you finish this story.

    Updae soon.

    Oh and btw the picture wit the hand writing it looks like my hand writing(:
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:46am
  • “Not a cow!” he yells. “Never a cow! More like...a mermaid. Or an attractive, weightless iguana.” Everyone just turns to stare at him. “What? You don’t think iguanas are awesome?”

    OHMYGOSH that just made me laugh my a** off!

    I LOVE THIS STORY *grin, grin* It makes me smile. And that makes me happy. THIS STORY RULES SO FAR!!

    Love it <3 If you couldn't already tell.

    AND.... YES! First commenter and subscriber!
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:23am