Operation Beautiful - Comments

  • this.is.bliss.

    this.is.bliss. (100)

    United States
    Looks like I'm not the only one that reads your stories in a drunken stupor, though it only happened once on my part.

    So I feel absolutely dreadful that I haven't commented in a bit. Last night as I was reading, I got about halfway through and my internet just cut out. It likes to do that to me occassionally. I guess you'll just be getting another ridiculously long comment to make up for it. again. Internet don't fail me now. And since I liked how I did my last comment, I will be going over every chapter with feedback on each, for your reading pleasure. :P

    lorraine, just leave them alone
    I really liked the scene between Corey and Mark here. As amused as I was by his humorous attempts at trying to be the stern father-figure before, this was much needed. It's nice to see him show the more protective side of his place as her father. Their talk about college reminds me of the night a year into my relationship with my husband (back when we were just boyfriend/girlfriend) and his step-dad wanted to have a talk with me in regards to Kyle joining the military...
    Let's just say in comparison to our talk, Corey had it easy...

    we've thought about it, obviously, but we haven't really discussed it
    I think it's adorable that Trevor sings to Haley and that he made her that recording. When I was in high school all I wanted was a sweet guy with a pretty voicce to serenade me. Instead I got stuck with a slightly tone-deaf husband with a corny sense of humor and romanticism. I guess my mom and I go for the same kind of guys, cuz my Dad is just like that, haha!
    The college thing is a serious issue though, and I'm glad you're tackling this. Most stories just end at graduation with no thoughts of what happens next, but you keep it real. I'm lovin' it. :P

    eugene? really?
    I adore Spike. If I personally had to pick any of the guys in this story to date, oh boy. It would be him in a heartbeat. I think the idea of him deciding to go through all the effort of making himself look presentable for this dinner for Haley and Trevor's sake is adorable. And Eugene? Classic. I can't for the life of me imagine what his real name could be, but Eugene is KILLIN' IT!! And gosh do I want Janice and Matt together. I think that now that Janice has been more accepted into the group as a friend instead of a nuissance she's becoming a better person and I think that a second shot at their relationship could work out much better than even they could imagine.

    Most importantly with this chapter though is the conversation between Corey and his mother. I actually thought you did a pretty darn good job on it. It's hard to capture the feeling of a conversation like that sometimes, but you did it nicely. While he was tactless in his approach, it's just... it's so Corey. He probably should have talked to her ages ago about his applying to schools in the states, since that was something he was doing before him and Em became an item. That way his mother wouldn't be able to blame the relationship for Corey leaving home, but i'm sure she would have tied it back to Em eventually anyway.... mothers.

    there's a sudden crack
    This chapter had me laughing a ridiculous amount and my husband was looking at me like I was crazy half the time. The shit Spike says- and in such a calm manner- I can just imagine how funny that would be. I could never do that though. I didn't get the nickname "Little Miss Giggles" from my philosophy teacher for nothing. I honestly turn everything into a damn joke in my mind and burst out laughing at even just the slightest bit of humor. If i had been in that room with them I would have been on the floor, gasping for air as I hyperventilate from excessive laughter. No lie, my first family dinner with Kyle involved that's what happened...
    And I'm super proud of Mrs. Waters. Mr. Waters is a douchebag, but Haley's mom is slowly starting to learn the priorities and duties of a mother, and I'm proud of her growth. I'm even prouder of Trevor, who even in an uncomfortable situation with an intimidating man, he stood up for his girl. That is the most important thing right there, and he gets double kudos for being an awesome boyfriend.

    And this.... I love Mrs. Waters for sticking up to Trevor. (Yes, I know this sounds weird coming from the author, but a lot of times my characters just kind of do their own thing and I'm like "oh, well that's nice.") made me bust out the giggles too. I'm constantly thinking the same thing as I write. I only just started a story and already I've lost contol of what they do. I had something planned, but my main character changed the entire thing within the first couple paragraphs, the crafty little devil.

    Can't wait to see what comes next!!! :)
    February 27th, 2011 at 09:04am
  • Discontinued

    Discontinued (1350)

    United States
    Okay this may sound bad, but I'm drunk att he moment so I might have to go back and re-read the new chapter. Since everything was blurred.
    But, from what I read and could comprehend, it was a very rageful and great chapter.
    February 27th, 2011 at 07:28am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Well, first, I'm just going to say again how much I absolutely adore Spike. He literally makes me laugh hysterically, and I wish that he was real because he would be my best friend. Oh, and I love Corey's awkwardness. "Quite long hair you have." "Ah. Thank you." Nice save, Corey. *sigh*

    ANYWAY, hmm...favorite part, favorite part...that's a hard question. Though I really do love that iguana quote by Spike. Gosh, recurring theme in this comment. Hahaha. Anything that Spike says is pretty awesome. But for a plot part...I loved Corey and Emma's kiss because I just looked at the sky and was like, "FINALLYYYYYY!"

    I loved that Mrs. Waters stuck up for Trevor because Trevor is awesome and therefore deserves backup. :)

    And Mr. Waters should go somewhere and curl into a ball...where no one will talk to him...and cinderblocks get periodically dropped on his head. He's a jerk and Trevor is SO WONDERFUL to his daughter. He should be thankful.

    I can't really add to that list, but I think the name Coreleigh is really pretty...

    Oh, gosh. This comment has gotten quite long, hasn't it? Oh, well. That's what I get for commenting after one in the morning. WOOT WOOT.
    February 27th, 2011 at 07:13am

    ALLSTARLOVE333 (450)

    United States
    1) I got my friend to read your story :D and so for she likes it :D
    2) I was legit SPAZZING the WHOLE chapter thank gosh I was home alone while I was readin
    3) OK I HATE Mr.Walters GOSH he is just a stupid idiot who doesn't know his own kid GRRRR
    4) must agree Mrs. Walters ROCKS and KICKS ASS for doing that
    5) I know what you mean by characters kind of just writting themseleves for you
    6) fav quote “Here I am, trying to--no, no, don’t ‘Oh, Spike’ me! My name is Eugene, madam and I am here to save your ass. Now open the frikken door.”
    7) o and YES I would LOVE to RIP Mr. Walters GUT OUT GRRR I would just get so fustrated him I would have slapped him across the face... no lie
    8) ans dude I LOVE Trevor for going though all that, and then before leaving saying he loves her just too perfect
    9) and Cemma ( I was going to say the Co from Corey and the ma from emma but that spells Coma and that isn't good!!!)
    10) and CONGRATS ON THE SUBBERS!!!! :D
    February 27th, 2011 at 06:22am
  • little_dreamer

    little_dreamer (100)

    United States
    awwww! Trevor is so freaking ADORABLE! and Im so glad that Haley's mom stood up for Trevor. he needed it because Haleys dad is a total asshole!
    and my favorite part is the entire Valentines day! the whole starting to get to the point of the date was so freaking adorable. my favorite part!
    i love Spike and his 'i want to say something like a smartass' its awesome...
    February 27th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • little_dreamer

    little_dreamer (100)

    United States
    awesomeness!!!!! i got first again! 8-2! heck yea
    February 27th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • little_dreamer

    little_dreamer (100)

    United States
    i feel so freaking bad for Corey....he does know how to royally screw everything up.... but how can you not love the adorableness that causes...

    i hope Taley's dinner go alright. and i hope Haley's dad isnt a total jerk to Trevor...that would be sad..but it looks like its gonna turn out that way because it causes a good chapter.

    Spike has to have a god awful name to go by Spike...lol and i cant wait to find out what it is...and it was soo sweet how he said he would go for moral support...

    and Janice was oh so smooth...poor Matt he is hooked like a fish...

    the next chapter should be amazing! cant wait
    February 27th, 2011 at 04:28am
  • SynfulxColors

    SynfulxColors (100)

    United States
    Oh my good golly gosh!!! I love love love this!
    And I'm so Freaking fan fucking tastically happy that Em and Corey are together finally!
    And Haley and Trevor...so adorable. I hope her dad isnt going to be a total dick right off!
    I mean, he obviously shouldn't have the right if he's been gone
    No matter if it was for a job thing or not. Fuck that
    And OMFG....I love SPIKE! He's Freaking awesome.
    And I love how he says the handsomest shit or plays around with his friends.
    I think its super super adorable. :))
    And poor Mattie and EVIL Janice. I feel so sorry for the poor boy but he's hooked. Lol.
    Keep your awesome skillz comin' to even though I know you could never dissapoint with this story!!!
    February 27th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • PeaceOutDude123

    PeaceOutDude123 (100)

    United States
    Okay, so the Eugene part totally had me cracking up. And I'm at my dad's so he doesn't know about the amazingness of your stories like my mom does. And I just got really weird looks from him and his girlfriend. =)
    February 27th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • worldclass

    worldclass (100)

    United States
    I made Piranha Priya a banner!
    February 27th, 2011 at 02:11am
  • incirclesoflight

    incirclesoflight (100)

    United States
    Eugene<3 oh yes. :) I love it.

    I could see like a Maximilian for Spike's real name though and he's called Spike because...he's him.

    && I bet the dinner will---like most people think---be terrible. Not sure why, but that's what I think.

    Update soon. :)
    February 27th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • katediplodocus

    katediplodocus (100)

    United Kingdom
    I think Spike has a really weird name, hence why he gets called Spike.I thin he'd be called Ronald or something! :D
    February 26th, 2011 at 10:07pm
  • jojo13617

    jojo13617 (100)

    United States
    oh and i think that Spike's real name is Darren. It suits him.
    February 26th, 2011 at 10:07pm
  • jojo13617

    jojo13617 (100)

    United States
    i love this story(: With Trevor and Haley's dad i think that maybe her dad might actually know Trevor, cause you know how his family is friend's with Haley's old best friend's family? Well maybe Trevor's parents could know Haley's dad also and he thus knows Trevor and will like him. I don't know it's only a thought xD
    February 26th, 2011 at 10:07pm
  • Discontinued

    Discontinued (1350)

    United States
    Lol, this was a pretty nice chapter.
    February 26th, 2011 at 09:08pm
  • Bubbleloveworld

    Bubbleloveworld (100)

    United States
    sommething like connor thats a nice name
    February 26th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • MarmaladeK.Gnome

    MarmaladeK.Gnome (100)

    you should call spike rupert XD
    February 26th, 2011 at 03:35pm
  • FlyMeToTheMoon

    FlyMeToTheMoon (100)

    United States
    To be completely honest, I started reading this story out of complete boredom but I actually REALLY like it! I thought it was going to be some cheesy love story, which it is but in a great way. Not just sappy love drama, it actually has other stuff going on..and is totally relatable. I subscribed, and plan to continue reading it when you update it!! (: (:
    February 26th, 2011 at 09:53am
  • im fluent in sarcasm

    im fluent in sarcasm (100)

    United Kingdom
    Spike is too awesome. He's just...Spike. No other name suits him. Oh wait, what about Archibald? Haha *shudder shudder* NOT. Or maybe he's more of a...Drew?

    Hmm, judging by the fact you're askin our opinion on this the dinner will be a disaster. But who knows? Maybe you'll make it seem that way to lead us on and then it ends up as a nice friendly dinner.

    Once again, Corey you're an idiot. You have no excuses.

    Personally I like Janice and stve better than Matt and Janice Matt's more of a...actually I have no clue what he is more of, but I'm Team Steve. But in the Janice spinoff, Matt would be a worthy second male lead! But I still think Steve deserves it.
    February 26th, 2011 at 09:04am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Poor Corey. Well, at least we know that he's SUPER talented at not saying what he means and ruining everything.

    I love Spike to death, but for him to have a nickname like Spike, I think he definitely has to have a dopey first name...just maybe not Eugene worthy. Are you going to reveal it anytime soon?

    Poor Matt. I hope he's not being led on...ha-ha. And that was awesome of Clarice...

    The dinner will probably not go too well...but what's not to like about Trevor, really? Ha-ha.

    WOO! I answered everything! :) Awesome update!
    February 26th, 2011 at 06:28am